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πŸ€”πŸ’­ Who is this lovely sand momma?

VaknarVaknar Member, Staff
edited August 2022 in General Discussion

πŸ€”πŸ’­ Who is this lovely sand momma?

πŸ‘‡ Place your guesses below!


  • LinikerLiniker Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    She is the goddess of cosmetics, and will be the one to tell us in what type of buildings we can place our freehold skins
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  • NerrorNerror Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited August 2022
    Goddess of Hope, Resna, is my number one guess. The pose suggests hope. Sand slipping through fingers can be symbolic of loss of hope, which is appropriate for the Apocalypse. Resna is goddess for the Aela humans, so that part fits too.

    It could be that Aelan queen too, the Lady of the Rose, but I lean slightly more towards Resna.
  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    The goddess of sand passing through an hour glass. Almost the wife of Mitra from Age of Conan - Head band looks like a Priest of Mitra headband.
  • SirChancelotSirChancelot Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Liniker wrote: Β»
    She is the goddess of cosmetics, and will be the one to tell us in what type of buildings we can place our freehold skins

  • WarthWarth Member, Alpha Two
    edited August 2022
    Its the goddess of time. The sign on the head is similar to the one that is carried by the Protector's Armor.

    Unfortunately, the Armor doesn't have any Lore attached to it.

    But what's also in the Pack of the Protector's Armor?
    A Pocket Watch


    The goddess of sand passing through an hour glass.

    I agree with @Neurath there

  • VaknarVaknar Member, Staff
    edited August 2022
    Nerror wrote: Β»
    Goddess of Hope, Resna, is my number one guess. The pose suggests hope. Sand slipping through fingers can be symbolic of loss of hope, which is appropriate for the Apocalypse. Resna is goddess for the Aela humans, so that part fits too.

    It could be that Aelan queen too, the Lady of the Rose, but I lean slightly more towards Resna.

    (I'm going to preface what I'm about to say with this: I genuinely don't know and I've kept it that way so I don't spoil it for myself and so I can join in on fun conversations about lore without having to pretend like I don't know ;) )

    This is a really interesting guess. I love your observation on the potential symbolism of the statue's pose and static action. I would say that her face might resemble that of being at peace, or perhaps hopeful!
  • VaknarVaknar Member, Staff
    edited August 2022
    Warth wrote: Β»
    Its the goddess of time. The sign on the head is similar to the one that is carried by the Protector's Armor.

    Unfortunately, the Armor doesn't have any Lore attached to it.

    But what's also in the Pack of the Protector's Armor?
    A Pocket Watch


    I agree with @Neurath there

    OOhh! You and @Neurath have an interesting opinion that she could be related to time.
  • NerrorNerror Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    The pocket watch is present in every single pack they sell :wink: It just represents game time.
  • CROW3CROW3 Member, Alpha Two
    Norlan - the Goddess of Fate. I don't imagine that desert has always been a desert, and I'm curious what stood in that place when her statue was built. I imagine it's both fitting and ironic a symbol of fate resulted in such a fate.
  • DolyemDolyem Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Resna, goddess if hope
  • CROW3CROW3 Member, Alpha Two
    Dolyem wrote: Β»
    Resna, goddess if hope

    Oof - that's dark. :o
  • BaSkA_9x2BaSkA_9x2 Member, Alpha Two
    Pretty sure she's a stone momma
    🎢Galo é Galo o resto é bosta🎢
  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Nerror wrote: Β»
    The pocket watch is present in every single pack they sell :wink: It just represents game time.

    I like to picture the rabbit from Alice in Wonderland - I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date!
  • Nerror wrote: Β»
    The pocket watch is present in every single pack they sell :wink: It just represents game time.

    This is true :wink:
  • horendishorendis Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    My guess is that this is Lyneth. The symbol on her circlet matches one of the sigils of the Vaelune. Lyneth's fame and her house, lasted a thousand years on the continent of Vandagar on Verra. The Aela would never forget her and a clan of the Vaelune might have chosen her sigil in Sanctus to honor her.
  • TyranthraxusTyranthraxus Member, Alpha Two
    horendis wrote: Β»
    My guess is that this is Lyneth. The symbol on her circlet matches one of the sigils of the Vaelune. Lyneth's fame and her house, lasted a thousand years on the continent of Vandagar on Verra. The Aela would never forget her and a clan of the Vaelune might have chosen her sigil in Sanctus to honor her.

    Very in-depth! If it's not Verra's goddess of time, then Ima go with this ^

    Time was my first thought since it looks as though there is a roof or curtains over the top half of a sand-timer.

