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Limited Trader Shipping

I really like the pic of the ship that been passed on to us, ready for use at PAX. See:

So, its description implies that it's for hire by a trader/s?
I'm wondering if these ships can sail between servers? Or are they just sailing round the coastline of my particular server (ergo: I also assume all servers will have some sort of coastline!)?

Maritime travel might well be my particular interest for my first build. How much more do we know about it?

Of course, I'd also really interested to hear from anyone who used one at PAX (Not the slightest bit jealous of you, either!)....anything you've gleaned about seagoing travel/trading.


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    Would be interesting if they only came so often and depending on where they came from they looked slightly different. Then depending on what they looked like they would have specific items that were very hard to get unless that particular trade ship was in your port :) Maybe you could hire these ships to take you to the different ports that are harder to get to and sell your own wares.
    No idea if that's even what it is meant to be or if it is just a ship you can buy hahaha thought it was a cool idea nonetheless.
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    Zid said:
    Would be interesting if they only came so often and depending on where they came from they looked slightly different. Then depending on what they looked like they would have specific items that were very hard to get unless that particular trade ship was in your port :) Maybe you could hire these ships to take you to the different ports that are harder to get to and sell your own wares.

    Yes indeedy...e.g. let's say we find out that vessels with blue triangular sails and double masts are from, say, the Veks' coast so we know they'll tend to have 'X' wares on it and exclusively also these unique items sometimes...Ooh the excitement.
    Good job I don't get seasick!
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    Awww I'm so boring! I just assumed that it had extra space for crates and supplies and had a lack of "defensive" equipment like cannons :0

    I started writing this up about Naval Content - still needs completed but since its you @Glosterian  I'll post it here for you ❤️

    "Intrepid Studios are discussing to put “actual content” into the seas - stuff that happens under the ocean and stuff that happens on the ocean etc including “Island Chains” that they have got planned with trade routes and ships.

    Ship movement and sailing is currently being discussed as being a simulated physical render rather than true physics due to the possible performance risks it may have on the player.
    Different ships might have different speeds and factors like time of day might play a role on the performance of your ship. Therefore Intrepid are going for a “simulated realism” approach.

    Seafaring may be a profession that players might be able to advance in with regards to specific abilities that relate to seafare activities such as treasure finding, getting better at supporting a ship and getting better at “firing cannons”"

    So yeah maybe a wee bit of island to island seafaring ^^

    And also I believe the Trader Ship won't be useable at PAX but is rather a cosmetic skin for those who purchased the PAX packs will obtain and can use at launch :)

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    So, its description implies that it's for hire by a trader/s?
    I'm wondering if these ships can sail between servers? Or are they just sailing round the coastline of my particular server (ergo: I also assume all servers will have some sort of coastline!)?

    Maritime travel might well be my particular interest for my first build. How much more do we know about it?

    There is no cross server play. I imagine the trading ships will function similar to caravans and allow you to transport goods to island nodes(confirmed). We know that there are underground nodes as part of the underrealm, and they have said that they are playing with the idea of underwater nodes, since we unlocked underwater content as part of the stretch goals.
    Look at Lineage 2 (Stevens stated favorite game) or Archeage for how ship systems might work. The PAX trader skin would probably go on a trader(duh), which would be a target of pirates. Many people have already expressed their goals as being pirating and pvp on the seas, so expect it to be fun and dangerous.
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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2017
    @Diura <3 - how could such a magnificent frogletto queen be boring! <3 - think I'll name my first ship 'Gribbett' in your honour!
    and @UnknownSystemError o:) - Underwater nodes! Wow! o:) Thrilling! I'll be investigating Lineage 2 and Archeage seafaring footage online - never played those previously...

    Thank you so much for all the gems of info in your replies. You've both made an old man so excited that I think I'd better go and change my pads!
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    Skip to 3:40 for footage:
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