How long will Alpha-2 last?

CoolburnCoolburn Member
edited December 2023 in Support & FAQ
I wanted to know the duration for Alpha -2.


  • tautautautau Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Alpha 2 will last until launch, the date of which has not yet been determined.

    Ashes of Creation's core game systems are expected to be in place at the start of Alpha-2.[2][5] By the end of Alpha-2, the game is expected to be feature complete, but it will not be content complete until launch.[6][7] Alpha-2 will last until launch and will run in parallel with Beta-1 and Beta-2.[6][8]
  • SomethingWittySomethingWitty Member, Staff, Leader of Men, Alpha One
    Greetings Coolburn,

    As tautau mentioned, Alpha Two will last in various forms until the retail release of the game. The Alpha Two servers will likely be up and down for specified periods as we identify testing needs.

    I am locking this thread. Please feel free to make a new post if you have any other questions.
This discussion has been closed.