Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
LIVE AMA with Creative Director Steven Sharif - Sunday, June 13th at 11AM Pacific

Do you have a burning question that you would love to ask our Creative Director, @StevenSharif? Now is your chance! We'll be conducting an AMA on r/MMORPG this week, with the live answers streamed on June 13 from 11AM - 12PM Pacific.
Ask your question in the AMA thread here!
Watch the stream live on June 13 here!
Did you miss the MMORPG subreddit AMA live stream featuring our Creative Director? You can catch up on the AMA at the link below!

Or how you plan to make the world different from other worlds and how it will stand out from them.
Castle sieges and node sieges will both happen during the server prime time. Since the castle sieges happen on a monthly basis after the first successful siege against the Raid boss defending it. Will castle siege and node siege happen at the same time in the world and if yes, will it be possible to time a node siege approximately at the same time then its region castle siege?
Thank you and have a nice day.
As a former EverQuest 2 player of 7 years... Will there be Heritage quests as in EQ?
Thanks and greetings from Spain.
There have been plenty of cosmetics that I'd have bought if I'd had access to them, but can't since I can't afford the full package price. Just seems a shame to only allow the richer players to contribute.
I.e. Mini-plushies for house decoration, skulls to hang over the fireplace, etc.
I.e. - Let's say Scribes end up being able to make maps for alts or players who don't like exploration, by visiting different points of interest. Would learning such a thing be permanent, or would more visits be needed, in order to keep making so many more maps?
NOTE TO PLAYERS: This is NOT a present mechanic, it's just an example!
I will make a note, at this point: unlike the monthly Q&A's, this thread does not limit us to 1 question, each. If that's the intention, an edit should be made to the OP!
The pinned post in the reddit thread where submissions are being accepted clears this up for you!
Thank you! Aye, I figured that out late.
Yours truly *hates* Reddit, an I can only *think* I've posted a question on Reddit, for it; I can't tell if it went to the AoC sub-Reddit, or if it's free-floating somewhere on /rMMORPG somewhere, since it's not ordered. Reddit's a lot of guess-work.
It would be great if there were also questions accepted from the normal forums, but I *think* I've posted a single question on Reddit.
I think in AoC it would be great to have Parkour incorporated into a % of the many world events or have them secretly dotted through Nodes as world quests!
(In GW2 the Vistas where you frequently had to climb and parkour to high places or in FF14 where there are climbing challenges at the Gold Saucer).
Why does only rogues get enjoy positional gameplay?
If I'm not back in 24 hours, please send out a search party.
Would not be fun to buy a mount if u dont know how it looks 😛
In WoW u can see how the mount look and how it looks when u sit on it before u buy it 😛 Will it be similar in ashes ?
Ahhhh, hadn't realised the "Ask your question in the AMA thread here" was a link. Don't think I've ever even looked at reddit.
Any chance you can get us the answers, pretty please?! You'd be the bestest bread product ever...
How customisable will the final UI be? As in if there wont be any addons unlike other mmo's (WoW springs to mind as the one i play anyway) that im sure myself and many others would love a highly customisable UI in both sizing and positioning.
I personally like to give myself a lot of information on screen at all times but making it small and unobtrusive as possible but i know others care more for a minimalist look and others again preferring maybe large icons/action bars and mini map etc.
I personally love a lot of the addons i use for WoW and would hate to have to play without them (nothing game breaking but quality of life stuff) so I'm just interested to see what ashes has planned in terms of the built in options and customisation there will be.
📺👇 Watch now!
(Updated OP as well)