Illegal Farming

TheHiddenDaggerInnTheHiddenDaggerInn Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
Now it has been stated we will be able to acquire seeds for farming from many sources, seeing as the only safe place to grow stuff is on a freehold, does that mean before we get freeholds or in this case "some people" get freeholds will we be able to try in grow stuff in the open world where anyone could Technically take it? The ultimate Risk Vs Reward, similar to Archeage's mechanic before players could have housing.

And if this isn't a thing, would you like the ability to grow stuff at your own risk before having a safe place to grow it?
TwitchTV Streamer: The Hidden Dagger Inn Saturday's PM Cst And
Wednesday's at PM Cst


  • CawwCaww Member
    weed farms in the wild should be allowed...
  • TheHiddenDaggerInnTheHiddenDaggerInn Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    TwitchTV Streamer: The Hidden Dagger Inn Saturday's PM Cst And
    Wednesday's at PM Cst
  • TheHiddenDaggerInnTheHiddenDaggerInn Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I could see a tavern turned into a vape shop
    TwitchTV Streamer: The Hidden Dagger Inn Saturday's PM Cst And
    Wednesday's at PM Cst
  • KilionKilion Member
    Actually this idea is quite good. Have these wild fields where people can steal produce but also wild animals could in theory eat part of the crops.
    The answer is probably >>> HERE <<<
  • Presumably there will be a communal plot inside a node's settlement? Or maybe you'll get some planting-tubs in your apartment that you can put your seeds in.
    This link may help you:

  • Santanico wrote: »
    Now it has been stated we will be able to acquire seeds for farming from many sources, seeing as the only safe place to grow stuff is on a freehold, does that mean before we get freeholds or in this case "some people" get freeholds will we be able to try in grow stuff in the open world where anyone could Technically take it? The ultimate Risk Vs Reward, similar to Archeage's mechanic before players could have housing.

    And if this isn't a thing, would you like the ability to grow stuff at your own risk before having a safe place to grow it?

    From what steven said in the recent interview with dgyz and co, there will be rentable public farming that players can engage with inside a node.
    Commissioned at
  • Sathrago wrote: »
    Santanico wrote: »
    Now it has been stated we will be able to acquire seeds for farming from many sources, seeing as the only safe place to grow stuff is on a freehold, does that mean before we get freeholds or in this case "some people" get freeholds will we be able to try in grow stuff in the open world where anyone could Technically take it? The ultimate Risk Vs Reward, similar to Archeage's mechanic before players could have housing.

    And if this isn't a thing, would you like the ability to grow stuff at your own risk before having a safe place to grow it?

    From what steven said in the recent interview with dgyz and co, there will be rentable public farming that players can engage with inside a node.

    Well it makes sense. How large will that be, remains to be known. Casuals can't hold freehold because the associated cost is too high. If it gets destroyed, that's a huge loss
  • BlackBrony wrote: »
    Sathrago wrote: »
    Santanico wrote: »
    Now it has been stated we will be able to acquire seeds for farming from many sources, seeing as the only safe place to grow stuff is on a freehold, does that mean before we get freeholds or in this case "some people" get freeholds will we be able to try in grow stuff in the open world where anyone could Technically take it? The ultimate Risk Vs Reward, similar to Archeage's mechanic before players could have housing.

    And if this isn't a thing, would you like the ability to grow stuff at your own risk before having a safe place to grow it?

    From what steven said in the recent interview with dgyz and co, there will be rentable public farming that players can engage with inside a node.

    Well it makes sense. How large will that be, remains to be known. Casuals can't hold freehold because the associated cost is too high. If it gets destroyed, that's a huge loss

    I mean yeah, it seems like their goal is to have high end crafting, processing, gathering, etc loaded up with requirements so there is a risk vs reward and a sense of accomplishment when you as a player are able to accomplish one of these things like being a master farmer or owner of a really popular Inn.
    Commissioned at
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited July 2023
    BlackBrony wrote: »
    Well it makes sense. How large will that be, remains to be known. Casuals can't hold freehold because the associated cost is too high. If it gets destroyed, that's a huge loss
    I think casuals won't be playing for other reasons, but...
    Casual players aren't inherently anti-social. Casuals typically are pretty good at pooling resources with other players. Even casual solo players still pool resources with other players.
  • FantmxFantmx Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    As said above we will be able to get just below master level at the node with community plots. I am also assuming we will get seeds from harvesting in the wild.
  • Dygz wrote: »
    BlackBrony wrote: »
    Well it makes sense. How large will that be, remains to be known. Casuals can't hold freehold because the associated cost is too high. If it gets destroyed, that's a huge loss
    I think casuals won't be playing for other reasons, but...
    Casual players aren't inherently anti-social. Casuals typically are pretty good at pooling resources with other players. Even casual solo players still pool resources with other players.

