Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Ashes of Creation MMORPG Teaser Video

New video! You may have seen a version of this on IGN's Gamescom coverage, but this one has some adjustments and is up on our official channel now!
Ashes of Creation is an MMORPG set on a fallen world untouched by civilizations for thousands of years. Rebuild, repopulate, and rediscover the world of Verra.
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this makes things even worse, why make two different teasers and then post the worst one on IGN where people will take it as a full release as there are no alpha marks. it makes no sense
I want you to know that I fully support everything you guys do in order to give us an amazing MMORPG. I've been dying for a game like Ashes ever since I first heard the word "Azeroth". This said I must point out a few flaws in this teaser trailer that has left a few people feeling... well, bummed.
First, raptors are prehistoric creatures that have been made popular since a man ran through a park with a couple of kids on his back. This means that most people know what a raptor is and how they act, even if they don't know the behavior behind it. It didn't make any sense to see raptors charge a fortified gate in a line formation. I personally would have liked to see them stay in the wild, away from new civilization. Showcase players hunting them down. Maybe it's a group quest that requires having someone watch your back. After all, they are clever girls.
Second, the combat shown didn't make any sense. While I understand that this is EARLY game footage and there isn't anything programmed for flying mount combat, yet, I still don't understand why a group would dismount in front of a cavalry charge, let alone LEERRROOOYYY!!! straight into it.... were Fortnite players involved?
Lastly, and this one is probably the harshest thing I'll write on the matter, the damn spell effects in the background. I'm an immersive fantasy player. The second I can see the zipper running down the monster's back, I lose interest in it. It was painfully obvious the spell effects had no purpose in the teaser other than to add a little "spice", and don't get me started on the overdramatic war shouts. I find it distasteful, cheap and borderline disrespectful... not as disrespectful as showcasing a mobile game at a PC convention then act hurt and shocked when there is a revolt, but no less aggravating. The only thing shown was copy-paste avatars holding an assortment of weapons and running around. If there had been just one mage, or magic-user, present I might have overlooked it.
I fell in love with, and still love, Ashes of Creation when I first learned about how one man brought together a team of industry veterans to create an MMORPG that everyone has been dying for but has been left behind by other studios. Those first few videos I saw of castle walls being shattered, of guards escorting a caravan in the dark of night, or how a mage saved herself from certain death by activating a spell mid-fall. Those are the videos that make me smile when I think of AoC. I want that content. I want to feel like I could be there in those situations. Show me the final moments of a Node when it's destroyed. Show me a new dungeon that a group, or solo player, discovers while working on their artisan class in the wild. Show me how devastating it would be to piss off a Queen, or King, and to see her swooping down on her dragon to lay waste to a caravan of a rival guild.
Bottom line, I believe in you guys. I want you to succeed so all of us can reap the benefits of all your hard work. I also want you to do it the right way. Michelin Star chefs never send a plate of food out unless it is at its peak temperature and they never serve a partial table. It is whole or nothing at all. Intrepid, you have the opportunity to become the Michelin Star chefs of the MMO genre, maybe the entire gaming industry. To do that, you must put more thought into the content you release to the community. It is too easy for people who have no skin in the game to bash it, thus demoralizing your developers. I would rather be forced to wait three months, hearing no news from the team, then shown a teaser or full trailer or any content update that will make me laugh and cry with joy, instead of getting bits and pieces of unfinished work, or shown things thrown together last minute because "OH NO, WE HAVE NOTHING FOR LIVE STREAM!". Without getting too dramatic, you are the Obi-Wans of the industry now. More and more players are leaving the MMO genre behind, because of all the horrible new content, pay to win, or games so instanced it might as well be a glorified RPG with an auction house. MMORPGs are dying, and it's a dark time for us all. So help us, Steven-wan Kenobi, you're our only hope.
A Concerned and Passionate Player
We sent IGN the newest teaser video, but they did not see it in time. This video was an embargoed video partnership with them for Gamescom.
@kesarakk thanks for the feedback.
We've gotten a lot of feedback on this via the comments in many places on the internet, so thank you all. We'll be taking everything into consideration as we move forward.
And since I've been paying attention since the kickstarter - I think it was a great showcase of everything that's been developed recently, and showcased in some of the videos.
But I also share in @kesarakk 's sentiment's and concerns.
All coming from a place where we want Ashes of Creation to succeed and be the best it can possibly be!
A long time ago Verra, a dino word meaning Life, was populated by dinos and that's all. After the portals opened their world was infested with elves, dwarves, and humans, which true to their nature, quickly corrupted their once beautiful planet with magic and evil.
For unknown reasons the planet fell. Corruption, politics, I'm not sure, but some people were left behind. These became The Corrupted. The dinos took pity on them and helped as much as they could and the ones they were able to help became the Tulnar.
Now, after 100's of years the ones who fled are returning and killing The Corrupted, infesting the planet with their greed, evil, and magic, all over again. The Tulnar and dinos can see what's about to happen and so they've decided to fight back. To nip it in the bud, so to speak, before the invaders can get a good foothold on Verra, and so they attack.
[I made all of this up btw]
@kesarakk Great post!
This is exactly how i feel as well =D. I think you've hit the nail on the head with this =^_^=
Through 00:16-00:18, where the camera pans over some city-goers, their movements were definitely giving off some Sims vibes but it actually wasn't too bad.
Some of the character animation simply lacks personality. There is some very generic, stiff movements, but some movements look quite good.
At 1:00 the raptor beat down looked pretty cool. It feels light but I'd rather have faster weapon movement. As long as it feels like they still make a strong impact to the target visually which they seem too. Other creatures movements were pretty good. Horses could move a little more organically I think.
As far as the teaser itself, it is a little confusing if you don't already have any background info.
All in all I am optimistic and look forward to seeing what's next. I genuinely enjoyed what I saw and am even more excited.
(Edited to simplify some points)