Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
How much can you customize your UI?

I know it has been said that we are able to customize the UI, but how much is that possible? In WoW, there was an addon called "Move Everything" and currently this is what Ashe's customizable UI seems like it is.
Yes, you can move things and adjust sizes-- However, I've played probably about 15 years of WoW using IceHUD Addon, which is an actual Heads Up Display, it put everything I wanted to know around my actual character and allowed me to keep my eyes on the middle of my screen with important information.
Can there be a basic option to be able to organize our information more in this HUD aspect as opposed to the normal "character profile, health bar to the right, and mana bar below"?
Users will be able to quickly customize UI elements on-the-fly to suit the PvX nature of the game and different styles of combat.[4]
Customization of UI elements, especially there on the HUD is a top desired aspect of our UI team.[4] – Steven Sharif
Users will be able to save and load UI profiles, such as switching to a custom UI profile for raids.[6]"
The current idea is: As much as you like.
But as I said -- As far as we've seen its been more in line with "Move Everything" as opposed to the actual HUD, yes they use the words HUD but is it really?
Unlike some of the other game systems, the UI is still very much a work-in-progress.
Even in Alpha-2, while feedback will be taken, it likely won’t be in a finished state.
The UI is certainly still a work in progress, and likely will be for some time
This is something I had wanted to know about for a while- and I would have hated to wait too long to ask the question , just wanted to put it on the field so that it was known it is a concern.
And I will be playing this in A2, so this will be something I'll want to be working with in Q3.
Yep I'm well aware just wanted to give yall an idea of ways to customize it, I know I've had multiple other A2 key holders who saw my wow stream and asked me about my HUD and they all ended up installing that addon, definitely would like options like what is in the picture.
Like buffs and debuffs i want them where i can see them hope i can resize for that place them where i want and so 4th.
And how they appear on screen.
Damage numbers and how they move on screen.
I hate anything that depends on colors to display information, so hope we can avoid that.
So much more too that addons ussel solves.
I really hope so. I love matching my UI to whatever class theme I am going for! (Which is green 95% of the time xd )