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Possible ways to Make the Ashes Community the Best it can be?

I have given this topic much thought and have deliberated things within myself, while also speaking with a select few within the community that have helped me as well.

Recently I left a guild that I had spent a significant amount of time with. I had developed what felt to me personally as true friendship. Things had gone well for most all of my time spent there. I saw myself being "home" within what felt like would be my guild for the duration of A2 and long into release and beyond even that. However, this is only MY perspective and meant in no way to target or point fingers. What seemed to me was a giant misunderstanding took place. It seemed that the vast majority of leadership formulated an opinion and then I was contacted by the GM. Upon reading the response I simply felt blindsided, much like I had been hit during my football days, it left me with a feeling that everything I had attempted to explain was not believed in the slightest.

Admittedly, I did go about things improperly and had a reputation of enjoying a good troll and that indeed was the initial purpose that kicked things off. Then as I typed certain experiences I have had in my own personal life; I was no longer in a voice channel due to the fact it was very real and wanting to avoid hearing others as I typed away. At the end I had included certain details on my past experiences that had never been documented. The reason I was able to type these things is because I felt comfortable within a guild for the first time in many years. It truly cut deep when I read certain opinion/context that was presented to me and when I felt it was better for both sides, I chose to hit the leave channel button.

We all need to come together as a community to make this game reach its full potential. We all come from different backgrounds, whether that be race, religion, geographic, etc. We should never simply expect to always game with those that share the same values or traditions. For example, at no point in my MMO career have I been mid raid and had the thought, hmm our shot caller seems like he might be an atheist. And to me that is the beauty of an MMORPG! I have been able to join people from all over the world in order to reach a common goal. To me that is a beautiful thing and not to be taken lightly.

So, I will simply post some personal details about myself in an attempt to help anyone who relates or notices where change might need to occur.

I am currently 44 years of age, at the age of 21 I was diagnosed with a mental illness, that resulted in the end of my attempt at a military career. Came back to my hometown and experienced some truly dark times. However, I found refuge within the MMORPG gaming community. It provided an escape from RL troubles and allowed me to feel at ease during my gaming sessions. There have also been certain points during my hobby that made old wounds reopen. Through it all I have found my way to this stage in life and happier than ever.

I would like to see the ashes community to reach its greatest potential and feel that putting an end to all the negativity, hate, and plain lack of human decency would allow for that.

And again, I will simply state that this is MY story and in no way intended to target anyone, however if you have a slight feeling of regret then maybe take a moment and try to think on it and make a change. For those of you that might feel your voice is not being heard or taken seriously, try to dial up the volume knob to 11. And maybe there are those that feel underappreciated or not fully understood, please simply do your best to express yourself and think of finding a better space for yourself where you will be able to flourish.


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    NiKrNiKr Member
    Racism (and other isms) is bad and all, but tulnars should in fact be killed on sight.

    As for the post itself, there'll always be people that dislike others for random reasons, no matter how much of the community tries to be "better".

    You just gotta move on and find someone else.
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    I suppose, but the only reason to have any dislike of a fellow gamer during time being spent within Verra, with no prior knowledge of who might be at the keys, is derived from conflict taking place within the game mayhaps?
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    And there is ALWAYS room for improvement. How would we fill if during the Dev Discussion soon to take place that Steven himself throws his hands up in the air and simply states "Sorry guys but as it stands, I see no need to improve Ashes. Intrepid Studios is rolling out our work up until this point and enjoy" Could you imagine that happening? I cannot so I just decided to post this to see if any others felt we might owe a little something to Steven and Intrepid by making an attempt to have the community somehow come together to match Steven's "Vision" for AoC as a truly ambitious attempt at a great MMO. Simple as that.
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    I would like to invite anyone who might feel the need to speak to please do. And the most important thing I forgot to add in OP is this. If you relate in any way to my personal story I chose to share, have ever had intrusive thoughts or feelings that are unlike your normal self just please seek out someone to talk to or find some type of activity to take part in that makes you feel better. Just simply know that the world of Verra is waiting for us ALL! It would not be the same if you were for whatever reason unable to take part or enjoy some time there.
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    NiKrNiKr Member
    Silencio wrote: »
    I suppose, but the only reason to have any dislike of a fellow gamer during time being spent within Verra, with no prior knowledge of who might be at the keys, is derived from conflict taking place within the game mayhaps?
    Except, did you play A1 with your guild? Cause if not - they haven't kicked you due to the game. And any impression anyone gets from people on forums/reddit/discord is purely from how they present themselves on those platforms - not how they'll be in the game.
    Silencio wrote: »
    And there is ALWAYS room for improvement. How would we fill if during the Dev Discussion soon to take place that Steven himself throws his hands up in the air and simply states "Sorry guys but as it stands, I see no need to improve Ashes. Intrepid Studios is rolling out our work up until this point and enjoy" Could you imagine that happening? I cannot so I just decided to post this to see if any others felt we might owe a little something to Steven and Intrepid by making an attempt to have the community somehow come together to match Steven's "Vision" for AoC as a truly ambitious attempt at a great MMO. Simple as that.
    I'd say that people's passion for what they consider to be the best for the game is exactly how they're "matching Steven's vision".

