Greetings, glorious adventurers! If you're joining in our Alpha One spot testing, please follow the steps here to see all the latest test info on our forums and Discord!

Acolytes [NA] [PvX] [Gaming Community]



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    So happy to see new members joining our community. If you're looking for a home, look no further! Hope to see you soon.
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    We enjoyed being in the guild fair. We hope they decide to do it again down the line. Lots of good folks out there still need a community. 
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    Is this game out yet??  lmao

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    Not soon enough lol.
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    Love watching this stream on twitch. They are also giving away 10 alpha keys during the stream. Hopefully one of us Acolytes can snag a key if you don't have one yet. 

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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2017
    Have a fun and safe holiday 
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    What a nice community we're build here in Ashes.
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    I've been an Acolyte since early Spring of 09 and I have always had fun with this community in any game we've decided to jump into as a guild/community.  And we do more than just MMO'ing.  Many of us play other games while we are waiting for Ashes to launch.
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    Bump from a new Acolyte, I joined for Ashes and you should too!  Currently playing ESO with them.
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    Been nice meeting all sorts of good folks
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    If your looking for more then just a guild,  come check us out. We've been building a gaming community for the past 12 years. 
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    Keep up the great work :) can't wait for ashes!!
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    I hope the in game community is as awesome as the forum community had been.
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    Glad to be chatting with you and your group - I hope our guild and yours can work together!
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    So many great people all geared up and deeply invested in the game.  Come join us today!  Feel free to hop in our Discord and play some other games we are in until we can get our hands on some AoC!
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    Joined recently and looking forward to playing with fellow guildmates  :)
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    Does any currently play the ftp Shadowbane? That was my first MMO back in '03. It sounds like this will be a strong guild once AoC is launched.
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    I don't believe anyone is playing Shadowbane. We do play a whole assortment of games. Check out the website

    Or jump in our Discord and say hi.

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    Gaelinon said:
    Does any currently play the ftp Shadowbane? That was my first MMO back in '03. It sounds like this will be a strong guild once AoC is launched.
    Dude Shadowbane is one of the reasons I didnt graduate from High School.

    Acolytes are a great community to be a part of. We'v been around for a while, and enjoy ourselves in many games. Ashes of Creation is going to be a great division to be a part of!

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    Amazing guild to be with, full of friendly people
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    Great community of gamers! Been with Acolytes for two months now. If you are looking for a community that knows how to understand the balance of real life and gaming this one's for you!
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    Acolytes are a great community with great people playing all sorts of games. Check out some of the games, we're playing at . We're always happy to get new people. :)
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    Acolytes is a great group of folks who enjoy gaming. 
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    Gaining more great people each week.  Join a guild and community committed to Ashes of Creation!
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    Been a little absent from the forums for a while playing games with the rest of the Acolytes. 

    Ashes is looking good. 
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    Any upcoming games you're going to jump into?
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    Recommend any games to play while waiting, Eragus?
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    So much great news lately with Ashes of Creation and what was seen at PAX.  Looking for not only an active guild, but an active community?  Stop on by our website or Discord today!

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    FatGoat said:
    So much great news lately with Ashes of Creation and what was seen at PAX.  Looking for not only an active guild, but an active community?  Stop on by our website or Discord today!

    Are you even more excited now that we've caught a first glimpse of action combat?
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    FatGoat said:
    So much great news lately with Ashes of Creation and what was seen at PAX.  Looking for not only an active guild, but an active community?  Stop on by our website or Discord today!

    Are you even more excited now that we've caught a first glimpse of action combat?
    Yes!! Very much so!!  Especially with Alpha 1 coming!
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