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About 20 June kickstarter connection with Website profil

I don't know if somebody had said anything in other Discussions, but didn't we not get a E-mail yesterday about connection with your website profil? Because i haven't :smiley:


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    7-10 days. We wil get them.
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    Still needs some time. The announcment was that the shop is going online at June 20.
    The emails will be sent 7-10 days later.
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    Taken from discord announcement:
    ...once the integration of the Kickstarter data we received yesterday gets integrated (will take around 7-10 days to do this)

    This was only posted yesterday, so I'm assuming that this means it'll be at least a week yet until we start to see the emails. 


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    okay okay XD haven't seen on discord. Do you know the channel on discord @Megs
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    News channel on the Ashes of creation discord thingy
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    Super thanks! :smiley:
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    This is the only reason why I came to this forum today. Thanks for the update. I will come back here later on after the email is sent.
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    See this is good news ^^
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