Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

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Additional PvP Flagging Options?

darksingedarksinge Member, Alpha Two
edited November 2024 in General Discussion
I didn't see this idea while perusing the many existing threads, so here it goes.

PvP flagging did not feel good during this first weekend of getting to play. One of the best points of criticism I've heard is: if you're not flagged for pvp and get attacked, you can't immediately start attacking back, but first need to flag yourself for pvp before you can target the other player, at which point, they could already have a significant upper hand (in addition to the upper hand from doing a surprise attack). If someone starts attacking me, it would feel a lot better if I could respond on the offensive instantly and not worry about first hitting Alt+F.

Another point of criticism: I was playing a cleric this weekend. There were multiple times I flagged myself for pvp by healing a party member who engaged in pvp. From a perspective of player agency, there were times that didn't feel good because I didn't want to engage in pvp. If I was killed by another player, I would have wanted to die as a non-combatant in order to make the aggressor become corrupt (which is a totally valid tactic/response to being attacked). However, for obvious reasons, it wouldn't be fair for a healer to remain a non-combatant while providing support and healing to their combatant party member.

So, here's my idea that I think addresses both concerns: additional PvP flagging options! xD
  • Flagged State: You're flagged for pvp and able to attack others on site (how flagging currently works).
  • Ready State: You're not flagged, but if attacked, you automatically enter a flagged state. However, if a party member enters a flagged state, any healing or support you provide causes you to also automatically enter a flagged state.
  • Non-Flagged State: You're not flagged for pvp and if attacked, you must manually enter a flagged state. However, any healing or support you provide to party members in a flagged state has no affect on them until you also enter a flagged state.

As mentioned above, allowing yourself to be killed as a non-combatant is a valid strategy for dealing with unwanted pvp. When I'm in a party or raid with my guild or with friends, I'd want to be in a ready state so that I can instantly react to player threats. However, if I'm in a POG and one of my party members is a moron and attacks another player, I want that to be their problem. I won't always want to be dragged into the mess someone else created, especially if they attack a member of a guild that's allied with my own guild.


  • CaerylCaeryl Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    The clunky nature of flagging definitely wasn't my favorite. Having to manually flag up instead of just being able to return fire on someone who attacks me is a waste of time and puts me at a disadvantage.

  • VeeshanVeeshan Member, Alpha Two
    You should only need to hit the short cut to flag up if your a green player and you try hitting another green player. Tryin to hit a purple or red player should not require you to hit the shortcut to flag it should do it automaticly with single target abilities atleast/autoattack.
  • RuerikRuerik Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I am all for fixes to the flagging system
    Some things should automatically flag you, such as training mobs in to an enemy team, being unflagged and running into an enemy team while people in your party are fighting that team, oh and my personal anti favorite, people flagging, ganking you, and then unflagging somehow when they are about to die and you get corruption, surely thats not intended.

    Flagging out to be a risk, you should be committed to being flagged and stuck in pvp mode for at least a couple of minutes.
  • Hutchy1989Hutchy1989 Member, Alpha Two
    Flag system is definitely broken atm, people are abusing the fact that theres no option for purples to filter out greens when they are casting AOEs so a lot of unintentional corruption is happening
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