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[Player Feedback Request] Empyrean Concept Art Shown During July Livestream

VaknarVaknar Member, Staff
edited August 2022 in General Discussion
Hello glorious community,

We’d like your feedback regarding the look and feel of the Empyrean male & female concept art. We shared our most recent art of this race during the July Development Update livestream.

Your feedback matters to us! As a direct result of your previous feedback and our creative direction, you can see that major changes have been made to the Ren’Kai race in comparison to the last time you saw the Ren’Kai.

Empyrean Concept Art

To help guide the conversation, here are a few thought starters:
  • What do you like about the current art direction of this race?
  • Is there anything you dislike about the art direction for this race, and why?
  • What are your thoughts on what was shown during the livestream for the Empyrean female & male concept?
  • Are there any specific Character Creator customizations you would like to see for the Empyrean race?
Don’t feel limited to the questions above. Please, share anything you’d like about the Empyrean race design.

We’ll be leaving this thread open for your feedback until the end of the day on Friday, August 12, 2022, so that we can begin compiling a report for our development team.

Everyone here at Intrepid Studios looks forward to reading all the great reactions to our latest character designs!


  • LudulluLudullu Member, Alpha Two
    Looking great. Can't wait for models.
  • TheDarkSorcererTheDarkSorcerer Member, Alpha Two
    edited July 2022
    Thank you for giving me my Thranduil dream <3 They look perfectly RIGHT with the high cheekbones. They give a "I'm-better-than-you" type of vibe with a RBF mood.
  • AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited July 2022
    .There's nothing in particular that catches my attention here, but they're supposed to look like Elves and they look like Elves, so there's nothing to complain about either, especially since the goal would be to make everyone who really wants to play the 'usual' fantasy Elf happy and I'm glad for that.

    I think I'll have to see the ingame model, because I find that very angular features, particularly around the eyes and lower chin, lead to some visuals in low light conditions or under certain lighting models that I personally don't like.

    That said, I'm fairly sure they're more realistic and that others will find them not only agreeable but very correct.

    tl;dr No complaints here as of now.
    "I blame society."
    "For what...?"
    "Just about everything, really."
  • LeiloniLeiloni Member, Alpha Two
    edited August 2022
    Looks good. Exactly what I expect for Empyrean with the traditional High Elf look. Happy with this! <3

    Edit: I do want to agree with the others in that I'd prefer if the crowns were optional. It seems weird to have it on my head permanently vs something like earrings or necklaces which are a more normal and minimal accessory. I'd be ok with having crown options in character creator to choose from, and maybe a settings option to turn it off/on after creation when out playing - separate from a head hide option. I do think it would be fun and unique to have it on sometimes but perhaps not always. I do also like the suggestions for magical tattoos but I'd also love a "no tattoo" or "minimal tattoo that's easily hidden with clothes/armor" option.
  • FalleniFalleni Member, Alpha Two
    They got look what I imagine high elfs to have. Accesories look amazing as well although I'd love if customization allowed to remove them entirely as well.
  • SnowElfSnowElf Member, Alpha Two
    Love the cheekbone, and those eyebrows are SNATCHED hunty.
  • LeukaelLeukael Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited July 2022
    Love it. Hope there's a range of palettes we could see at some point for skin tone, eye color, and hair (not assets but just the color ranges.) Also, hope (and confident) they have less harsh angled option for the males for like ears and nose.

    Otherwise love it.
  • NerrorNerror Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Very High Elfy, very nice! They get my (valuable) stamp of approval :wink:
  • GreatPhilisopherGreatPhilisopher Member, Alpha Two
    loks great but hope we have options to make them less manly/brutish looking
  • Gaul_Gaul_ Member, Alpha Two
    Yeah looks great! I'm sure there will be different options, I would probably look for slightly softer features.
  • TheDarkSorcererTheDarkSorcerer Member, Alpha Two
    SnowElf wrote: »
    Love the cheekbone, and those eyebrows are SNATCHED hunty.

    Right! That male Empyrean got his brows laminated haha
  • Keeper262Keeper262 Member, Alpha Two
    I love these concepts. Perhaps some jewelry that glows when orcs are nearby lol.
  • TatianaTatiana Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited July 2022
    They're absolutely amazing IMO, this is exactly how I imagine High Elves, with the silvery/platinum blonde hair and the high cheekbones. I would love to see some minor mystical elements as customization options for their eyes to them that give them that somewhat ethereal or other-worldly beauty, such as light golden, silvery, or lavender eye colours.
  • Morg7x7Morg7x7 Member, Alpha Two
    They look very pretty I look forwards to shooting them with orcish arrows.
  • -T0Mb--T0Mb- Member, Alpha Two
    edited July 2022
    They are absolutely gorgeous! I love them! <3

    Empyreans' specific customization could include glowing eyes (not too glowy like with Night elves in WoW), glowing tattoos and maybe when they are wearing helmets their long hair could be always seen and players could customize this "helmet hairstyle".
  • KDecisionzKDecisionz Member, Alpha Two
    Looks like an Elf to me
  • daveywaveydaveywavey Member, Alpha Two
    Looks good. Just please don't make us have to glue leaves to their faces like we've had to glue branchlers to the Py'Rai. Let's have some heads that don't have to have things on top of them!
    This link may help you:

  • DeviLzFury_GamingDeviLzFury_Gaming Member, Alpha Two
    I think these are looking great! really gives Elven vibe, and high elf feel.. love how they look.
    The Wolves of Verra
    are recruiting:
  • MybroViajeroMybroViajero Member, Alpha Two
    edited August 2022
    -What do you like about the current art direction of this race?
    It seems to me that this is correct.

