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📝 Dev Discussion #72 - Guild Program 🤝



  • OtrOtr Member, Alpha Two
    Vaknar wrote: »
    With that, we’d like to ask you the following:
    • What would you hope for in a Guild Program, including features, or opportunities?
    • Have you participated in Guild Programs in other MMORPGs? If so, what features or initiatives did you like (or dislike) about them?
    • What in-game activities would you like to see in a Guild Program? Example realm-wide events hosted by a guild that anyone can partake in.
    • What kinds of features like website leaderboards or real-world swag, would best motivate your guild to participate? If you had to choose one or two things, which would they be?
    • How would you prefer guild achievements and contributions be recognized - publicly with leaderboards and or social media, or privately with member-only perks?
    I want to play a game with people who want to enjoy the game for what it is rather than having leaderboards, events which advertise guilds, achievements...
    Make the game for people not for guilds and their guild leaders.
    I will never support a streamer who plays the same mmo I play. That's not friendship.
  • The main thing nowadays when it comes to how devs should interact with guilds, outside game mechanics, is a way to nerf coalitions that harm the game. This has been a trend with every MMO launched probably in the last 10 years. Of course there was always issues about powerful groups comingo together to increase their own power and control over many games, but this took a different turn over the latest launches, mostly influenced by RMT and the easyness money travels nowadays. Everyone that played a competitive pvp oriented MMO over the last decade has felt this.

    RMT is the biggest issue with PvP oriented MMOs nowadays, the incentive it provides to some players completely unbalaces the whole game and nudges some players to min max the game in a way to dominate it regardless of the consequences it has on the community as whole, even the content in the game. It is too great a unbalance of motivations to mediate.

    I wanted to try and contribute for the game by making this post and pointing this out. Love the project, wish the best for all devs.
  • KashQuestsKashQuests Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I think this is a wonderful idea. There are so many guilds out there with varying foci – PvP, PvE, PvX, Trading/Economy, Casual/Hardcore. This is great opportunity for guilds to interface to exchange ideas while helping with the development of the game.

    • What would you hope for in a Guild Program, including features, or opportunities?
    o The opportunity to test guild or group specific game features such as node wars, small/large scale PvP, story arcs, group questing, caravan runs, stress tests, etc.
    o One-on-One or group sessions with developers for live feedback.
    o Running content with members of the development team.
    o Separate guild involvement by guild type (PvP, PvE, PvX, Roleplay, Casual or Hardcore)

    • Have you participated in Guild Programs in other MMORPGs? If so, what features or initiatives did you like (or dislike) about them? Nothing official, but Elder Scrolls Online worked very closely with their guilds for feedback on combat systems, PvP and end-game content. It worked very well!

    • What in-game activities would you like to see in a Guild Program? Example realm-wide events hosted by a guild that anyone can partake in.
    o Raid/Boss Fights
    o Roleplay Events/Tavern Nights
    o Land Navigation/Scavenger Hunts
    o Mount Races
    o Planned Caravan Runs (involved guilds either defending or attacking)
    o Leveling via questing only for feedback

    • What kinds of features like website leaderboards or real-world swag, would best motivate your guild to participate? If you had to choose one or two things, which would they be?
    o In my opinion, real world swag would always be the answer! Everyone wants AoC swag!

    • How would you prefer guild achievements and contributions be recognized - publicly with leaderboards and or social media, or privately with member-only perks?
    o Certain aspects of the game are worthy of public recognition – World/Server Firsts as an example.
    o Other examples of in-guild achievements to be recognized privately could include earning guild levels, boss takedowns, story arc completions, gaining mayorship, etc.


    Kash | Content Creator/Podcaster | Twitter X @KashQuests | |
  • RaetionRaetion Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I think this is a good idea.
    As mentioned in the OP post, this should be accessible to all guilds. And not only to the big guilds. This will give smaller guilds the same kind of voice as the big guilds regarding development.

    What I would like to see in this kind of program is that it is used for the devs to talk to the guild leaders to see what kind of systems can be added to the game in the future. Currently, the in-game guild system is very bare-bones. And a lot more QoL and features are needed. (I am aware some are being worked on already) And it would be very good for guilds to have an input in these systems to make them the best systems for the game.

    This system can also be used to ask the guilds for focused testing of systems. If certain systems need to be tested. You can then ask the people in this program to go out and test this new system in the game and report their findings and feedback back to you. Then you know the feedback is coming from actual guilds. And you are not relying on people who say they are in a guild without being sure if they are.

    What I also think would be nice is when a guild leader signs up for this system and gets accepted, they are then able to invite their members to this system and they receive the guild tag on the website. So that you can see they are part of the same guild. This will allow normal members of guilds to also provide feedback on new systems. And maybe you can make it then easier to see what members of your guild have said on a certain topic.

