Boss Sharing

Hi, I love the idea of this game and looking forward to it, I'm just a little confused on how mobs are shared. From my understanding, once a mob is killed all players have to wait for the mob to re-spawn to kill it again. E.g. I remember in a previous thread something about a Winter dragon that only appears once when a node reaches a certain point in Winter season.

If I get a quest to slay this dragon and someone beats me to it, simply cause I wasn't fast enough, will I ever be able to complete the quest? Will I have to wait for the node to reach a new level? or just the re-spawn timer to reset? Did I just waste my time travelling across the whole map to find out it was already defeated for nothing?

Also, how do the devs plan to stop a guild monopolizing a boss? Cause personally I don't like PvP and don't see myself beating a high leveled guild for a chance to defeat a boss with my friends. I feel like a good solution for this is some bosses are in non-PvP areas and you get a chance at a drop based on your contribution to the fight.
Some boss in PvP areas for those whole love PvP but I would prefer as a PvE lover that those bosses drop loot thats better for PvP and PvE lovers won't particularly want.

Let me know what you guys think and if you can answer any of my questions, Thanks.


  • RomancyyRomancyy Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    So to the first point about getting a quest to kill a dragon and someone killing it first, mobs will have a respawn timer to them so if someone kills a quest mob you will have to wait for it to respawn. This time will depend on the mob we just don't now the exact numbers yet. For the second part, there will be no non-PVP areas except freeholds and inside a settlement but I am not sure about the second part. The whole design philosophy of the game revolves around players actions creating friction between each other. The idea of a non-pvp area for people to go and kill bosses free of danger goes against this idea. Yes it is possible for a guild or alliance to have enough control of an area to lock out other players if they choose, but they would have to suffer the consequences of killing non-flagged players if those players don't opt in for PVP and don't fight back. Either way PVP is going to be impossible to avoid, which is the point of the game.
  • tautautautau Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I think that there will be some instanced bosses, the number tossed out is 20% of them, so you will have an opportunity for a non PVP boss fight.
  • George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack
    In another mmorpg there was around 10 bosses you needed for the most important, MAX LV, quest.
    Guilds would fight wars for a chance to take them down.

    For me this is the best content an mmo can provide. For you it might be a nightmare.

    I dont think that raidbosses would be a requirement for usual quests.

    But remember, Ashes wants to create a dangerous, challenging, social mmorpg. Unlike eso ff14 etc etc....

  • Bluemax717Bluemax717 Member
    edited January 2022
    If I get a quest to slay this dragon and someone beats me to it, simply cause I wasn't fast enough, will I ever be able to complete the quest?
    It will depend on what the criteria is for that dragon spawn. If its on a timer you will have to wait until the timer resets. This happens in every MMO and sometimes you have to wait a very long time before you get a chance to do it. Using WoW as an example, there are people who are still trying to complete quest from 10 years ago. There are also quest that have been removed from the game that people never had a chance to attempt.
    Also, how do the devs plan to stop a guild monopolizing a boss? Cause personally I don't like PvP and don't see myself beating a high leveled guild for a chance to defeat a boss with my friends.
    There will always be a bigger and better guild. No guild can do everything on control everything in the game. You need to find the type of guild you want to join and start with that. You will need to do research on the server you join prior to you joining. Some servers will naturally be more PvP and some more PvE.
    I feel like a good solution for this is some bosses are in non-PvP areas
    You are wanting something that doesn't exist in this game at the current time. Maybe later but as it stands now the entire game design is focused around open world flagging. AKA the areas of PvP and PvE are not separate
    bosses drop loot that's better for PvP and PvE lovers won't particularly want.
    There isn't PvP and PvE gear. As the game is designed right now, its all the same.
  • First, I just want to say we don't know the answers to most questions, we just have to wait and see.

    I remember Steven saying that you might not be able to complete every quest. Some quests will have fail conditions, and that might be the case with this Winter Dragon event quest.