    Oh def you're right. I think we will see what happens. I will play the game no matter what. I wanna see it for myself. I do have trouble around PvP since it's something you can't avoid. And being casuals means you should align yourself with gathering resources, but that has a huge cost, which is PvP, so I'm not sure how good will it be.
  • VaknarVaknar Moderator, Member, Staff
    edited July 2023
    daveywavey wrote: »
    Presumably there will be a communal plot inside a node's settlement? Or maybe you'll get some planting-tubs in your apartment that you can put your seeds in. ;)
  • Caww wrote: »
    weed farms in the wild should be allowed...

  • MarcetMarcet Member
    Santanico wrote: »
    I could see a tavern turned into a vape shop

    i think we onto something... medieval shisha lounge??
  • rocsekrocsek Member, Founder, Kickstarter
    BlackBrony wrote: »
    Dygz wrote: »
    BlackBrony wrote: »
    Well it makes sense. How large will that be, remains to be known. Casuals can't hold freehold because the associated cost is too high. If it gets destroyed, that's a huge loss
    I think casuals won't be playing for other reasons, but...
    Casual players aren't inherently anti-social. Casuals typically are pretty good at pooling resources with other players. Even casual solo players still pool resources with other players.

    Oh def you're right. I think we will see what happens. I will play the game no matter what. I wanna see it for myself. I do have trouble around PvP since it's something you can't avoid. And being casuals means you should align yourself with gathering resources, but that has a huge cost, which is PvP, so I'm not sure how good will it be.

    I still think people may be underestimating how much the price of going red will weigh on players. If this system is tuned properly people killing you just for the few resources you have wont happen often. It just wont be worth it in the long run. It will still happen from time to time of course, but with your body count always going up and that counting against you even if you work off the corruption, you'll want to be careful of continually going red. At some point you'll have to spend days just trying to work off the corruption.
    Kaos & Lace Cartel
    "Come join us as you wont like the taste of the Grapefruits we're throwing at our enemies."

    "Never settle for what you think you know" - C. Krauthammer
  • rocsek wrote: »
    BlackBrony wrote: »
    Dygz wrote: »
    BlackBrony wrote: »
    Well it makes sense. How large will that be, remains to be known. Casuals can't hold freehold because the associated cost is too high. If it gets destroyed, that's a huge loss
    I think casuals won't be playing for other reasons, but...
    Casual players aren't inherently anti-social. Casuals typically are pretty good at pooling resources with other players. Even casual solo players still pool resources with other players.

    Oh def you're right. I think we will see what happens. I will play the game no matter what. I wanna see it for myself. I do have trouble around PvP since it's something you can't avoid. And being casuals means you should align yourself with gathering resources, but that has a huge cost, which is PvP, so I'm not sure how good will it be.

    I still think people may be underestimating how much the price of going red will weigh on players. If this system is tuned properly people killing you just for the few resources you have wont happen often. It just wont be worth it in the long run. It will still happen from time to time of course, but with your body count always going up and that counting against you even if you work off the corruption, you'll want to be careful of continually going red. At some point you'll have to spend days just trying to work off the corruption.

    You are only considering things from one side. Think about this. You've been gathering for the last 2 hours because you want to make some gold. Someone comes and starts attacking you. You have 2 options:
    - don't fight, risk death and lose a lot of materials
    - fight, risk death and lose less materials

    The fact that the other playes goes corrupt does nothing for you in regards to your time invested in gathering. All it does is discourage the enemy from doing the PK, but doesn't change the impact of the death. In any case if you don't fight back the impact is actually worse for you.
    So, if you have lots of mats, it's usually better just to fight back, after assessing if the attacker is going all in. But the more time you wait, and the more HP you lose, the higher the chances you die. If you're gonna die, and have lots of mats, fighting back is the only logical scenario.
  • rocsekrocsek Member, Founder, Kickstarter
    I understand that side as well. Me, I'd probably fight back if I'm solo. If I have friends close by I'm going to let them go red and have my friends come try and kill that red without consequence and get part of my stuff back with a potential for other things they can drop. I do however know a lot of people that will just /dance until death and let the attacker go red, and wont think twice about doing so.