    I would also like to see some kind of chat system. This would allow people to use the website to talk in the guild chat with the online in-game people. (Could also be integrated into the APP that was talked about in the past if that is still planned)

    Also, it would be nice to have some sort of trophy hall on the website. Where guilds can display their in-game achievements.

    Maybe also provide some feature where people who are looking for a guild can on the website easily search for guilds to join and apply to join them. And they can then see their member count, achievements, Server / Region, and a recruitment message from the guild.
  • xiedd13ixxiedd13ix Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Just have a simple take really and that's I don't really see any world where a guild program won't just benefit massive zerg guilds or large guilds.

    Currently everything in the game benefits by large numbers nothing else. I've been hoping for ages of some small guild support but starting to feel let down on that end.

    Including this 'guild program'
  • Element1313Element1313 Member
    edited February 10
    How about a monthly or bi-monthly guild showcase? As a casual who tends not to dive into guilds right away, a big major reason for that is I usually get spam recruit messages in game or the guild looks "too important" for me to know or understand how they want (or what kind of players they want) to join. I see a guild tag sometimes and it feels like an exclusive club. This makes me shy away from even asking or thinking that someone like me would even get listened to or be accepted. My idea for a guild program (outside of game) would have intrepid reach out to some major guilds, maybe smaller ones every once in a while too, do an interview with the guild leader, find out how to join or what kind of members they are looking for, get a feel for the type of community they offer, etc. Maybe even some tips on how, once a guild becomes larger, how do you manage it effectively and have everyone having fun and contributing?? Could be a simple blog post, maybe a guild "who i am in 5" video?? I feel like this would really engage players like me who really dont know how to start or jump into a guild, let alone which one would fit me the best. Maybe at the end of the year players could even vote (cant vote for your own guild or give a list of top 3) for a GOTY (Guild of the Year) award??
  • WARRIORWARRIOR Member, Alpha Two
    I'm a little confused at what the ask is here as you talk about the program as something outside the game, but a lot of the questions seem to be related to in-game requests/features. It would be good to see upfront what it is you would try to achieve by such a program to provide more detailed responses.

    I think a guild program outside of game could be beneficial if its kept simple stupid, but it also can become like most people have stated become one sided and look like favoritism to large guilds. we already see GMs of this game in larger guild private discords working with them directly so favoritism has already started by Intrepid GMs. I don't really see any reason Intrepid GMs should be in Guild Discords as they could achieve the same thing from the Official Intrepid Discord where its a mutual environment for all.

    What would you hope for in a Guild Program, including features, or opportunities?
    • I think a guild programme, should allow any guild to sign up. There should be some sort of minimum number but should be low like minimum 10 members.
    • Also with the state of in-game guild, should be able to also select multiple in-game guilds to associate with your overall guild (as many guilds manage/maintain multiple in-game guilds)
    • It should allow for members of that guild to select from there profile on intrepid site which guild they are apart of (auto-populated dropdown list of guilds who are participating), but can be verified by leadership of that guild who signed up.
    • Guilds who sign up should then be able to get insights into their members (who have linked there accounts) to show things like main accounts/alt accounts, the gear users have on, character stats etc.
    • As intrepid does allow public API for guilds to easily get this information maybe this could be a middle ground or even better allow an API to this data source once setup to only give you access to what is visible in the Guild Program. This will help you maintain control and people don't have access to others outside their guilds.
    • Would be good to have a section that is purely for interaction between guild and Intrepid.
    • Ability to chose which information is shared publicly but default that guild information is hidden i.e. # of members, guild name, sub-guilds, participate in leaderboards.

    Have you participated in Guild Programs in other MMORPGs? If so, what features or initiatives did you like (or dislike) about them?
    Alot of Guild Programs in the past have never worked due to game developers making it about them and not the guilds wanting to participate. As I would not involve my guild in a programme, if we didnt have control over what information was shared, or ways to protect our members, or if there was any benefit to us maintaining information in a 3rd place. We have discord, plus in-game guild, plus potentially in future guild castles.

    What in-game activities would you like to see in a Guild Program? Example realm-wide events hosted by a guild that anyone can partake in.
    • We have discussed as an alliance previously fun activities to do as an alliance but not really any mechanisms available to achieve it... but if there was a way to do things like a scavanger hunt, or fun runs, or raising money for charity through an in-game event would be fun to do. Stuff thats not particular to in-game content.
    • Having a way to create an event and advertise it in game would be great feature as well on a node/castle noticeboard or something.

    What kinds of features like website leaderboards or real-world swag, would best motivate your guild to participate? If you had to choose one or two things, which would they be?
    • I'm not a huge fan of public leaderboards etc. especially while we are still in Alpha/Beta testing. maybe this could be a feature for Go-Live or give guilds the ability to opt-in/out for each Public Facing board.
    • Internal leaderboards would be good for some friendly competition between members.

