Rambling appreciation post

NelsonRebelNelsonRebel Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
edited August 2020 in General Discussion
Ashes of Creation, even the title for this game has a lot of meaning and implications. I see alot of symbolism in this games design and how it actually seems to correlate to the ingame core philosophies to the systems in place.

1.Rising from the ashes of an industry that has left us behind. - Steven Shariff

2. The phoenix and tree and fire symbolism of the game showing (what I presume)the ingame representation of the world of Vera and how we as the players are rising up a new world from the ashes of the old corrupted world from the past.

3. The node system being the actual mechanical interpretation of 1&2 on how the world changes and rises throughout the game history.

Probably will update this post with more little design things that have symbolism here that I really appreciate the thought that Steven and his team have put into the games unique presentation.

If you guys notice other cool symbolic things like these let me know, I really enjoy when games and developers incorporate lots of subtle recurring symbolisms and themes like this. Makes the lore and game world feel more epic in a way.


  • NelsonRebelNelsonRebel Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I would add more about the lore of vera but we cant get that yet lol. Lore is always one of my favorite areas for these little things as well
  • SussurroSussurro Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I love the original phoenix/tree they used in the initial promotional material. Its asymmetry speaks to me, it says, "Someone had a vision for this symbol and they reached wildly for a pen to put to paper.", it's a striking image. I would say that it's no small part of why I backed the project, and I feel it represents the passion I hear from the developers.
    “Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.” - Terry Prachett, Reaper Man
  • DemidreamerDemidreamer Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited August 2020
    Mage's Detection- the symbol to me appears to be the "all knowing, all seeing eye" minus the tear; first encountered this symbol for the god Isis back in D&D.

    Slightly off base, but i appreciate the Tentacles mage spell; reminds me Evard's Black Tentacles.

    Another spell that reminds me of the good ole days is Safe Place, I knew the spell as Rope Trick. The extra dimensional space use to have a rope hanging down that you could pull up into the dimensional space and take a breather and heal up.

    After thinking about it the Portal spell seems vaguely reminiscent Dimension Door. Not quite sure of the range but i am sure i could utilize this nice.

    Edit~ I thought i seen some of the lore, not sure if you know but try https://ashesofcreation.wiki/religions enjoy the read~
  • StevenSharifStevenSharif Moderator, Member, Staff, Avatar of the Phoenix, Kickstarter
    Mage's Detection- the symbol to me appears to be the "all knowing, all seeing eye" minus the tear; first encountered this symbol for the god Isis back in D&D.

    Slightly off base, but i appreciate the Tentacles mage spell; reminds me Evard's Black Tentacles.

    Another spell that reminds me of the good ole days is Safe Place, I knew the spell as Rope Trick. The extra dimensional space use to have a rope hanging down that you could pull up into the dimensional space and take a breather and heal up.

    After thinking about it the Portal spell seems vaguely reminiscent Dimension Door. Not quite sure of the range but i am sure i could utilize this nice.

    Edit~ I thought i seen some of the lore, not sure if you know but try https://ashesofcreation.wiki/religions enjoy the read~

    Nice. Lol.

  • NelsonRebelNelsonRebel Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Mage's Detection- the symbol to me appears to be the "all knowing, all seeing eye" minus the tear; first encountered this symbol for the god Isis back in D&D.

    Slightly off base, but i appreciate the Tentacles mage spell; reminds me Evard's Black Tentacles.

    Another spell that reminds me of the good ole days is Safe Place, I knew the spell as Rope Trick. The extra dimensional space use to have a rope hanging down that you could pull up into the dimensional space and take a breather and heal up.

    After thinking about it the Portal spell seems vaguely reminiscent Dimension Door. Not quite sure of the range but i am sure i could utilize this nice.

    Edit~ I thought i seen some of the lore, not sure if you know but try https://ashesofcreation.wiki/religions enjoy the read~

    Nice. Lol.

    The sandal God has graced my thread! Hope the Team is safe and doing well!

    Mage's Detection- the symbol to me appears to be the "all knowing, all seeing eye" minus the tear; first encountered this symbol for the god Isis back in D&D.

    Slightly off base, but i appreciate the Tentacles mage spell; reminds me Evard's Black Tentacles.

    Another spell that reminds me of the good ole days is Safe Place, I knew the spell as Rope Trick. The extra dimensional space use to have a rope hanging down that you could pull up into the dimensional space and take a breather and heal up.

    After thinking about it the Portal spell seems vaguely reminiscent Dimension Door. Not quite sure of the range but i am sure i could utilize this nice.

    Edit~ I thought i seen some of the lore, not sure if you know but try https://ashesofcreation.wiki/religions enjoy the read~

    That's a good find! Thank you.

    Yes I've read into the basic premise of the lore and what's on the wiki. Not a whole lot I can determine from it but the basic concept is very intriguing. I can't think of another lore game that fits that exact dimension besides maybe the 8 Aedra and Daedra of the Elder Scrolls series
  • NelsonRebelNelsonRebel Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited August 2020
    Sussurro wrote: »
    I love the original phoenix/tree they used in the initial promotional material. Its asymmetry speaks to me, it says, "Someone had a vision for this symbol and they reached wildly for a pen to put to paper.", it's a striking image. I would say that it's no small part of why I backed the project, and I feel it represents the passion I hear from the developers.

    I feel the same. I knew from just the early concepts that alot of thought had gone into the game. I didn't realize just how much until the rest of the backer goal systems were unveiled just how far the depth and scope were reaching for.

    Truly Steven and his team have if nothing else generated a genius landscape of ideas for the future of gaming and MMO's in my opinion. I can already see the design idea's influencing some current and upcoming games. It's so refreshing to see
  • DemidreamerDemidreamer Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Sadly I fear sandals, I prefer the comfort of heavy leather boots w/ a composite toe. If Holiness was measured in the quantity of holes in your jeans along with how much of the knee is showing; then, none would be holier than I. Alas I am a mere mortal, humbled by the grace of the Sandal God.

    I find myself aligned with tree more so than the other two symbols of fire and the phoenix. Most likely my interest in Norse mythology draws me to the world tree, Yggdrasil over the other two. Norse mythology is the only ,dare I say, "religeon" that gives notion to that there are more realms of existance than just Midgard/Earth. Numbering them realms to Nine. Which happens to be factors of three in more ways than one. The Valknut symbol is of three interlocking triangle seemingly to flow from one to the next. A symbol of Wodin, death, and in some cases rebirth. I notice a theme of symbols along the same lines in Ashes of Creation in the form of geometry. The triangle seems to have the most prevalent; even existing in the overall image of the logo of Ashes of Creation and in the arcane arts the triangle again is notably surrounded by 3 circles on a plane of a circle surrounding another circle(Runes). Furthermore a reoccurring theme of 3 is within many of the symbols of our heroes' skills.

    I suppose I'll stop rambling; then again, I suppose I couldn't beat this horse dead anymore than the toxic damage meter thread. So sad that they want a bunch of cookie cutters. Sixty-four classes to choose from with various spells, abilities, and different augmentation. Yet no thought to creating something new or being unique. Jean Luc! Please save us from the Borg! I refuse to be assimilated~ I do not comply~
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