Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Ashes "Gathering" that will kill Alpha
Been testing since phase 1 and I must say in the current state the game is very enjoyable. There are numbers of bugs and systems not fully working properly, but as a tester I can understand and forgive all of the shortcomings and issues currently present in the game.
However, what myself and many guild mates and testers are extremely concerned about, is the "Gathering" system. I put it in quotes because its not actually a gathering system, its a camping system. The way the current system works is that when the mining veins or trees are seeded at server reset or on whatever timer they are set to seed, the rarity of that vein or tree remains the same until another server reset or reseed. With this, all one needs to know is the respawn timer of the vein or tree you just hit, and you can essentially camp that node all day and reap the rewards. Find a legendary TIN at 8:00 AM, you can farm upwards of 40 legendary TIN in 1 day, from 1 vein, camping it every 2 hours.
This current system makes a major part of the game illegitimate and un-fun. Gathering should be random, and rewarding for people who just want to run around and pick flowers, or mine rocks, or chop trees, at anytime, in any node. The rarity roll of a spawn should RNG roll (taking into account the users rarity rating) at the moment of picking, chopping, or mining. NOT when the resource is spawned on server reset or reseed.
Gathering is a staple point in most MMO RPGs and i feel like a pretty basic system to implement. If the current system is intended, that's extremely concerning. If its not intended, also concerning that Intrepid couldn't implement a better working system at this point in development given the massive amounts of examples there are with other games.
PLEASE, I and others I know are begging that you fix this immediately. I would wager about 25-35% of players know that this is how the system works, and the Riverlands are already fully camped out by large guilds. Once 75%+ of the player base knows how to camp gathering nodes, it will be impossible to find even a heroic material for the average tester. There will be 5-10 people sitting on spots camping spawn timers, which I would imagine is NOT the intention of the gathering system from Intrepid.
If this is not fixed soon I fear it is going to steer a TON of player base away from testing this game. A quick fix to keep the RNG in gathering could be to re-seed the gathering nodes every 4-6 hours or so or on some random timer, if the permanent fix is too hard to implement quickly. At least then players would only be able to camp 1 extra gatherable spawn before everything is re-seeded. Please please please fix this.
A concerned but loyal tester
- Bater
However, what myself and many guild mates and testers are extremely concerned about, is the "Gathering" system. I put it in quotes because its not actually a gathering system, its a camping system. The way the current system works is that when the mining veins or trees are seeded at server reset or on whatever timer they are set to seed, the rarity of that vein or tree remains the same until another server reset or reseed. With this, all one needs to know is the respawn timer of the vein or tree you just hit, and you can essentially camp that node all day and reap the rewards. Find a legendary TIN at 8:00 AM, you can farm upwards of 40 legendary TIN in 1 day, from 1 vein, camping it every 2 hours.
This current system makes a major part of the game illegitimate and un-fun. Gathering should be random, and rewarding for people who just want to run around and pick flowers, or mine rocks, or chop trees, at anytime, in any node. The rarity roll of a spawn should RNG roll (taking into account the users rarity rating) at the moment of picking, chopping, or mining. NOT when the resource is spawned on server reset or reseed.
Gathering is a staple point in most MMO RPGs and i feel like a pretty basic system to implement. If the current system is intended, that's extremely concerning. If its not intended, also concerning that Intrepid couldn't implement a better working system at this point in development given the massive amounts of examples there are with other games.
PLEASE, I and others I know are begging that you fix this immediately. I would wager about 25-35% of players know that this is how the system works, and the Riverlands are already fully camped out by large guilds. Once 75%+ of the player base knows how to camp gathering nodes, it will be impossible to find even a heroic material for the average tester. There will be 5-10 people sitting on spots camping spawn timers, which I would imagine is NOT the intention of the gathering system from Intrepid.
If this is not fixed soon I fear it is going to steer a TON of player base away from testing this game. A quick fix to keep the RNG in gathering could be to re-seed the gathering nodes every 4-6 hours or so or on some random timer, if the permanent fix is too hard to implement quickly. At least then players would only be able to camp 1 extra gatherable spawn before everything is re-seeded. Please please please fix this.
A concerned but loyal tester
- Bater
If one were to spend two hours gathering, they should absolutely come out of it with more value than someone who found a legendary node and then logged in two hours later. It's literally antithetical to the risk vs reward theme of the game. The person actually gathering is taking all of the risk and getting none of the reward and vice versa.
Maybe those issues persist for the better, because the player power gap issue is still here and caravans are basically work as gold printers. Who needs gold sellers?
Managing gathered resources is a pain. You constantly play tetris with gathered resources, especially in the storage. Extra storage prices are extortionate. Resources don't stack high enough, and resource rarity just adds to the problems with storage and processing. The UI...oh man, we need multiple UX passes before this becomes smooth. It's very...functional.