    Obviously not everyone has the exact same vision as Steven's, but Steven is also somewhat receptive to others' feedback, otherwise having an open development would be kinda pointless.
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    SilencioSilencio Member
    edited February 29
    I recently awoke from what I what I refer to as a "power nap" opposed to a "proper night's sleep" and felt the urge to come back and share even more insight on a few topics. I feel that life in general will never place more upon an individual than they are capable of handling.

    Every outcome for most situations can be handled in such a way as to avoid conflict and allow us as humans to evolve. I am going to also make a decision to not engage or make any attempt to sway someone from an opinion/reply that might be left within this particular thread. Also, please do not attempt to make any attempt to target me from anything I might have said in voice or some random thread. I for one am going to do my personal part in not adding any fuel to a fire that burns too hot, rather I would like to step back and hopefully due my part in helping douse the flames a bit, so others don't get burned.

    Maybe in some type of way it can allow for more progress to made. I just like to approach things with simple reasoning, being raised in a place with things being taught from a young age, and trust me they are not from any schoolbook, they are just tradition passed down from generations that have come along prior.

    A large impact was made in my life by a Gunnery Sergeant in the Marine Corps. He asked if I was familiar with the K.I.S.S. method when approaching complex and difficult situations. I begin to wrack my brain on trying to remember or decipher what that acronym could possibly mean. He fluidly transitioned from the professional military bearing I was accustomed from seeing him display and began to walk away. Right at the point I began to feel as if I had let him down by not being able to provide the answer, he simply started to laugh and yelled out Keep It Simple Stupid!
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    NiKr wrote: »
    Racism (and other isms) is bad and all, but tulnars should in fact be killed on sight.

    everything that isnt an elf you mean ;3
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    Undead CanuckUndead Canuck Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Depraved wrote: »
    NiKr wrote: »
    Racism (and other isms) is bad and all, but tulnars should in fact be killed on sight.

    everything that isnt an elf you mean ;3

    Everything that isn't a Nikua you mean.
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    Depraved wrote: »
    NiKr wrote: »
    Racism (and other isms) is bad and all, but tulnars should in fact be killed on sight.

    everything that isnt an elf you mean ;3

    Everything that isn't a Nikua you mean.

    Everything that is an Empyrean, you mean B)
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    I feel I have expressed myself thoroughly enough and need to step away and enjoy some music to help decompress for a bit. For some reason I am feeling Civil War by Guns and Roses seems appropriate.

    *steps down from soapbox*
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    NiKrNiKr Member
    Depraved wrote: »
    everything that isnt an elf you mean ;3
    Everything that isn't a Nikua you mean.
    Chonkers wrote: »
    Everything that is an Empyrean, you mean B)
    As long as it's not Dunir B)
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    Join the Py'Rai as we commune in the wilderenss?
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    BarabBarab Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Be at peace brother. All we can do is be kind to each other. Whatever happen in your previous guild is misfortunate but hopefully leads you to a better place in Verra.
    The Dünir Hold Mithril Warhammers,Thanes of the Keelhaul, Dünir scourge of the oceans, Warhammer First Fleet Command of The Dünzenkell Nation, friends to the Dünir Dwarves of the Dünhold.Hammers High!
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    Silencio wrote: »
    Possible ways to Make the Ashes Community the Best it can be?

