Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Space for casual gamers ?

Hello, my name is Jelado. I would like to know the following: Will Ash have room for casual players? For example, I am a psychology student, almost graduating, and I am also studying medicine. So, I will soon be a doctor as well. I guess you can imagine that I have a very busy and hectic life. But my love for MMORPGs, especially the creation of Ash, drives me to try to play it as best as possible. Therefore, I don't have much time to play it like a more dedicated or frequent player with more free time. So, I would like to know if there will be space in the game, content, and ways to progress, even if slower, and content on a scale where a more casual player like me, who would only be able to play on weekends, for example, has a place to progress in the game. Um abraço para os brazucas.
But if you expect to experience highend content or win in fights - I highly doubt you'll like the game.
Ach..Already did it with regular L2 players for the last 19 years..and still doing, but the end results are quite depressing.. for every decent human being you get 9 absolute degenerates.. >< still didn't make up my mind if the game makes people like this over the years or simply specific demographics and emotional maturity or a lack of it levels are more leaning towards specific game types/games 🤔
Playing the game, sure you can craft, harvest, and either PUG or play in a more lax guild, so you can group up, or solo around.
Raids, and high end shouldn't be your goal until you have more time to dedicate.
Plenty of room to have fun, so long as you keep all this in mind
I don't expect many Casual Challenge players to play Ashes.
The " whole World of Verra " will be a Place for Casual Gamers.
Some Places just more or less than others.
✓ Occasional Roleplayer
✓ Maybe i look after a Guild sometime soon
I personally will be looking to focus more on the non combat elements so gathering, crafting, naval etc. really the Naval is what i'm pretty excited for! And I suppose just overall world immersion.
Even something like Naval has some mixes with combat given the "open seas" but I think if you set goals for what you want to achieve then yes this game should be able to cater for less active players (I think a successful game should have ways for less active players to still enjoy the game).
I imagine the Open Seas a little bit more of a "Hard-Core" kind of Area compared to everywhere else -> because Everyone will always be flagged purple for PvP, right ?
So while You can be attacked everywhere in the World of Verra -> i currently see all other Areas in the Game as more Casual and "less Hard-Core" than the Open Seas.
✓ Occasional Roleplayer
✓ Maybe i look after a Guild sometime soon
Hello Jelado,
As a fellow psychology student with a busy schedule, I completely understand your concerns about fitting in Ashes of Creation as a casual player. It's reassuring to see your dedication to the game despite your hectic life, and I believe many players can relate to balancing studies and gaming.
From what I've gathered about Ashes of Creation, the developers have emphasized creating a game that caters to a wide range of players, including casuals who may only have time to play on weekends. They've mentioned plans for accommodating various playstyles and offering progression paths that allow for slower but meaningful advancement.
I'm optimistic that Ashes of Creation will provide content and systems that enable players like us to enjoy the game at our own pace without feeling left behind. It's exciting to see how they'll implement these ideas to ensure a welcoming environment for all types of players.
Um abraço para todos os brasileiros na comunidade também!
Its a PvP centric game , that will have the highest end content run by ZERGs.
Casual? You can be an explorer, crafter, gatherer and be fine.
Not much lore to enjoy from that perspective.
Lots of the game will be nearly off-limits (seas and boats, deepest dungeons/raids, elite gather spots) and often on lock down. World housing will be rough anyway, worse for casuals.
None of it's worth it, it's not fun when you do that, and people will consume content faster than it can be put out.
MMOs are mostly about character building. You work on yourself at your own pace because it's not where you end up that matters. It's the people you meet along the way.
Interesting - i'll have to be more mindful if I want to be doing deep sea fishing then! But I suppose that's why you find fishing excursions to group up with, for protection!
Or, I wonder if the freshwater areas will not be part of the "open seas" (the name makes it seem that way) - so you could fish on fresh water bodies safely, but the greater rewards are out in the ocean.