Greetings fellow gamers!

Well hello there!

I used to be an avid player of mmorpgs, such as Ragnarok Online and WoW(Vanilla). 
I just recently got the urge to get back into mmorpgs, going from playing alot of moba games. I highly miss the sense of community and friendship that is way more pronounced in the mmorpg community in my experience, than in the moba, in which I've been stuck in the past 10-isch years.

Then a day ago I found out about this game and watched about 3 hours of interviews. This game seems to be adressing the fault I find in the modern mmorpgs.(in my oppinion).

So yea I'm 29 y/o and from Sweden. I hope to be able to find friends and together strive towards the top of this game. All the while having as much fun as possible!


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