    -Is there anything you dislike about the art direction for this race, and why?
    Comparatively it is boring against the other classes, I mean they look empty, I understand that they are Elves, I understand that their characteristics in a large majority is cold but even the cold can have personality.

    -What are your thoughts on what was shown during the livestream for the Empyrean female & male concept?
    I think it is correct from a basic point of view about the High Elves.

    -Are there any specific Character Creator customizations you would like to see for the Empyrean race?Jewelry , accessories , hair decorations , magic decorations, such as magic runes flying around the neck or magic runes on the skin or magic runes around the wrists , flashing eyes , magic eyes , magic aura.

    The empyrean are the most "normal" elves within the elven category so I am afraid that they can become boring as an image (like humans), so if they are compared to other races that have more exotic, showy or marked features, the empyrean will always be a visually boring race.

    I think that normal or magical decorations could help a lot to give the empyrean some unique characterization that would help them differentiate themselves from the Pyrai and other classes.

    For example some decorations on their hair , on their head , ornamental crowns created by magical aura , magical runes around some parts of their body , glowing or magical eyes , glow or magical aura around their body , details that would give them the status of imperial elves.

    Do empyreans need to attract attention with their appearance? I don't think so, but that doesn't mean that they not have characteristic traits that make them stand out as imperial elves, high elves, conquering elves.

    What visual characteristics differentiate a human with elven ears from an Empyrean? I think that question should be asked.
  • Happymeal2415Happymeal2415 Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited July 2022
    Looking great so far
  • LinikerLiniker Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited July 2022
    I love it - with that said, I hope it doesn't change anymore, as I have some concerns due to the Ren'Kai models being reworked

    I hope intrepid stops taking feedback for every decision in the game, and constantly changing things based on player feedback. Players don't know what they want, people will always complain about something and after it's changed they will say they liked the old version more.

    Pick a direction and move forward. We want the best game intrepid can make, not a Frankenstein of a game that doesn't know what it wants to be, this goes for art, races, environment, combat, design and so on... I backed this game believing that Intrepid can make a good game, not the overall playerbase.
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  • GethOverlordGethOverlord Member
    edited July 2022
    Look just like Tolkinien elves and I love if. This is the best way to move forward imo. Go forth and create an army to shatter Morgoth at the Dagor Bragollach.
    Professional Skeptic, Entertainer, and Animal Enthusiast
  • This gives me an imperious vibe, a conquering colonial power of prestige and high culture relying on slave labour or a large underclass of civilians who send their children off to soldier training. Like Caesar from the Asterix series. Pronounced nose and high cheekbones, stern gaze that betrays no emotion beyond the grindset.
  • NefficlesNefficles Member, Alpha Two
    Literally looks like the elven king from the hobbit....I'm livingggg. You guys nailed it.
  • RyanTheSirenRyanTheSiren Member, Alpha Two
    They look amazing!! This has been my planned main race for over a year now and I’m so excited! But please make the circlet accessory things optional! They would look odd with some transmogs and dye sets and classes IMO.

    Imagine a stealthy Empyrean rogue in all black leathers trying to be sneaky with giant golden floating leaves on his head…lol

    On the flip side of that, lots of jewelry and adornment OPTIONS would be very appreciated! I personally love the halo-esque crowns and will be using one, but I think it needs to be optional for sure.

    Would also love glowing eye and glowing tattoo OPTIONS since the race is super magical and connected to the essence after all. Maybe even glowy halo type OPTIONS.

    I think options is my key feedback here lol.

    And lots of long and intricate hair options please I think it would make them feel a lot more distinct and unique as a race! With tons of braids and gems and stuff! Like these:





  • FohlenbratenFohlenbraten Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Nailed it - perfect for my taste of some high born elves!
    [Fleo Verum] Séarlas - Py'rai - Ranger+ X
  • ChimeChime Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Looks amazing, both models for the Emperean and Py'Rai give the player base a great contrast.

    Elves are my main all the way 😀
    ☼ Alpha 2 let's gooooo ☼
  • I will just mention as it seems to come up how this looks too much like the "traditional elf". Yes, it is supposed to! We have the Dunir looking like a traditional dwarf and people have grown accustomed to elves in their fantasy genres and we need some of that here.

    On the actual work, yes it looks like a solid high-elf-esque depiction. The sharp jaw and the ashen hair really suits. I think the body will give away more of their uniqueness. I would expect them to be much more slender, quite tall with a lightness in their step - almost walking with a grace about them. Please give that some thought when you get to their body and animations.
  • T ElfT Elf Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I would have liked to have seen them without the head gear but they look like a human with pointy ears ... just like they should.
    Formerly T-Elf

  • DxMoMoDxMoMo Member, Alpha Two
    AidanKD wrote: »
    On the actual work, yes it looks like a solid high-elf-esque depiction. The sharp jaw and the ashen hair really suits. I think the body will give away more of their uniqueness. I would expect them to be much more slender, quite tall with a lightness in their step - almost walking with a grace about them. [...]


    I really like the new look, perfectly encapsulated my personal vision of a high-elven race.
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