Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

PAX packages i dont understand...


So I see there is 3 options in the store now. I didnt find this game in time to get a crowdfunder pack but what are these 3 pax packages?    Info seems to be very Limited. Are these bonuses for People that already has packages? If they are for People who dont own them why are there no info about how many months Subscriptions you get etc? just a tiny list of items and thats for a 225 dollar pack?   Where can I find more info about this. and is it only for People who show up at the PAX event?


  • Just saw this myself!
    Wondering if I should buy the 100$ one. 
    And if you buy a beta 2 key, then I´m pretty sure you also get access to the other versions coming out before the live version.
  • It would also be very Nice to know how many alpha stages there will be and how many beta stages in total and preferably a indication of how long they will last. Example if Beta 2 only lasts for a week and beta 3 is open beta then launch shortly after I wouldnt buy it, but if it lasted for a long time then definitely I would.  Would really appreciate some more information regarding these packages

  • @Macamusene
    The mods are usually getting on in about 2 hours from now.
    Hopefully we will be able to get some answers then.
  • The PAX packages are for the Penny Arcade Expo being held September 1-4th in Seattle. If you have no plan to attend, why would you waste money on tickets? All of the cosmetic stuff that comes with the packages will be offered on the store in the future. Alpha and Beta keys also. So relax and wait for those to appear, unless you like buying tickets to events you are not going to for some unknown reason.

  • It says nothing about tickets on the 3 Products that shows on the store page. It just says you can either get  alpha or beta Access and some items
  • The Alpha Key is a persistent one which means when it starts it will carry on to launch. After launch the persistent alpha server will be used as a Test server :)
    The Beta key is for Beta 2 once it starts. We don't have set dates at the moment but here is a rough timeline that we have.
    Alpha 2 will start some time between Alpha 1 and Beta

    Also here is a view of the concept arts for the items :)
  • But on the crowsfunder packs there were info about how many months of sub the packs were included, some had cheaper monthly subs after etc.  I wish there were more info about this on these packs
  • Simple enough. There is no sub time included in the packs. Playing during the alpha and betas does not require/consume sub time. Sub time will start being consumed after live launch.
  • It says nothing about tickets on the 3 Products that shows on the store page. It just says you can either get  alpha or beta Access and some items
    Those packages don't include PAX tickets @Macamusene. The PAX ticket sales have finished. PAX starts soon!

    Countdown to PAX
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2017
    The access keys are for the duration of that phase per current understanding. That being said there is no "how many months Subscriptions you get". The items listed have had concept art show on the forums in multiple posts:
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited September 2017
    lexmax said:
    Those packages don't include PAX tickets @Macamusene. The PAX ticket sales have finished. PAX starts soon!

    Countdown to PAX

    Yeah thats what I mean. But the other guy further up the thread started talking about them, not me. I only wanna buy a pack so I can get alpha or beta Access. But do I get the actual game With these packs or is it just the items and alpha or beta Access?

  • Yeah thats what I mean. But the other guy further up the thread started talking about them, not me. I only wanna buy a pack so I can get alpha or beta Access. But do I get the actual game With these packs or is it just the items and alpha or beta Access?

    the game itself is subbased around $15usd a month with no upfront cost needed, the packs currently for sale do not contain any sub time, they are purely for the alpha 2 and beta 2 testing periods

  • Shunex said:
    the game itself is subbased around $15usd a month with no upfront cost needed, the packs currently for sale do not contain any sub time, they are purely for the alpha 2 and beta 2 testing periods

    Ahh thanks I didnt know that. I thought you had to buy the game, then continue to sub to it

  • Ahh thanks I didnt know that. I thought you had to buy the game, then continue to sub to it
    nope just a monthly sub, the packs on the store and KS are just for cosmetic items etc :smile: if you have any other questions feel free to ask! 

  • Good morning friends. We can confirm that the PAX packages available on the store are cumulative. Meaning in purchasing the LIMITED - PAX Exclusive Alpha Package (Gain Access to Alpha 2 (Persistent Alpha), you do receive the PAX Exclusive Beta (Gain Access to Beta 2) Access as well. Thanks
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