Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
The LAST TIME you've seen a satisfying 1v1 PvP Match?

Probably? I'm guessing most of you HAVEN'T.
For yours truly? It was probably 2010 or 2011. <FoE> hosted a 100mil-credit fight between a former-guildie and another player, in SWG. Bounty-Hunter vs. Jedi, for anyone who didn't play SWG/hasn't tried SWG:Legends, in present-time.
Probably the most-satisfying PvP match yours truly EVER saw, in any game. Do you guys/gals think we'll get to see anything - en masse - in AoC, to compare?
Am really hoping Arena matches will be public-purvue, in our game. I mean, I doubt it.... But it's possible, if enough of us want it....
What do most of you think, for the ability to watch OTHER PEOPLES' PvP matches?
For yours truly? It was probably 2010 or 2011. <FoE> hosted a 100mil-credit fight between a former-guildie and another player, in SWG. Bounty-Hunter vs. Jedi, for anyone who didn't play SWG/hasn't tried SWG:Legends, in present-time.
Probably the most-satisfying PvP match yours truly EVER saw, in any game. Do you guys/gals think we'll get to see anything - en masse - in AoC, to compare?
Am really hoping Arena matches will be public-purvue, in our game. I mean, I doubt it.... But it's possible, if enough of us want it....
What do most of you think, for the ability to watch OTHER PEOPLES' PvP matches?
It's best done in small arenas near towns (4 fences in a no flagging zone), in which people walk in freely watch the fights of the players that gathered.
Over time respect and reprecautions (getting your ass pked for being annoying) allpw for uninterrupted 1v1 in said arenas.
also pretty much every 1v1 match in the Chivalry 2 arena is pretty satisfying
Extremely good games, both. Their publisher/developer .... Not so much.
I really hope that martial nodes will have the option to build an arena that starts as basically a square/circle on the ground where 2 players can duel without death penalties. If the node lvls up this building should be able to be upgraded as well eventually turning into a Colosseum on the highest node lvl. The higher the building lvl the more different game modes so to speak should be available. Like 2v2, 5v5, 10v10, Player vs Monster coin player etc. on Colosseum lvl it could even be cool to have a game mode where the Colosseum gets flooded, and you can do small scale naval duels.
You should be able to go into this arena and watch the pvp battles from your characters perspective not from some spectator cam in my opinion. I have the Oblivion Arena in mind here.
I personally think it would be super cool if you could bet on these fights as well I am just not sure how to make it, so it can't be abused. Maybe all the bets get put into a pot and the pot of the looser gets then equally distributed among the winners as well as the winners getting the amount they betted back ofc. I think this way it couldn't rly be abused, and you would get more money if was the only one that betted on the underdog while many betted on the favorite whereas if everybody bets on the favorite, and he wins everybody just gets his betting money back but no extra cash, so it can't be abused for some infinite money glitch by loosing or winning on purpose.
... ... ... ... fxxx.
You're right. Unironically, the last satisfying One-v-One Matches i have seen, were around WOW VANILLA when either my Brother - or i - had Duels before Ironforge or Stormwind City with the Paladin we played.
And then People whined and bitched all the time when Diem could "reflect" Fire and Ice-Shots due to being an Engineer - or asked permanently to "delete our Worldbuffs" our Character could pick up here and there. x'D
Or when Diem won with like Three from Four Hits being critical Hits in an INSTANT - due to having Skilled a Talent, which would be called "Reckoning(?)/Payback(?)Deduction(?) or so - allowing a Paladin to stack Counter-Attacks up to four times when just being hit often enough 😉 . 😁
Okay i admit, we lost our Desire for Duels a loooonnnng time ago, so this is on ourselves that we haven't watched or experienced satisfying One-v-One's in a long time,
but i doubt it would be possible again so easily - > with for Example in World of WoW-Token-Craft Players are running around with +3 to +4 Addons SOLELY to make their Character faster in PvP, hit every single Trinkets or Potions Effects out instantly,
plus every Class being able to do almost anything, including Self-Heal, Stun, back away, etc. - i doubt One-v-One Matches would feel satisfying anymore in WoW.
Or maybe i am just to negative towards that particular Game. I am a full solid 100% confident though, i would need to watch someone on YouTube or elsewhere, who specialises in One-v-One Matches, to see cool Duels or Open-World or Battle Ground Matches in which he amazingly fights worthy Opponents.
✓ Occasional Roleplayer
✓ Maybe i look after a Guild sometime soon
this is an example of the combat, and ill also post a video of the player perspective for the game in general.
But yeah, I would love for this sort of feature to watch peoples matches built into the game. or at the very least be able to sit in the stands at matches I want to watch.
What made it so satisfying??? I must know! Share more! Haha
Reckful had the best 1v1s
The best 1-v-1 PvP Matches/Duels to experience oneself, fall under a few simple Conditions.
- The two Contestants must be about the same Strength. It is not Fun for both, when One more or less easily steamrolls and beats the other.
- It must be a bit of refreshing, new Experience - every single time. This is also why it is important that no One is ever in a clear Advantage over the Other. Every Match must be a new Question of Who might win this time.
- Both Players must have the Feeling that only their Skill and their Ability to "NOT" make a significant Mistake, matters. Even if the latter is up to pure Luck.
When the Result of the Fight is something you can accept was only pure Luck, or Unfortunate because you made a Mistake and closely lost - that is usually the best Type of 1-v-1 Matches.
Sometimes, Games are indeed capable of producing such PvP Matches. But it became a whole lot more rare in the last Decade, to some Extent. At least for People who seem to be "Casual Players". For Casual Players who don't use lots of PvP-Addons installed, it is sometimes up to cheer Luck if they find another Casual Player who is just like them.
✓ Occasional Roleplayer
✓ Maybe i look after a Guild sometime soon
It was good because you could feel you were in control and the hits connected well, you have an idea about the opponent next move and act according to it (unless it was bait or the guy pulled a stunt). We could have long fights if both sides were playing well, countering well
PvP is not great when there's ways to cheese the system, the fits, the builds and leave no counters to it. If there's counters then its amazing
Final personal thought: when there are counters then PvP is good
but i am not sure if this should count. No Hate, just saying.
I am admitting herewith and acknowledging -> EVERY. SOULSGAME. and/or the like, like Eldenring, has by FAAARRRR more superior One-v-One Matches, than what i can entrust most or all MMO's to have.
No hate. Just saying what i have observed over many Years.
✓ Occasional Roleplayer
✓ Maybe i look after a Guild sometime soon
but aside from satisfying 1-v-1 Matche, i am confident we will see many satisfying MASS VERSUS MASS Matches, in which Players fulfil and perform amazing MASS BATTLES !!!!!
I would be all willing and down to supporting Sides just to make them more balanced and fun.
And of Course, when my OWN Node would be involved, i would fail to support the Attackers. I take Loyalty very seriously. Please not hate. I really mean it.
✓ Occasional Roleplayer
✓ Maybe i look after a Guild sometime soon