    How would you prefer guild achievements and contributions be recognized - publicly with leaderboards and or social media, or privately with member-only perks?
    • For the internal leaderboards in guild Some perks like a custom skin a player can get if they are #1-3 in each leaderboard. nothing that add bonus stats to a character.
    • For public leaderboards maybe a custom skin or if you hold a position for x amount of time a special gift from Intrepid.
  • VaknarVaknar Member, Staff
    Some have asked me for the Dev Discussion asset without text. Here ya go!

  • EbonbornEbonborn Member, Alpha Two
    edited February 12
    Oversight over guilds and their activities would be great so that you can prevent them from doing bad things (mean to members or other guilds, using unintended game mechanics, etc.) You have out of game consequences but put them in game and make them punishing. When it’s a guild operating in bad faith to its community or the wider community give them punishments in game. Make it punishing enough to where they don’t have to start a new account but should really think about doing this bad faith action.

    Make a system based on reputation amongst the actual community in game and on discord. Right now you have subtle consequences that are going to change the way a guild responds to people in game. For example, when a guild claims to be good guys and the populous thinks that’s true because they don’t say things in global that are harsh or negative. In reality the discord is filled with manipulative people who only want to win politically so they tell members not to type wild messages in global. They’re saying they’re good guys and the community believes it so now they are the leaders of nodes or people want to join their guild. You’re not reinforcing community, you’re reinforcing manipulation and deceit to the community.

    I understand that it’s supposed to be a game but it would be nice to see a true reputation based system. The idea obviously needs work on how to balance player friction and people actually needing a reputation debuff but once you find that balance it would be interesting to see how everything goes. I think player friction is great but people burn out on bad social interactions. You can have friction without it becoming toxic. Let’s give the upper hand to Guilds who are deserving of it because of great leadership on discord and in game. That will foster a healthy friction environment and not one based in toxic friction.

    One example is having treaties that the guilds have to honor or else reputation drops and there are in game punishments. Maybe making it risk and reward where a guild can screw over another guild but then are tied to the other guild for an allotted amount of time.
    Maybe having something like sanctions as a punishment.
    Player reports with evidence of a person or guild treating members harshly could be devised and the guild could then be punished by a court in game.

    You have one part of politics right now where you can assemble a government or guild but now I want to see the UN and ICC created. Make people’s actions have consequences and enforce them through a supranational authority!!!
  • TeylouneTeyloune Member, Phoenix Initiative, Avatar of the Phoenix, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited February 12
    I think this discussion could have benefited from providing a bit more context, explanations, and examples of what is being asked to help people who aren't familiar with Guild Programs share their opinions. I told some people to hop in here and give their thoughts, and every single one of them said, "I don't understand what they are even asking about."

    What would you hope for in a Guild Program, including features, or opportunities?
    Right now, getting our guild noticed on the Forum or Discord feels like shouting into the void. Discoverability feels pretty bad. I think it would be awesome if participating in the Guild Program could boost visibility and help with recruitment, especially for the smaller guilds out there.

    Have you participated in Guild Programs in other MMORPGs? If so, what features or initiatives did you like (or dislike) about them?
    Nope, can't remember being part of any guild programs in other games.

    What in-game activities would you like to see in a Guild Program? Example realm-wide events hosted by a guild that anyone can partake in.
    It'd be cool to have events that bring guilds and the whole community together. While I wouldn't be against PvP tournaments and such, I feel like seeing guilds get absolutely dumpstered isn't going to encourage people to join a losing guild.

    What kinds of features like website leaderboards or real-world swag, would best motivate your guild to participate? If you had to choose one or two things, which would they be?
    Leaderboards might push a "we're better than you" mentality, which isn't necessarily great for bringing people together. To motivate my guild, guild skins would work well, something we can show off in game and feel proud of.

    How would you prefer guild achievements and contributions be recognized - publicly with leaderboards and or social media, or privately with member-only perks?
    I'd prefer guild achievements and contributions to be recognized privately with member-only perks.
  • RuderickRuderick Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I remember Age of Wulin/Wushu having similar systems like the caravan in AoC.

    Maybe we could have something similar to the schools in Age of Wulin with the guilds in Ashes?
  • mcstackersonmcstackerson Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I have not seen anything like this in another game but like what you are trying to do. Community is the backbone of MMOs and player events make the game feel alive.

    I'm still ruminating on this and might be wrong but I feel like the focus of anything like this should be on community/participants, not the guild or player running the event. I don't think you should be trying to incentivize guilds to run events and instead give the incentives to players to participate (or watch).

    For activities, first things that come to mind are pvp tourneys, mount races, and transmog competitions. I'm sure other things will come up as we play. Maybe there is a pvx activity similar to the godspike event where you have to farm up glint and the first team to turn in x amount of glint wins.

