Greetings, glorious adventurers! If you're joining in our Alpha One spot testing, please follow the steps here to see all the latest test info on our forums and Discord!

Hello from Ukraine

Привет всем , нужна информация!
Есть уже доступ к игре? или только видео от разработчиков
И если есть то подскажите пожалуйста где найти пересмотрел все видео на ютубе
Интересуют стримы и игры от обычных пользователей
Всем успехов , жду открытия


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    Um . ... welcome!?
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    Welcome to the community! Even though I got no idea what you said <3
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    If Google Translate is correct, you said:

    "Hello everyone, I need information!  Is there already access to the game? Or only video from developers.  And if there is something please tell me where to find revised all the videos on YouTube. Interested in streaming and games from ordinary users.

    To all successes, I'm waiting for the opening"

    Welcome to our friendly community!  There is not currently access to the game.  The game is pre-alpha and we won't have access for quite some time.  The "friends & family" alpha is projected to be sometime later this year.  Alpha 1 and 2, to which some of the Kickstarter backers will have access, will be sometime in late 2018.

    As for YouTube videos, you may want to check out the videos on the Ashes of Creation YouTube channel, as well as the recordings of their Twitch streams.  There is another Twitch stream this Friday, at 3 PM Pacific Daylight Time.  You may also want to watch videos by Death's Proxy.

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    Welcome to the Ashes of Creation forums!

    If you need anything, don't hesitate to send me a PM or add me on Discord (Sarumonin#2103) for anything related to Ashes of Creation. 

    Make sure to take a glance at our Code of Conduct and FAQs:

    Community Guidelines & Code of Conduct

    Technical Support FAQ

    Customer Service FAQ

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    Greetings, traveler.
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    @sexbomba , привет. Я думаю, на международном форуме лучше общаться по-английский :)

    Игра находится в разработке. Тестирование назначено ориентировочно на конец 2017-начало 2018 года. Вся информация об игре есть на официальном сайте:
    Помимо этого, разработчики стримят на Твиче 2 раза в месяц: 
    А ещё у них есть канал в Дискорде:

    Скажу заранее, что если и там обратиться ко всем на русском языке, то тебя поймут далеко не все - лучше использовать английский :) И добро пожаловать.
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    Thx all for answers
    Have fun B)

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    Hello there, I do not speak that language :( The only languages I speak are the English language and the Language of Loveee... Language of Love normally reserved for females that are married to me though.
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    God, I love Google Translate.  :)
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    добро пожаловать, sexbomba :)
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    Possum said:
    God, I love Google Translate.  :)
    it's gotten soooo good over the years.
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    Welphgryn said:
    Possum said:
    God, I love Google Translate.  :)
    it's gotten soooo good over the years.
    It sure has.
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    Welcome to the Ashes forums!!!
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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    Welcome to the community!
    Welphgryn said:
    Possum said:
    God, I love Google Translate.  :)
    it's gotten soooo good over the years.
    Are you sure?
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