  • AsraielAsraiel Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Well from the look at the crown i would say it has to do something with the dwrafs, since its more like dwarfen achitekture. but since se is big way bigger than dwarf its more likely human.
    from the hands and how she holds them it seems she lifts up something light maybe a offering to the sky or the gods. since she is in the desert a water goddes would make sense makes sense.
    the eyes are closed as she is in the mids of a preyer but if shes preying she might not be a goddes herself more a once respected prestress or beloved queen.
    since the desert is home to a specific human race.

    so the holy virgin of the ... religion
  • MybroViajeroMybroViajero Member, Alpha Two
    Not a Tulnar , happily .
    Perhaps she is an ancient sand mage who blesses all intruders in her domain.
  • NerrorNerror Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited August 2022
    horendis wrote: Β»
    My guess is that this is Lyneth. The symbol on her circlet matches one of the sigils of the Vaelune. Lyneth's fame and her house, lasted a thousand years on the continent of Vandagar on Verra. The Aela would never forget her and a clan of the Vaelune might have chosen her sigil in Sanctus to honor her.

    The top middle sigil right? I remember we talked about it in one of the twitch streams. I definitely see elements of the one on sand momma in that top middle sigil. They added stuff to it, like wings, but the base is similar.

  • Yokai TheaterYokai Theater Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    The only problem with everyone's guess of the "sand momma" being Resna is that Resna is said to be the god if hope not goddess, granted this could have been changed.

    I also disagree with the thought that "sand momma" is any of the other gods/goddess given how human she looks. The Orc goddess of fate Norlan shouldn't look like a Human, she should look like a Orc (or a dragon/snake). Somthing I would hate to see is that all the gods/goddess end up appearing Human.

    I also strongly doubt that "sand momma" has anything to do with the Vaelune given that the divide between the races didn't hapen till after everyone went to Sanctus.

    I do support the idea that "sand momma" could have somthing to do with the once great house of Lyneth. And that she has somthing to do with water, given the fact that Aela Human lore and concept seems to have a lot to do with water and trade. The desert could have also not always been a desert and at one point been anything else. Sand is also coming off of "sand momma" hands like you would see water flowing
  • NerrorNerror Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited August 2022
    The only problem with everyone's guess of the "sand momma" being Resna is that Resna is said to be the god if hope not goddess, granted this could have been changed.

    The wiki says "God" but that's because the reference they got it from (Steven) didn't mention the gender, and called Resna a deity. An Aelan deity. So it defaulted to "god".

    It's generally always a good idea to watch the reference links they provide on the wiki. I love the wiki and it's amazing work, but sometimes stuff gets lost in translation, so to speak.
  • Yokai TheaterYokai Theater Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited August 2022
    Nerror wrote: Β»
    The wiki says "God" but that's because the reference they got it from (Steven) didn't mention the gender, and called Resna a deity. An Aelan deity. So it defaulted to "god".

    It's generally always a good idea to watch the reference links they provide on the wiki. I love the wiki and it's amazing work, but sometimes stuff gets lost in translation, so to speak.

    I do watch the look at the reference /source links and was there for the 24 hour livestream. And while granted Resna does sound like the name of a Goddess it's a little too on the nose to make "sand momma" Resna. There are also only 7 gods (10 if we count the "others") 2 are already confirmed to be Goddesses (Fate and Creation)

  • DolyemDolyem Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Anyone else mention the fact that it looks like she is holding the sun?
  • NerrorNerror Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited August 2022

    I do watch the look at the reference /source links and was there for the 24 hour livestream. And while granted Resna does sound like the name of a Goddess it's a little too on the nose to make "sand momma" Resna. There are also only 7 gods (10 if we count the "others") 2 are already confirmed to be Goddesses (Fate and Creation)

    It could well be some Aelan queen, sure. Or some other Aelan figure. My point is that we have no reason to believe that Resna is male. Or a "god" instead of "goddess". We don't know. My guess is Resna is seen as a goddess by the Aelan, and that statue is a tribute to her.

    Personally I think it a bit unnecessary to assign sex or gender to "beings of the essence" that are based on certain ungendered feelings and concepts like Hope and Truth and Love and so on, but I'm not the one creating this universe ;)
  • Goddess of Pelicans.
  • easyeasy Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    omggg mama
  • SathragoSathrago Member, Alpha Two
    I immediately thought of this:
    Commissioned at
  • Im still working my way through the lore so I don't have a specific names of any of the Goddess/Gods correct just yet. BUT I feel like just because she is in this sandy place doesn't mean there was always sand there. Hear me out - what if when this statue was made the area had more water around it? Like a great lake or something like that? SO sadly I couldn't give a very good answer until I knew a bit more about where this is and what was once around it.
  • Maybe the hint was accessible in Alpha game-play?
    September 12. 2022: Being naked can also be used to bring a skilled artisan to different freeholds... Don't summon family!
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