    You won't have many Options. After all - > it lies solely with the Community itself if it will be Great to be part of it, or not.

    People will for Example have to lay off this "Elbow-Mentality" or other, self-centered Mindset that dominates the Attitude and Demeanor of many People inside WoW.

    Ashes of Creation " WILL " without fail, force People more than other MMO's, to work together.

    You " will " have, to trust other People. And they will have to trust You. If someone scams and betrays his Comrades, that Person must without fail be named towards the Community.

    Otherwise, You won't be able to hold a Node - if you are surrounded by backstabbers. Heck you won't even be able to hold a single Freehold i bet. :D

    I can imagine strong Bonds between actually okay People in the Community to form. If People treat each other like Equals and not like Strangers you can use and then stab in the back in a VideoGame, then You will see the Community shine and Greatness being made ingame. B)
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    GarrtokGarrtok Member
    From my time in the star citizen community: don't become a white Knight, don't defend any bad decisions that are made, don't defend mistakes, don't defend poor communication. That you critize a game or a development of a game, doesn't mean you hate it - literally the opposite is the case. If you discuss and criticize it will lead to a better game.
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    HinotoriHinotori Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    NiKr wrote: »
    Racism (and other isms) is bad and all, but tulnars should in fact be killed on sight.

    First comment poggers.

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    SolvrynSolvryn Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Silencio wrote: »
    I have given this topic much thought and have deliberated things within myself, while also speaking with a select few within the community that have helped me as well.

    Recently I left a guild that I had spent a significant amount of time with. I had developed what felt to me personally as true friendship. Things had gone well for most all of my time spent there. I saw myself being "home" within what felt like would be my guild for the duration of A2 and long into release and beyond even that. However, this is only MY perspective and meant in no way to target or point fingers. What seemed to me was a giant misunderstanding took place. It seemed that the vast majority of leadership formulated an opinion and then I was contacted by the GM. Upon reading the response I simply felt blindsided, much like I had been hit during my football days, it left me with a feeling that everything I had attempted to explain was not believed in the slightest.

    Admittedly, I did go about things improperly and had a reputation of enjoying a good troll and that indeed was the initial purpose that kicked things off. Then as I typed certain experiences I have had in my own personal life; I was no longer in a voice channel due to the fact it was very real and wanting to avoid hearing others as I typed away. At the end I had included certain details on my past experiences that had never been documented. The reason I was able to type these things is because I felt comfortable within a guild for the first time in many years. It truly cut deep when I read certain opinion/context that was presented to me and when I felt it was better for both sides, I chose to hit the leave channel button.

    We all need to come together as a community to make this game reach its full potential. We all come from different backgrounds, whether that be race, religion, geographic, etc. We should never simply expect to always game with those that share the same values or traditions. For example, at no point in my MMO career have I been mid raid and had the thought, hmm our shot caller seems like he might be an atheist. And to me that is the beauty of an MMORPG! I have been able to join people from all over the world in order to reach a common goal. To me that is a beautiful thing and not to be taken lightly.

    So, I will simply post some personal details about myself in an attempt to help anyone who relates or notices where change might need to occur.

    I am currently 44 years of age, at the age of 21 I was diagnosed with a mental illness, that resulted in the end of my attempt at a military career. Came back to my hometown and experienced some truly dark times. However, I found refuge within the MMORPG gaming community. It provided an escape from RL troubles and allowed me to feel at ease during my gaming sessions. There have also been certain points during my hobby that made old wounds reopen. Through it all I have found my way to this stage in life and happier than ever.

    I would like to see the ashes community to reach its greatest potential and feel that putting an end to all the negativity, hate, and plain lack of human decency would allow for that.

    And again, I will simply state that this is MY story and in no way intended to target anyone, however if you have a slight feeling of regret then maybe take a moment and try to think on it and make a change. For those of you that might feel your voice is not being heard or taken seriously, try to dial up the volume knob to 11. And maybe there are those that feel underappreciated or not fully understood, please simply do your best to express yourself and think of finding a better space for yourself where you will be able to flourish.

    People like racism so they roleplay as racists.

    Expect people to gatekeep, attack and derail anything they don't like. Lots of Mensa Society Geniuses in the community. It's not going to change until oppress them in PVP.

