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Sub class after max level

BadHedgehogBadHedgehog Member
edited May 15 in General Discussion
Is there going to be sub class system as in Lineage 2? By that I mean when you reach max level on your main class are you going to be able to take second class and start over from lower level and level it up? Also to include that in Lineage 2 you can switch back and worth between those two but you have to visit NPC in town.


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    edited May 15
    Is the point of this to avoid having to create alts?

    I dislike this thinking because it starts the ball rolling on expanding si game character roles which ruins the game affirmatively as demonstrated by WoW and many others.

    If you make class/race not matter then they cease to matter. Your character is a living entity and making in-game systems that violate that logic ruin the game in my opinion. You can’t have one guy who is a Rogue & Mage & healer. It’s just silly.

    Make more than one character if you want to play a different t character.

    It makes more sense to say you could skip/accelerate certain game content on secondary characters so you don’t have to grind out the main storyline and all the xp repeatedly when you’ve already put the work in. I’d support that!
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    tautautautau Member, Alpha One, Adventurer

    There will be something similar, as described in the wiki here:

    It won't work the same as in L2 (I played L2 and had two subclasses) because you always retain your main archetype. However, your skills and spells will be impacted by your secondary archetype.

    It looks like an interesting system. FYI, Steve Sharif, the lead developer of AoC, was a great fan (and longtime player) of L2, so it appears that many of the most-loved L2 features will be at the core of AoC....hence the enthusiasm of many of the old L2 community.
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    DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Basically, "subclass" after Level 25.
    Max Level is 50.
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    DepravedDepraved Member
    Is there going to be sub class system as in Lineage 2? By that I mean when you reach max level on your main class are you going to be able to take second class and start over from lower level and level it up? Also to include that in Lineage 2 you can switch back and worth between those two but you have to visit NPC in town.

    not at the beginning. just your 2ndary archetype to augment your main.

    maybe we will see subs or dual classes few years down the road. who knows
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    Is the point of this to avoid having to create alts?

    I dislike this thinking because it starts the ball rolling on expanding si game character roles which ruins the game affirmatively as demonstrated by WoW and many others.

    If you make class/race not matter then they cease to matter. Your character is a living entity and making in-game systems that violate that logic ruin the game in my opinion. You can’t have one guy who is a Rogue & Mage & healer. It’s just silly.

    Make more than one character if you want to play a different t character.

    It makes more sense to say you could skip/accelerate certain game content on secondary characters so you don’t have to grind out the main storyline and all the xp repeatedly when you’ve already put the work in. I’d support that!

    I personally prefer to have everything on one character and find it very annoying to get few alts.
    I do think your main still stays your main but otherwise its just more convenient as well to have sub classes on one char, don't need to send items over etc... FF14 have it and I find it amazing, well they have it where you can swap it any time so I don't really like it that way but yea.
    And its not that it would be easy to level up second class as well so people would know that you do have lets say main Tank and sub class healer instead of logging some other character.
    But this is just my opinion and I also see your points as well and understand what you mean.
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    CROW3CROW3 Member
    I'd rather have 5 specialists (alts) than 1 generalist across 5 classes. I find it much easier to play and it's more fun in pvp.
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    ApokApok Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    CROW3 wrote: »
    I'd rather have 5 specialists (alts) than 1 generalist across 5 classes. I find it much easier to play and it's more fun in pvp.

    same here, crafting alts can stay in crafting areas. Also I notice in games where 1 character can do it all tends to have no real economy due to less work to put in
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    bloodprophetbloodprophet Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    This has been debated here since the beginning. I agree with Steven's view that roles should matter. If you see someone that is known for a certain role it should stay that way.

    Long thread from a while back if you're interested in reading it. There are many more if you search for them.
    Most people never listen. They are just waiting on you to quit making noise so they can.
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    DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    If I’m playing an RPG, I’m going to have multiple characters, each with a different combo of gender, Race, Class, Profession, Gear.
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    Apok wrote: »
    CROW3 wrote: »
    I'd rather have 5 specialists (alts) than 1 generalist across 5 classes. I find it much easier to play and it's more fun in pvp.

    same here, crafting alts can stay in crafting areas. Also I notice in games where 1 character can do it all tends to have no real economy due to less work to put in

    I meant only main class, sub class, crafting would still be same, alts just make it more annoying personally(making new name especially) but on same char you don't need that. You change from tank to healer or dps that's all. but you did work hard to get those classes up as well and made your gear
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    DiamahtDiamaht Member, Braver of Worlds, Alpha One
    I wouldn't want to see what we have in FFXIV, where you can have all classes on one character and swap between them.

    It's been brought up in live streams and Steven has stated that they are not doing this. They want to require alts to play other main archetypes.
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    oOKingOooOKingOo Member
    I hope not. To me that is a sure way to instakill immersion. A world where a healer can just become a fighter and then a rogue then a tank etc is just not believable.
    For the empyre !!!
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    You change from tank to healer or dps that's all.

    I don’t think that’s going to be possible … given the “rock-paper-scissors” philosophy towards the eight (8) archetypes.

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