Combatant state

cmaster01cmaster01 Member
edited July 2021 in General Discussion
am i the only one who doesn't like the purple color in a combatant? visually to me feels a little bit weird, I´d prefer to get a orange color or something similar, we could say that´s the color of a player who is in between been non combatant and corrupted, you are not a non combatant but not a corrupted either... to me would feel more confortable


  • AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    We should pick whatever is largely the most colorblind-friendly options for this.

    And for that, we need any colorblind members of the community to tell us what they need.
    Sorry, my native language is Erlang.
  • AerlanaAerlana Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited July 2021
    Green > yellow > orange > red
    Green > blue > purple > red

    Orange or purple is the same "thing" as "color between non combatant and corrupted"

    For the feeling, it is really personnal thing, i have no mater with the colors we have now.

    edit : about colorblind.
    it is not so easy in fact there are 3 main colorblind type... and easier to show matter with the LGBTflag :

    People with no colorblindness !
    Red color blindness
    Green color blindness
    Blue color blindness
    (there is also people who dont see any color... )

    So, really hard to find a color set that can easily be understood by both 3 kind, while staying intuitiv for the majority of people (green/red as basis. the most clear duo of color to be understood in videogames)
  • bloodprophetbloodprophet Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Wonder if being able to change colors for color blind people will allow players to change this on their screen. Seems to me like that would be a thing. This would allow you as a player to change it on your screen to what ever color you like.
    Seems like on one of the streams Steven said he was red/green color blind when the question came up in a Q&A.
    Maybe ask in the next Q&A about to what extant being able to change these colors might be.
    Most people never listen. They are just waiting on you to quit making noise so they can.
  • GrihmGrihm Member
    Could they not add a Symbol as well as just a color?
  • George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack
    edited July 2021

    for me

    Btw, why is combatant on the way to red? Combat is combat. Murder is murder. Purple is fine.
  • tautautautau Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Also, the current color scheme is familiar to all of the old L2 players, which is helpful.
  • Having the current colors be the default i think is fine. Allowing us to change the colors would be ideal. I wont know how the game will look yet with my colorblindness. As an example: Discord dark mode for me is great, except with servers that have the darker purple colors selected for names, in which case i cant read anything in that color.

    Once I can see how the name plates look against the various backgrounds, it would be great to be able to change them as needed.
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I think you mean changing the colors only on your PC.
    Rather than changing the colors that other players see.
  • Azherae wrote: »
    We should pick whatever is largely the most colorblind-friendly options for this.

    And for that, we need any colorblind members of the community to tell us what they need.

    I think there should be color-blind modes for different types of color blindness (like many games have). I don't think having the default color scheme be "color blind friendly" is even viable since it won't be right for every type of color blindness.

    As for the purple/orange debate - I'm not a fan of orange for combatant because it implies you are "on your way" to becoming corrupt, or have some minor amount of corruption, which is not the case. A Combatant is it's own thing.
  • VaknarVaknar Moderator, Member, Staff
    Perhaps a color accessibility feature for colorblind players to choose different color schemes for UI elements would be helpful? ^_^
  • HumblePuffinHumblePuffin Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Azherae wrote: »
    We should pick whatever is largely the most colorblind-friendly options for this.

    And for that, we need any colorblind members of the community to tell us what they need.

    I think there should be color-blind modes for different types of color blindness (like many games have). I don't think having the default color scheme be "color blind friendly" is even viable since it won't be right for every type of color blindness.

    As for the purple/orange debate - I'm not a fan of orange for combatant because it implies you are "on your way" to becoming corrupt, or have some minor amount of corruption, which is not the case. A Combatant is it's own thing.

    I would like to pick whatever colors I want. Idk what colors I do want at this moment but being able to change colors of health/mana/enemy name plates/whatever to whatever colors are available would be my preference.

    Gimme all the UI customization options please.
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    That could be wicked cool. But...
    It would mean we need UI customization templates which include race color combos, class color combos, social org color combos and religion color combos - just to start!!
  • ZaroZaro Member
    As red-green and green-red but not all the way colourblind, I'd prefer the option to mark civilians white, allies blue, allies in combat purple, enemies I cant attack pink and enemies I can attack red.

    Futher more, I would like enemies attacking or targeting me to blink between red and orange.

    Vegetation is green and there might be red hiding in green, but it sure as hell aint white or blue or purple, so if it starts blinking, thats on me.

  • bloodprophetbloodprophet Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Hopefully the UI is robust enough to allow players to recolor various groupings the color they want. Either a color wheel or a pallet that we can change the RGB and make different colors with.
    I think this is the direction they will go.

    I usually change guildies and allies to some random off color so they stand out in the world/crowd.
    Most people never listen. They are just waiting on you to quit making noise so they can.
  • cmaster01 wrote: »
    am i the only one who doesn't like the purple color in a combatant? visually to me feels a little bit weird, I´d prefer to get a orange color or something similar, we could say that´s the color of a player who is in between been non combatant and corrupted, you are not a non combatant but not a corrupted either... to me would feel more confortable

    tbh they should give you options in menu to pick a colour you want for every state so non combatant, comnatant and corrupted should be able to be swapped colours in option to different onces so player can choose the one they like the most for each part (Also allow for colourblind players to seklect what is easier for them to distinguish)
  • tautautautau Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    The green/purple/red tradition comes from Lineage2, a game Steven played a lot, and the tradition is familiar and customary to lots of the old timers who grew up on L2, including me.
  • Grihm wrote: »
    Could they not add a Symbol as well as just a color?

    It'd be great to have a setting where you could choose your favourite.
    This link may help you:

  • Hopefully the UI is robust enough to allow players to recolor various groupings the color they want. Either a color wheel or a pallet that we can change the RGB and make different colors with.
    I think this is the direction they will go.

    I usually change guildies and allies to some random off color so they stand out in the world/crowd.

    That'd be funky, being able to pick your own colours.
    This link may help you:

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