    Like I said above, it's going to happen for sure. I just don't think it's going to happen as much as people think.
    Kaos & Lace Cartel
    "Come join us as you wont like the taste of the Grapefruits we're throwing at our enemies."

    "Never settle for what you think you know" - C. Krauthammer
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    edited July 2023
    Sathrago wrote: »
    Santanico wrote: »
    Now it has been stated we will be able to acquire seeds for farming from many sources, seeing as the only safe place to grow stuff is on a freehold, does that mean before we get freeholds or in this case "some people" get freeholds will we be able to try in grow stuff in the open world where anyone could Technically take it? The ultimate Risk Vs Reward, similar to Archeage's mechanic before players could have housing.

    And if this isn't a thing, would you like the ability to grow stuff at your own risk before having a safe place to grow it?

    From what steven said in the recent interview with dgyz and co, there will be rentable public farming that players can engage with inside a node.

    Archeage had public farming space.

    You were limited to 5 plants at a time, whereas while owning land I was able to have about 750 plants growing at a time.

    Without more information on these public farming areas, I'm going to assume they will remain basically worthless.

    Edit; as a reference, illegal tree farms in Archeage could be ten thousand or so plants.
  • TheHiddenDaggerInnTheHiddenDaggerInn Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Yes I liked the public farm Idea I heard, but we all can admit who played Archeage , before housing the Risk / Reward from planting illegally along with exploration of finding good hiding spots was a lot of fun! And since any sizeable farming would need more open space to grow, to make money on. Apartments that can have a flower pot is great , but not to meaningful.
    TwitchTV Streamer: The Hidden Dagger Inn Saturday's PM Cst And
    Wednesday's at PM Cst
  • TheHiddenDaggerInnTheHiddenDaggerInn Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    BlackBrony wrote: »
    Sathrago wrote: »
    Santanico wrote: »
    Now it has been stated we will be able to acquire seeds for farming from many sources, seeing as the only safe place to grow stuff is on a freehold, does that mean before we get freeholds or in this case "some people" get freeholds will we be able to try in grow stuff in the open world where anyone could Technically take it? The ultimate Risk Vs Reward, similar to Archeage's mechanic before players could have housing.

    And if this isn't a thing, would you like the ability to grow stuff at your own risk before having a safe place to grow it?

    From what steven said in the recent interview with dgyz and co, there will be rentable public farming that players can engage with inside a node.

    Well it makes sense. How large will that be, remains to be known. Casuals can't hold freehold because the associated cost is too high. If it gets destroyed, that's a huge loss

    The public farms were fine for those who didn't want to take risk, but as earlier stated in Archeage you could only put 5 trees or plants on a farm, so in some cases waiting 24 hours for 5 trees really wasn't worth it.
    I would assume it will be close to the way Archeage had it, also a big problem was if you didn't get into those early enough they were full. And then seldom used after people had housing. Now seeing as freeholds are end game, people could use them for sometime, Again there will be a lot of people playing this, so they would need to dedicate a sizeable amount of land in many different area's to accommodate.

    Also if you allow illegal farming, it just brings out a new mechanic. Some players will do nothing but explore and look for new places to hide, or find farms growing. Then you've PvP and you will want to try to protect your farm. The downside of this is big guilds could in theory illegal farm all the time because they would have the numbers to harvest it constantly.

    Also there is no Labor mechanic attached to AoC, like there was in Archeage, so they would have to come up with something that prevented enormous planting.
    TwitchTV Streamer: The Hidden Dagger Inn Saturday's PM Cst And
    Wednesday's at PM Cst
  • Arya_YesheArya_Yeshe Member
    edited February 6
    This is good content, I mean, the world is so big you could have your secret grove!

    Knowing the required hours for harvesting allows you to strategize and plant your crops accordingly. You can plan to sow everything and be there for harvesting you'll be online again, ensuring that everything is ready for harvest when you return!

    You suggestion is absolutely delightful, @ILLPeonU!
    PvE means: A handful of coins and a bag of boredom.
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