Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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Dungeon Crawl! #WWYD

VaknarVaknar Member, Staff
edited June 2022 in General Discussion
Greetings glorious Ashes of Creation community!

I’d like to introduce you to a #WWYD (What Would You Do) scenario that we’re doing over on some of our social media channels!

Make sure to get your submission in within a few hours after this post goes live!


🤑 Exploring abandoned ruins can be quite lucrative!

🤔 As you explore these ruins you notice some glorious loot nearby. Do you grab the loot, or leave it and slowly exit the room? #WWYD?

(Click on either link below to submit your answer!)






  • TalentsTalents Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    edited June 2022
    Show the rowboat being used by a player.
  • PenguinPaladinPenguinPaladin Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Show a player being used by the rowboat.
  • LudulluLudullu Member, Alpha Two
    Always take the loot
  • ThecatslockThecatslock Member, Alpha Two
    I take the loot with caution
  • CROW3CROW3 Member, Alpha Two
    Does anyone ask 'should I' when face to face with a chest in abandoned ruins??

    I want that rowboat btw.
  • VaknarVaknar Member, Staff
    NiKr wrote: »
    Always take the loot

    Make sure to submit your answer to one of those polls! 😉
  • ThecatslockThecatslock Member, Alpha Two
    CROW3 wrote: »
    Does anyone ask 'should I' when face to face with a chest in abandoned ruins??

    I want that rowboat btw.

    Naw we players have been groomed from day 1 to rip away anything not nailed down like greedy little hoard dragons or die trying. We give the job of graverobbing a whole new level of ocd to pick up every penny and shiny cup.

    Also I'm going to laugh if they put in an impossible to obtain chest in the game with a epic sandal that says youve been had and the door closes and double clicking this sandal poisons and kills you to escape the room.
  • This content has been removed.
  • Happymeal2415Happymeal2415 Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    You guys are all wrong. The answer is...
    For a Klondike bar
  • SkylarckTheBotanistSkylarckTheBotanist Member, Alpha Two
    Vaknar wrote: »

    Make sure to submit your answer to one of those polls! 😉

    Are the polls just commenting on Social Media or is there a poll I am not seeing?
  • VaknarVaknar Member, Staff

    Are the polls just commenting on Social Media or is there a poll I am not seeing?

    Good question! So, on Twitter and Instagram there is a poll. As for Facebook and LinkedIn, you can leave a comment with what you'd like to happen!
  • St_NyackSt_Nyack Member, Alpha Two
    "Why is there an abandoned rowboat here?"
    steals rowboat
    tries fishing
    rowboat sinks
    and that is why we open the chest , for dry clothes
  • CROW3CROW3 Member, Alpha Two
    I'm hoping for a mimic.
  • CutieCutie Member
    *steals loot*

    "Why do I hear boss music?"
    PvP enthusiast
  • VaknarVaknar Member, Staff
    edited June 2022
    OK! I guess some people ( @Talents , @PenguinPaladin , @CROW3 ) are liking that rowboat 👀

    I'm curious, what is it that you guys like about it, specifically? Are you wanting to see more hot rowboat content 🥵🤔?
  • VaknarVaknar Member, Staff
    edited June 2022
    Hey all! Thanks to those who stopped by and a special thank you to those who went to our socials and posted a response! The results can be found below 👀
    💰 The bag has been acquired, but you have not gone unnoticed. It’s time to take down the nearby goblins that have been alerted to your presence!

    🛶 After vanquishing the goblins, you decide to cut the expedition short and head home with your newfound wealth.

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  • CROW3CROW3 Member, Alpha Two
    edited June 2022
    Vaknar wrote: »
    OK! I guess some people ( @Talents , @PenguinPaladin , @CROW3 ) are liking that rowboat 👀

    I'm curious, what is it that you guys like about it, specifically? Are you wanting to see more hot rowboat content 🥵🤔?

    I’m really hoping for small water craft to use when exploring.

  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    mmmmm hmmmmn
    The problem with this WWYD is that I would prefer to give the loot to the Goblins in a diplomatic attempt to boost faction rep, but... that's never an option in MMORPGs.
  • MerekMerek Member
    Vaknar wrote: »

    This is an old combat animation, right?
  • St_NyackSt_Nyack Member, Alpha Two
    edited June 2022
    Vaknar wrote: »

    I'm curious, what is it that you guys like about it, specifically? Are you wanting to see more hot rowboat content

    Yes and Yes
    looks like a dory , very cool
  • VaknarVaknar Member, Staff
    Dygz wrote: »
    mmmmm hmmmmn
    The problem with this WWYD is that I would prefer to give the loot to the Goblins in a diplomatic attempt to boost faction rep, but... that's never an option in MMORPGs.

    Those would certainly be some diplomatic goblins, in that case 😅
  • VaknarVaknar Member, Staff
    Merek wrote: »

    This is an old combat animation, right?

    It most likely is!
  • TheDarkSorcererTheDarkSorcerer Member, Alpha Two
    @Vaknar This would be a good oppo to add a poll option to forum :wink:
  • SkylarckTheBotanistSkylarckTheBotanist Member, Alpha Two
    CROW3 wrote: »

    I’m really hoping for small water craft to use when exploring.

    Exactly that! That's why I had to get the Wispwatcher ( )
  • TalentsTalents Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    edited June 2022
    Vaknar wrote: »
    OK! I guess some people ( @Talents , @PenguinPaladin , @CROW3 ) are liking that rowboat 👀

    I'm curious, what is it that you guys like about it, specifically? Are you wanting to see more hot rowboat content 🥵🤔?

    Just more Naval stuff altogether, even if it's as simple as someone sailing a rowboat or a ship.
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