Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

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Longbow vs. Shortbow [PVE] - My thoughts. Your thoughts?

letonleton Member, Alpha Two
edited February 26 in Ranger Archetype
When starting out, it really seemed like the shortbow felt much, much better than the longbow...

But after hitting level 20 and getting my hands on some more decent rarity / well optimized gear...I've found that the long-bow has been quite pleasant to use now...And seems to be giving me better TTK than it's comparable, short-bow counterpart. (Using a 2*, level 20 goblin flayer as a benchmark)

Current longbow is uncommon steel, and shortbow is uncommon dunzen, which is about all I could currently afford.

Both bows are leveled to 25, for fair comparison...and my stat priorities are currently :
- STR > DEX > Attack power > Attack speed > Accuracy > crit chance > crit power > Penetration

Another thing that I've noticed, is that the long-bow's auto-attacks actually crit quite respectably...And my finishers and extended finishers are often critting for about a 1/3 of what my snipe can crit for.

I thought that maybe the short-bow would still perform better with the mage-buff, due to the high attack speed, but having a mage friend and testing it out...that really didn't seem to be the case.

Though, I am uncertain as to how exactly that weapon buff applies / what it scales off of.

Overall, it just seems like the skills are scaling better overall off of the increased power the longbow provides, while my auto-attacks seem significantly better with gear that offers better attack speed rating. Getting to the finishers/extended finishers more quickly/reliably has seemed to help quite a lot.

Anyway, those are my thoughts/observations...Maybe I'm wrong/missing something...I'd be interested in other opinions.


  • VeeshanVeeshan Member, Alpha Two
    i think short bow gets held back atm due to the shorter range, the real power in shortbow comes from barrage with arrow storm up (effectivly doubling barrage dmg) however it gets held back (in pvp cause the 5m less range in current meta is devastating).

    shortbows definetly feel weaker than the 2 but i think it can work with a specific gear build path which im trying issue is getting said gear is not easy.
  • FireguardFireguard Member, Alpha Two
    When you can get arrowstorm, shortbow does much more dps than a longbow single target. There is some tech around it but a green shortbow > an epic shortbow of the same tier. Probably even legendary if the fight lasts more than 6s.
  • Shadow PhoenixShadow Phoenix Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Fireguard wrote: »
    a green shortbow > an epic shortbow of the same tier. Probably even legendary if the fight lasts more than 6s.

    I believe you meant to say Longbow for the second one, correct?

  • VeeshanVeeshan Member, Alpha Two
    Also it seems like short bows may be bugged atm hard to tell but i have 40% crit chance and with shortbow i crit rate is more like 20% it seems which also happens to be my magic crit rate do i feel it applying the magic crit chance and not physical.
    A physical wand for example seems like it critting so much more than my shortbow and when i was testing with barrage (20-24x dmg) with a short bow im getting 2-6 crits a barrage with a shortbow (Dunzen) where a steel energy wand im getting 6-12 crits a barrage.

    Some mobs have crit resistance so it hard to test if applying properly but hitting the same mob with different weapon the wand was definitely critting more often than the dunzen shortbow i was using
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