Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Realms are now unlocked for Phase II testing!

For our initial launch, testing will begin on Friday, December 20, 2024, at 10 AM Pacific and continue uninterrupted until Monday, January 6, 2025, at 10 AM Pacific. After January 6th, we’ll transition to a schedule of five-day-per-week access for the remainder of Phase II.

You can download the game launcher here and we encourage you to join us on our for the most up to date testing news.

[Feedback Master thread] Alpha Two Phase One | Tank Archetype Feedback

VaknarVaknar Member, Staff
edited November 7 in Tank Archetype
This is a master thread for feedback relating to the Tank archetype for Alpha Two Phase One! Feel free to leave your Tank feedback here :)

I'll be merging Tank feedback threads into this one.


  • ApokApok Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    My only issue with the tank Archetype is I feel like it needs more additional augments so tanks can kit themselves out more diversely, Maybe give people the option to get more into those skills like Protect, Aegis and Absorption Field to make themselves a certified off tank who can handle adds while working to increase the main tanks damage mitigation or maybe so they can spec out more for PvP and leave the PvE build behind.
  • DrukalnnDrukalnn Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I guess I'll go first:

    I've put 10s of hours in to the Tank archetype by now and I have a little bit to speak of on the matter.

    First, I'll say Tank feels pretty good to play. The combat really does feel responsive and snappy when the servers are stable (I know they're working on that). Desolate is probably one of my favorite abilities to use because of the jump up and the slam coming down feeling very weighty and impactful. Grapple is another that feels awesome to use when it works, I'll get to that later. (WoW DK main here). Overall, it's amazing in group play, especially when you have a Cleric to heal you and a Bard to put Temporary HP shields on you.

    Unfortunately, the list of negatives is a bit longer:

    Vengeance- This tends to feel like a wasted button right now due to the Temporary HP side of it simply not working. I can see the vision and I think it will be an amazing button to press once it works properly. However, I do feel that the Temporary HP conversion is a bit too low, especially with how much damage mobs do to you. [Tank Level + 0.1%Max HP] is essentially nothing: For simplicity's sake, I'll go with a level 10 Tank that has 1000 hp. We plug in the variables and we get [10+(0.001*1000)] and you get 11 Temporary HP. Now I do know that some things are stated as 0.1% and actually mean 1%: [10+(0.01*1000)] gets you 20 Temporary HP. What I am suggesting is that the Max HP scaling be 10% of your max HP. [10+(0.1*1000)]=110 Temporary HP. This I think will put the skill in a very good spot that makes the skill useable without making it overpowered.

    Shake It Off- This one is really great for Tank sustain, but right now it only heals the minimum 10% max HP no matter what's going on with the amount of damage/healing you are taking.

    Grapple- Sometimes the full animation goes off and nothing happens. It doesn't go on cooldown and I have to use it again, which can be frustrating in the middle of combat when I'm trying to peel a mob from my team.

    Absorption Field- This one's pretty simple: It has a good effect, but right now Temporary HP skills that Tanks have just do not provide Temporary HP.

    Wall- Players and enemies can just walk through it. I can see the vision with this one allowing you to put some distance or a Line of Sight between you/your party and the enemy, but right now you can just osmosis through it and it provides no cover.

    Aegis- I have not gotten the chance to use this ability, but the way it reads is that the Tank will simply fall over dead if they try to use this to soak any meaningful amount of damage. Paladins in FFXIV have a similar ability, I believe, and it grants you an amount of Damage Reduction in addition to soaking team mate damage as well.

    Grit- Level 5 feels like a long time for an ability like this considering the idea that you want to push group play as early as level 1. This coupled with Tank's high TTK vs other classes makes it feel kinda bad. But this is just my own personal bias, I think. It's certainly doable as it is.

    I am wondering if Tanks should get an ability that increases their passive chance to block. Or will Shields get their own weapon skill tree? Right now wearing a shield feels a little lackluster with a little bit of mitigation and a small chance to block.