On the top of that we still run into storage bugs, people complain on their whole storage disappearing.
Guild storage is nowhere to be found. I really hope the guild storage system will allow you to monitor/restrict who puts/takes out what from it...
Renouncing the citizenship prevents you from accessing the storage you PAID money for. You aren't informed about this restriction. Stuff like gathering and storage are pretty fundamental systems if you consider character persistence and progression.
We could talk about other issues, like node and crafting progression, which require a lot of cooperation from players. That also isn't working out that great. If Phase2 was supposed to be focused on testing the economy, then the results are in. It's FUBAR.
Blown past falling sands…
I believe that they also have a thread on the official Discord at times where they ask for the community's top issues. I would encourage people to post "Gathering Rework" as a listed item each time they ask. That list is very likely to have the proper eyes on it.
Camping resources takes all the fun out of the gathering system. Seeing people afk in front of known "high-tier" spawns is just silly and removes life from the world. Really hoping to see the mentioned changes come into play soon.
The legendary was a Western larch.
Heroic Ash trees I have found clearly stood out as “this doesn’t belong here” but so far no epic ash trees yet at level 27. This is thousands and thousands of trees. With a datamined 0.001% chance at legendary, that being 1 in 1000, the rarity I find to be too low of a chance to occur. Never seen legendary oak in phase 2. Mathematically I should have seen more rares but per the brute force approach, shows, that this rarity chance is NOT OCCURRING during gathering, in regards to trees
The state of gathering is also impacting Crafting and NPC loot drops desirability also. The current system is making an abundance of epic/legendary resources meaning there is a hyper-focus on crafted gear, to the point that nearly all NPC loot drops are considered trash and getting anything above Rare quality to drop is an nearly an impossible feat.
If gathering was more like Hunting, where Epic and Legendary is actually difficult to come by, then NPC loot would be more meaningful and used. Running dungeons would have a purpose as the gear would be seen as valuable. Yes the crafted gear will still be better, and its something to strive for, but knowing that it will be difficult to gather all of the Epic/Legendary components means you would settle for NPC loot in the interim.
This gathering system is going to fail at it's current form
This is one of the most critical systems in the game.
Please make this a priority, Intrepid.
Yeah this has been noticed in my guild. Go check out just north of lionhold, like right behind the 3 quest givers around the fire, particularly for Ash. We noticed that they are all chopped down constantly, at least on Vyra, so my curiosity was peaked. So I started checking when I ran through the area and if I saw an ash in one of those spots it was usually heroic+. Had a lvl 25 guild leader from another guild sit and wait at those Ash spawn points and get all agitated when I got was rather hilarious.
Anyways. I figured this out at the very end of the last test session and am gonna check it out again once servers are back up to see if it's still happening. Once I can confirm, I will be reporting it.
Given the current system design I am not sure if it's considered a bug/exploit, but if confirmed I will be reporting it. It almost seems like the higher rarity trees are spawning primarily in that area/node and not other nodes for some reason.
It’s crucial that this bug be addressed quickly. Implementing a random timer of plus or minus 15 minutes for each resource and each boss would make gathering and boss hunting more fair and less predictable.
And the biomes obviously aren't set up. Rividium's description doesn't match it's spawn points, which is wherever it pleases...
I'm quite confident the system will have random timers and random respawns when fully implemented. Knowing what a node is before you even hit it is boring, and terrible for any economy.
Many of my guildmates have commented that gathering is just not enjoyable. We also can't really compete with folks that have their timers set and have been on for an extended point of time. I'm also not personally going to waste my playtime to sit in one location incessantly. I would hope Intrepid would like to promote someone being active in the game rather than biding their time by a spawn point.
standard tree have same drop rate as animals aka 1 in 100k for legendary, finding the god node is kinda rough now for oak and ash since they changed oak to look the same now and both these spawn everywhere so it hard to find spots they stand out like it is with finding larch or hemlock u know exactly it a good node by looking at it.
How about fixing buffs, gear and tools actually affecting gathering? I made a legendary tool and it is is absolutely no different than a novice tool since all of this is still a work in progress.
And this phase clearly isn't testing the economy when the developers allow exploiters, war reward absusers, and dupers to return to testing with no consequences.
People logging in and out juts to mine a node are hardly the problem.
Take the following scenario:
1. Log in outside of prime time; preferably when most of the players are asleep
2. Find a node
3. Repeat step 2 for about 1.8 hours
4. Return to your first node
5. Hold that path for 8 hours
6. Provide the path data to your guild who takes over until you get up again
This is, sadly, not a made up scenario.