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Node Ruins 'FFA PvP'

AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
Ok, so I kinda figured someone else would have made this post by now, but...

Didn't we just get a massive data drop effectively saying:
"We can treasure hunt in a PvP FFA zone made up of the ruins of a destroyed node."

It isn't just me who interpreted Question 18's answer from the AMA as a massive new data dump, is it?

Did we know all this before and I just ENTIRELY miss it so we don't have anything to talk about relative to it?
"I blame society."
"For what...?"
"Just about everything, really."


  • AsgerrAsgerr Member, Alpha Two
    This was entire new information yes. Before today we knew that nodes could be destroyed, but that meant it was gone and nothing more.

    I'm curious to see how this new feature will actually play out, seems like a lot of players will just entirely avoid it, so as to avoid the PvP altogether
  • SathragoSathrago Member, Alpha Two
    So the first things that immediately stick out to me is this:

    Why wouldn't the people who won the siege just finish looting it while already there?

    Is there a delay before you can interact with these ruins?

    Is there a finite amount of loot according to what was in the city, or does it respawn?

    Are there any npcs or hazards to make the place difficult to farm for large groups of players outside of pvp?
    Commissioned at
  • LudulluLudullu Member, Alpha Two
    Guess the second time around this kind of news doesn't hit as hard as the first time :D

    Though I don't really have much to say about it. The seas change was huge because that's smth you might have to deal with every other day or maybe once-twice a week, depending on how your guild does raiding and farming. But this change might only happen once a few weeks, if not even less often.

    Node sieges are supposedly costly things which also result in a fairly big shift of things around them (especially with the latest change to the node system), so I really think that the sieges will be somewhat rare and would also lead to the big guilds that initiated the siege to pretty much control the ruins for as long as possible. And at that point it wouldn't be too different from a guild or a node war.

    Well, at least that's how I see it working out. Obviously we'll have to see it in practice to know for sure.
  • AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Sathrago wrote: »
    So the first things that immediately stick out to me is this:

    Why wouldn't the people who won the siege just finish looting it while already there?

    Is there a delay before you can interact with these ruins?

    Is there a finite amount of loot according to what was in the city, or does it respawn?

    Are there any npcs or hazards to make the place difficult to farm for large groups of players outside of pvp?

    Most of that is stuff we DO know from previous information.

    I would assume the people who won WOULD try to loot it. In fact, I would think and hope this was the entire mechanic. And therefore that there would be little if any delay.

    It's a way to have a two stage 'siege'. The first half is 'can you bring down the node', but that's on a timer, right? There's a win/loss condition. Then after that is the question 'are you strong enough to loot it too?', because all the citizens are still around trying to protect their belongings until you scatter them to the winds, or 'take what you can and run'. I think that's awesome.

    The loot was implied to be finite in the answer Steven gave, based on 'what the Node achieved' and 'what was in the warehouses'. That's easy code, barely any effort, so probably fine.

    I would hope that there were NOT any NPCs or hazards. I mean, I would have thought that it was a bit weird to 'have your Node Sieged for an hour, lose, and then that just be it'. No chance to 'keep that feeling going'. No 'cool story where some badass Knight literally fights to exhaustion to protect the Reliquary against all comers whereas they couldn't save the entire Node before, they can do at least this'.

    Epic stuff.
    "I blame society."
    "For what...?"
    "Just about everything, really."
  • LudulluLudullu Member, Alpha Two
    Don't forget that Steven said it's gonna be in that state for a few days. So I'd assume it's either super difficult to dig up all the items or there's some sort of limit on how fast you can get them. Or they might have something completely different in mind.
  • DepravedDepraved Member, Alpha Two
    steven said before that destroying a node will make part of the items of that node available for looting by the victors. the new info explained that it will be a pvp area where players can dig and find hidden treasures.

    so i guess as soon as the war finishes, the victors will be able to loot the node, and then after that, everybody will be able to dig all over the ruins for a few days and find more treasures
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    This isn't new info imo.

    We've known for a while that when a node is destroyed via a siege, the siegers have the ability to loot the spoils exclusively for a period of time, and then it is open to all after that.

    The way it was worded in the podcast last year made me assume it would be a FFA PvP thing (they can go and interact with those with those debris fields and attempt to claim things.).
  • TyranthraxusTyranthraxus Member, Alpha Two
    Sathrago wrote: »
    ....Why wouldn't the people who won the siege just finish looting it while already there?

    Is there a delay before you can interact with these ruins?....

    To the first question: I think that's the point. Some folks won't have partaken in the Siege per lockouts, and others - specially defeated defenders - will have a new reason to group back up and wait for the end of the Siege, to charge in and claim prizes they know will await in the ruins of their now-former homes.

    It'd probably be best without a delay - though he did mention there will be a cooldown while the ruins exist, before the chance to re-level the Node arises.