    When a node levels up, there might be a winter dragon event that happens, but maybe the event dragon will become a world boss dragon that is not for the specific quest, but can be killed on a respawn timer (just spitballing ideas, we don't know).

    Also about the idea that large effective guilds can dominate areas and boss spawns, we know that this will most likely happen. You have to either beat them or join them. You say you don't like pvp, but pvp is a core part of the Ashes of Creation experience. It is not a pve or a pvp game, but a pvx game where at most times you will have to do both to achieve your goal.
  • VaknarVaknar Moderator, Member, Staff
    Steven and the team's vision is all about risk and reward and the symbiosis of the two. With the nature of open world PvP and a majority of non-instanced dungeon and raid fights, PvP in direct correlation to boss fights, quest objectives and other desirable objectives is unavoidable!

    However, that doesn't mean you need to directly fight a war for a chance to kill a monster to complete a quest. For example, perhaps you're a crafter for your guild and instead of fighting in a guild war, you choose to spend your time and energy supplying your guild for a battle.

    If they win the battle, you win! And you'd get your chance at that quest objective without fighting the front lines of a PvP war, if that is what pleases you. The opportunities are endless and the possibilities are many! :)
  • honestly i love sharing boss and events in all games
    some games make the thing too toxic and overly challenging for unnecessary reasons, perhaps to create an inflated price for the drop.
    there should be a reason. better reasons than fixing design flaws.

    guildwars 2 is ok... so is elder scrolls online but you must join party/raid
    there should be a method to let everyone benefit if they all contribute to an event EVEN IF THEY ARE MINORITY and dont have friends or family to invite them or dont know how to speak etc...
  • George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack
    caedwyn wrote: »
    honestly i love sharing boss and events in all games
    some games make the thing too toxic and overly challenging for unnecessary reasons, perhaps to create an inflated price for the drop.
    there should be a reason. better reasons than fixing design flaws.

    guildwars 2 is ok... so is elder scrolls online but you must join party/raid
    there should be a method to let everyone benefit if they all contribute to an event EVEN IF THEY ARE MINORITY and dont have friends or family to invite them or dont know how to speak etc...

    Mindless zerg surfing. So boring.
  • AtamaAtama Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited January 2022
    One of the things that a completionist like myself will struggle with, is that when you have content that is dynamically generated, it is impossible to do everything. My typical MO (MMO MO?) is to go to an area, gather up quests, and then wander around completing them as I go, also gathering materials to develop whatever tradeskills I have. It's slow-going, true, but I get a real sense of satisfaction by fully completing an area, getting all the XP and loot, and filling out achievements. I also typically advance well in crafting while also advancing as an adventurer.

    You can't really do that if quests come and go with node changes. You can't go to a web site with quest guides for an area, when quests will be different from server to server, and even potentially from week to week as nodes change. Dungeons will appear and disappear. Quest givers will move from place to place or vanish.

    So that means that if you can't complete a quest, don't worry about it. Do something else. Do a different quest, or do something not quest-related. This world is ephemeral, nothing is set in stone. There is a kind of freedom in just letting go and doing what you can when you can. I know I am going to have to come to grips with this because it means learning to play in a way counter to what I'm used to, but maybe that will be a good thing.
  • NerrorNerror Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited January 2022
    I am like you Atama. I would do grey quests just because it feels much better doing them than not. I'll have to focus my completionist tendencies on achievements and titles and mastering all artisan skills and mariner skills and religions and social organizations... :D
  • I think it is important to recognise that ashes at its heart will be a pvp game. If you are adverse to pvp then you honestly risk paying into a game you wont enjoy. Thankfully monthly sub no box price does make it easily accessible to try.

    This is important because this game is tagged to be more of a niche game not catering to all crowds and this is fine. Be sure that ashes at a fundamental level encompasses what you enjoy in a game as that will ultimately impact the fulfilment you get playing it!
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