    Sorry if it feels like I'm ripping in to Tank. I really do like the way it feels overall. Hope you appreciate the feedback! I hope to provide some video/gifs of the things I brought up here when I have some more time to go through my stream footage.

  • VentharienVentharien Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    ATM, attuning to new embersprings really puts a damper on exploration. if i haven't found the nearby spring, and i happen to die, suddenly i have to respawn either at home, or the last place i attuned to, which might have been at some far away grinding spot, both of which might be a huge walk. Definitely feels like it'll lead to quite a few feels bad moments.
  • SonicXplosionSonicXplosion Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited October 31
    Tank has multiple issues:
    • From the beginning, Tanks start out with possibly the blandest ability in the game (both functionally and visually), Vengeance. Its just a knee kick, that hardly represents the Tanks class fantasy. When I use Vengeance, Shield Slam, and Tremoring Strike, it makes me feel like a Boxer rather than a Tank, with all the punches and knee kicks I'm throwing out. Also, Vengeance is not even functional, since the temp health shield component of the ability doesn't work. Even if it did work, I still think its an undesirable ability that does not play well with the rest of the kit, unlike other archetypes first abilities, like (Mend, Barrage, Quick Wit).
    • Another issue when starting out is that Tanks only start with a single ability, whereas Clerics start with 3. I believe that Tank should at LEAST start with Taunt, and possibly Grapple. Those 2 abilities encompass the current Tank archetype much better than Vengeance does, similar to how Resurrect encompasses Clerics class identity. The reason WHY some Archetypes are deserving of extra starting abilities is due to the extra roles they need to perform. A DPS simply just needs to do DPS, whereas Tanks and Clerics need to do much more.
    • Many skills are simply unpickable due to balance. For example, the redirect abilities Protect, and especially Aegis, are not pickable because there's a good chance you will just immediately die from all the redirected damage. Other skills like Shake it Off or Inciting Strikes are also undertuned, and not worth picking.
    • The overall Class Fantasy of Tank is not clearly defined. Part of the reason Bard is getting universal praise is that the Bards abilities are crafted with clear guidelines through Melodies, Dances, and Songs. A lot of Tanks abilities feel very disconnected, and it doesn't feel like players can make a choice and say "I want to be an X type of tank". Some ways to make abilities feel more connected to me would be if they interacted with Courage in some way (for example Ground Pound), or if they had some Tank specific status (for example a 'Shielded' status effect), or if the ability interacted with Blocking or Dodging (such as Reflect).
    • CC specifically feels more desynced than other abilities, and since Tanks heavily rely on their CC, they feel this the most. It sucks when you cast a trip and there a delay when the enemy actually gets affected.
    • Blocking and Dodging as universal skills suck. It feels like part of the identity of Tank was ripped out, went through a process of enshittification, and then passed around to all archetypes. As I said up above, Tanks should be able to say "I want to be an X type of Tank" which includes things like Block Tanks and Evasion Tanks, whereas the universal skills feel directly in opposition to that.
    • Also, PLEASE, if there's one takeaway, please readjust dodge AWAY from a dodge ROLL. Do a quick back-step, or a side-step, or a small dash, or something other than a ROLL. I know this is highly subjective feedback here, but dodge rolling feels so out of place in an MMO, and feels so silly.
  • NyceGamingNyceGaming Member, Alpha Two
    I am truly enjoying the tank archetype and it has been my main archetype. I truly get the feeling of being a guardian or protector with so many tools in the kit to mitigate damage from allies and transfer it to myself. Im a huge fan of skills that add value to the tank in a pvx environment such as the iron aura passive giving allies 10% mitigation, the tank wall, and more. Threat generation feels very good in the kit and it seems threat is already fine tuned with enemy AI. Mostly positives from me.
    My biggest negatives can be summarized into 2 things.
    First is the ‘Shake it off’ heal. I feel either this is bugged or is simply doing too much or trying to reinvent the wheel. Instead of just healing a portion of the recent damage you’ve taken in the last 4 seconds, you heal for a difference of the healing and damage taken? This is simply doing too much and I feel a tank should just have a reliable heal early game without taking away the need of the cleric. I suggest shake it off be changed to a simple (example) heal for 40-50% of damage taken in the last 4 seconds. I wouldn’t even mind if the cooldown was increased by a lot to compensate for the added utility and simplicity. And of course keep the minimum 10% of max health on the heal. Making this similar to WoW death strike will please a lot of tanks and make the skill so satisfying when you time it right, using it after taking a heavy dose of damage.
    Second: The tank a little too long to feel like a tank. At level 5 getting grit, is when you finally get the unique ability of having more mitigation than your counterparts. Maybe u can take the early tremoring cc and feel tanky that way, but not having grit or a good use of courage maintenance aside from the knee attack didn’t feel good. I get there needs to be progression, but I’d suggest making a change here. The skill with 30% of ally damage taken going to you is early, but it still feels weird not having much more mitigation early than the fighter who just came out the portal. Some also suggested making grapple earlier.

