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[NA] Memorandum | PVX | Eastern | Hardcore

SticQenoSticQeno Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
edited April 9 in NA Guild Recruitment
Guild Name: Memorandum


Leader: @sticqeno

Server: North America | Eastern

Focus: PVX, Guild vs. Guild, Castle Sieges, Naval PVP

About Us:

> Memorandum is a new guild seeking dedicated players who want to compete within the world of Verra. We are looking for great players who aren’t afraid to put in the time to earn the rewards that come along with the many challenges we will face. Our goal is simple, to conquer. We are close as a guild, and utilizing our relationships and desires to help each other, along with our common goals; is what will allow us to have that edge during castle/node sieges, dedication during naval PVP, and the appreciation for having a well-organized node.

What We’re Looking For:

> We understand the competitive nature of Sandbox MMORPGs and how much dedication & effort it takes to thrive as a community. Therefore, we're looking for players well-versed in MMORPGs, who are eager to learn and grow as a group, who are looking to understand the intricacies of Ashes of Creation, and who have a natural affinity for PVP and Raiding.

Game Access:

> Current Members 51

> You don’t need to have __alpha 2 access__ at the moment, but it would be preferred.

> If you're interested in working with us, and what we have to offer fits the bill for you, feel free to join our discord or reach out to @sticqeno for any inquiries.agcfjbjc85ye.png


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    SticQenoSticQeno Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Our official applications are now open through our discord!
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    ShadowVenShadowVen Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Awesome community so far. I'm very glad to be part of it and hope to see it grow into a strong tight knit community. SticQeno is doing a great job assembling everything together so far!
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    If you wish to be part of this amazing community, head over to the guild discord mentioned in the original post.

    1) In the #apply-here channel type: /apply and hit enter.
    2) Select "Memorandum" under options.
    3) The bot will PM you with the application form.

    Look forward to seeing you all in Alpha 2!
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