    Would have to agree with the OP; this was a GREAT data/info-drop!

  • BaSkA_9x2BaSkA_9x2 Member, Alpha Two
    It's new information afaik and it's a very interesting idea, it will probably allow for people who just got rekt to try and get some stuff back and attract players from all over the world. And it's also a very fitting place to have FFA PvP (unlike the ocean 😇).
    🎶Galo é Galo o resto é bosta🎶
  • Azherae wrote: »
    Sathrago wrote: »
    So the first things that immediately stick out to me is this:

    Why wouldn't the people who won the siege just finish looting it while already there?

    Is there a delay before you can interact with these ruins?

    Is there a finite amount of loot according to what was in the city, or does it respawn?

    Are there any npcs or hazards to make the place difficult to farm for large groups of players outside of pvp?

    Most of that is stuff we DO know from previous information.

    I would assume the people who won WOULD try to loot it. In fact, I would think and hope this was the entire mechanic. And therefore that there would be little if any delay.

    It's a way to have a two stage 'siege'. The first half is 'can you bring down the node', but that's on a timer, right? There's a win/loss condition. Then after that is the question 'are you strong enough to loot it too?', because all the citizens are still around trying to protect their belongings until you scatter them to the winds, or 'take what you can and run'. I think that's awesome.

    The loot was implied to be finite in the answer Steven gave, based on 'what the Node achieved' and 'what was in the warehouses'. That's easy code, barely any effort, so probably fine.

    I would hope that there were NOT any NPCs or hazards. I mean, I would have thought that it was a bit weird to 'have your Node Sieged for an hour, lose, and then that just be it'. No chance to 'keep that feeling going'. No 'cool story where some badass Knight literally fights to exhaustion to protect the Reliquary against all comers whereas they couldn't save the entire Node before, they can do at least this'.

    Epic stuff.

    I'm pretty sure once the node is destroyed and becomes lootable then that area becomes an open PVP zone. This could be the reason why nodes can make alliances. If there's a limit to how many people can partake in a node siege an alliance doesn't make sense other than for maybe caravan protection. However, now even if a node is destroyed you have to worry about whatever potential alliance that node has. This also means the attacking party can have alliances to participate in the looting process. Both parties will also have to worry are any 3rd or fourth parties either from another node or individual adventurers.
  • maouwmaouw Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Defs new info.
    I remember entire threads asking for "node ruins" but at the time we were told, "too complex, node resets to stage 0"

    Node ruins makes way more sense, if Intrepid think it's achievable.
    I wish I were deep and tragic
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    maouw wrote: »
    Defs new info.
    I remember entire threads asking for "node ruins" but at the time we were told, "too complex, node resets to stage 0"

    Node ruins makes way more sense, if Intrepid think it's achievable.

    IIRC those threads were asking for permanent or near permanent ruins.

    What we have instead is basically just the end state of the node in a siege, it's just hanging around for a few days.

    To me, the only *new* part of it that I didn't expect is that it will last a few days - I expected a few hours for looting, and kind of assumed the ruined state of the node would remain until the next server maintenance (which I guess technically could still be the case). My assumption though was that it would be in a wasted state until then, rather than having some looting value hold over.

    The rest of what has been said are what I assumed would be the case.
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Azherae wrote: »
    Did we know all this before and I just ENTIRELY miss it so we don't have anything to talk about relative to it?
    It's new. Steven says in the vid that it's a change they made a while ago but had not shared publicly before the AMA.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    Dygz wrote: »
    Azherae wrote: »
    Did we know all this before and I just ENTIRELY miss it so we don't have anything to talk about relative to it?
    It's new. Steven says in the vid that it's a change they made a while ago but had not shared publicly before the AMA.

    With the exception of the ruins lasting a few days, there isnt really any other way they could have gone about the aftermath of a successful siege though. It kind of has to be FFA PvP.

    They may not have announced it, but nothing else would make sense - hence why I dont consider it new information. Perhaps clarifying/confirming things a bit, but not new info.
  • CROW3CROW3 Member, Alpha Two
    Hm… maybe if the folks burying treasure in the defeated node focused on fighting for their node it wouldn’t have been defeated in the first place. Lazy slobs. 🤪

    I’m not sure how new this is. I think we’ve had a sense that a defeated node would be lootable - the new part may be how long it stays lootable.

    I wonder if that’s ensuring the victors have enough time (from a player r/l perspective) to get a chance to get something from the siege - or whether there is something deeper that could appear in the defeated node, such as Balrog encounter being unearthed if the player dig ‘too deep and too greedily’?
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    CROW3 wrote: »
    I’m not sure how new this is. I think we’ve had a sense that a defeated node would be lootable - the new part may be how long it stays lootable.
    Yeah, we knew of a two hour looting window after a successful siege.

    It seems the change now is that this window is for those in the siege exclusively, and then the ruined node is opened up to all others after.
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