    If there are anything like leaderboards or achievements, it should be for the players participating in the events and not the guilds running them. Guilds or organizers can be mentioned but i'm kind of against showing any kind of metrics that could cause guilds to get competitive.
  • Ellis_VestmarEllis_Vestmar Member, Alpha Two
    1. What would you like to see in a Guild Program?
    A structured communication channel between guild leaders and Intrepid Studios (e.g., roundtable discussions, Q&A sessions).
    Exclusive early access to content previews for guild leadership to help prepare and strategize.
    In-game guild halls or customizable spaces to establish a permanent presence in the world of Ashes of Creation.

    2. Have you participated in similar programs before? If so, what did you like or dislike?
    Old Guard has experience organizing and running large guilds, with leadership experience across multiple MMOs.
    Previous programs often lacked real engagement from developers—we want a program where devs actively listen and communicate rather than just offering superficial perks.
    A concern would be favoritism toward mega-guilds—fair treatment of all guild sizes should be a priority.

    3. What kind of in-game activities would excite you in a Guild Program?
    Guild-exclusive PvE and PvP events that encourage teamwork and strategy, such as large-scale raid challenges, guild-versus-guild arena tournaments, and territory control objectives.
    Special server-wide challenges where guilds must compete or collaborate to shape the game world.
    Node-based incentives that allow guilds to have a tangible influence on the game’s evolving economy, governance, or military structure.

    4. What external perks would motivate your guild?
    Website leaderboards showcasing guild accomplishments, such as territory conquests, PvP dominance, or major economic influence.
    Merchandise and real-world rewards (badges, patches, t-shirts) as recognition for top guilds.
    A Discord role or exclusive access to Intrepid community managers to provide feedback or test features.

    5. How should guild achievements be recognized?
    Both public and private recognition:
    Publicly, leaderboards and social media highlights could showcase top guilds in specific categories (PvP wins, event completions, guild size, etc.).
    Privately, member-only rewards such as unique titles, guild banners, or small in-game cosmetics would be ideal.

    6. Any additional ideas you’d want Intrepid to consider?
    Guild Prestige System: A long-term progression system that rewards guilds for achievements over time.
    Guild Missions/Contracts: Allow guilds to take on special missions that earn rewards based on performance.
    Guild City Integration: If a guild contributes heavily to a node’s development, they should receive recognition or benefits tied to that city.
  • LinikerLiniker Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I just want to be able to have all my members in one guild without the frustrating system of member caps that takes months to level up for a few extra slots, currently the guild system in-game is just terrible with the pointless slot limitations IMO, members hate being placed on guild number 3 and guild leaders also hate not having the freedom to use one tag, thats my number 1 piece of feedback as of now
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  • kentbeckkentbeck Member, Alpha Two
    It would be very interesting to have a reputation scoring system to check who is actually participating in guild activities (whether pvp or pve). In many MMOs it is necessary to use an external system to count participation.
  • DaggialDaggial Member, Alpha Two
    Tbh I think the coolest thing you could do wouldn't even be in game, but join in a guild discord with a dev or two and have a chat with their players.

    If you ever want to do that, Monkey Business is down for it.
    Monkey Business (EU) is RECRUITING
  • ObiWonObiWon Member
    What would you hope for in a Guild Program, including features, or opportunities?

    I would want for a Guild Program to incorporate both large and small guilds to ensure all guilds get representation. Features such as Guild Contests, Guild Events, Various Guild Rewards, a Guild Program Representative designated to represent their guild within the program, Guild Days similar to community days where Guilds can participate in activities to make memories server wide, even having Developers or similar roles spend time in-game with guilds to check on their progress and foster morale. That's all I can think of now.

    Have you participated in Guild Programs in other MMORPGs? If so, what features or initiatives did you like (or dislike) about them?

    No I have not so this concept is very new to me and I am excited to see what the idea entails in the future or if can even be done.

    What in-game activities would you like to see in a Guild Program? Example realm-wide events hosted by a guild that anyone can partake in.

    In-Game Activities such as picture contests, scavenger hunts, races, obstacle courses, and things of this nature would be great.

    What kinds of features like website leaderboards or real-world swag, would best motivate your guild to participate? If you had to choose one or two things, which would they be?

    How would you prefer guild achievements and contributions be recognized - publicly with leaderboards and or social media, or privately with member-only perks?

    Leaderboards are always a great way to showcase achievements but leaderbaords with a variety of achievements to pursue as number would be great. Guild Achievements and contributions recognized with guild rewards privately and member perks would be great! Recognizing top gulds in PvP or PvE on social media would be awesome! Especially guilds who gets first time clears and make history should be recognized by everyone in the community.
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