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    SilencioSilencio Member
    edited March 2
    I stepped down from my soapbox and haven't paid much thought or felt a reason to break it out again.

    But, if you have read through any of my thoughts or hopes and have yet to grasp something or maybe had zero thought given to how to potentially change a few things and see how it feels, that is your right as a human. However, if you think you are going to get away with creating a character on whatever server I end up and continue to feel the need to act like a spiteful and hateful shrew or continue to try and make others feel inferior to help promote a sense of superiority then you better do your darndest to make sure it is outside my play hours.

    There is zero chance to achieve Utopia IMHO because that is simply a place derived from human thought, and I believe that is unobtainable in Verra as well as Earth. Seems to me certaiin societal norms have gradually invaded the MMORPG space somehow, not sure about any of you, but coming from a simple place and looking at things as basic as it can get and trying to evolve your thought process is pretty neat. Next time you feel the need to disregard something that might have a shred of truth within it, try taking some time before gathering "context" from a supposed trusted leadership system? If you feel you might have in the past with any situation maybe a bit more time might could have been spent, or most importantly "IF" it feels needed to lead people into a collaborative effort, and maybe one member was fairly reliable and tried to play at a personal skill level to attempt and be able to do content. Maybe, just maybe, after gaming with the "guys" and feeling comfortable for once within the guild itself after several raid clears, feels the need to share a story, actually try (re) reading it. Also, if for some reason if you choose to truly lead a group it might be helpful for grunts to see something other than a red dot showing you are not to be disturbed. I don't like to look in a mirror just because I am not handsome, but someone like that needs to look and ask the person staring back a few questions?

    So maybe as a community we can do better as a collective and try to be good to each other as humans enjoying a hobby together?

    cranks up the volume to: A Picture of Me Without You by George Jones
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    DepravedDepraved Member
    Silencio wrote: »
    I stepped down from my soapbox and haven't paid much thought or felt a reason to break it out again.

    So maybe as a community we can do better as a collective and try to be good to each other as humans enjoying a hobby together?

    i dont disagree but...what constitutes better? better for me might not be the same as better for you
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    Hinotori wrote: »
    NiKr wrote: »
    Racism (and other isms) is bad and all, but tulnars should in fact be killed on sight.

    First comment poggers.

    Racism (and other isms) is bad and all, but pineapple pizza is god tier.

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    NiKrNiKr Member
    but pineapple pizza is god tier.
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    SilencioSilencio Member
    In conclusion: There will always be those amongst our daily life that we might come across, that for whatever particular reason, either do not want/know how to react/gauge problems we might be having/had.

    Never expect for everyone you smile at to smile back. If you look at a face that seems truly upset and simply make a kind gesture, but feel it wasn't acknowledged in a way you feel proper, do your best to carry on and not give it much second thought. If this might for whatever reason be in private and you are getting a feel of worry building within, then please find someone or some way to treat that person with the utmost kindness and respect you possibly can.

    I can assure anyone that has read through this post and given it thought that I have not relied upon any type of AI technology to come up with any words and not much help structuring sentences, so they are read easily yet express opinion. Even a good ole boy, redneck, hillbilly, etc. can find a way to express and try to appeal to a much wider audience, if allowed the opportunity, and treated fairly within a community that makes one feel at ease.

    With gratitude,

    P.S. This is now in the moderators' hands as to allow it to remain posted. I have done my best to not sling mud and made zero mention of what caused "things" to feel a need to try and voice my own feelings As I typed out my posts it truly felt self-liberating. As things stand, with my stance on the entire MMORPG scene...not feeling nearly as much reason to game like I have in my past. For those of you who might have helped "an ole troll to come out from under a self-constructed bridge" /salute.
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    AszkalonAszkalon Member
    Racism (and other isms) is bad and all, but pineapple pizza is god tier.


    Suddenly i must think of this Man. Give us Pizza, or give us Death. 😁 😆
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    HinotoriHinotori Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Hinotori wrote: »
    NiKr wrote: »
    Racism (and other isms) is bad and all, but tulnars should in fact be killed on sight.

    First comment poggers.

    Racism (and other isms) is bad and all, but pineapple pizza is god tier.


    It's so gross though aaaa
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