  • NyceGamingNyceGaming Member, Alpha Two
    Tank has multiple issues:
    • From the beginning, Tanks start out with possibly the blandest ability in the game (both functionally and visually), Vengeance. Its just a knee kick, that hardly represents the Tanks class fantasy. When I use Vengeance, Shield Slam, and Tremoring Strike, it makes me feel like a Boxer rather than a Tank, with all the punches and knee kicks I'm throwing out. Also, Vengeance is not even functional, since the temp health shield component of the ability doesn't work. Even if it did work, I still think its an undesirable ability that does not play well with the rest of the kit, unlike other archetypes first abilities, like (Mend, Barrage, Quick Wit).
    • Another issue when starting out is that Tanks only start with a single ability, whereas Clerics start with 3. I believe that Tank should at LEAST start with Taunt, and possibly Grapple. Those 2 abilities encompass the current Tank archetype much better than Vengeance does, similar to how Resurrect encompasses Clerics class identity. The reason WHY some Archetypes are deserving of extra starting abilities is due to the extra roles they need to perform. A DPS simply just needs to do DPS, whereas Tanks and Clerics need to do much more.
    • Many skills are simply unpickable due to balance. For example, the redirect abilities Protect, and especially Aegis, are not pickable because there's a good chance you will just immediately die from all the redirected damage. Other skills like Shake it Off or Inciting Strikes are also undertuned, and not worth picking.
    • The overall Class Fantasy of Tank is not clearly defined. Part of the reason Bard is getting universal praise is that the Bards abilities are crafted with clear guidelines through Melodies, Dances, and Songs. A lot of Tanks abilities feel very disconnected, and it doesn't feel like players can make a choice and say "I want to be an X type of tank".
    • CC specifically feels more desynced than other abilities, and since Tanks heavily rely on their CC, they feel this the most. It sucks when you cast a trip and there a delay when the enemy actually gets affected.
    • Blocking and Dodging as universal skills suck. It feels like part of the identity of Tank was ripped out, went through a process of enshittification, and then passed around to all archetypes. As I said up above, Tanks should be able to say "I want to be an X type of Tank" which includes things like Dodge Tanks and Evasion Tanks, whereas the universal skills feel directly in opposition to that.

    Intrepid pleasssse listen to this guy. We can’t have all these redirects and expect to survive. Especially the aoe ones. We would have to buff grit’s mitigation or slightly lower the amount of damage the tank actually takes
    Example: standing in this aura allows allies to redirect 20% of damage to you, but maybe the tank actually only takes in 5-10% or has increased mitigation while using this ability.
    Aside from an off tank these skills are insta death in most scenarios.
  • BleddynBleddyn Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Tank has multiple issues:
    • From the beginning, Tanks start out with possibly the blandest ability in the game (both functionally and visually), Vengeance. Its just a knee kick, that hardly represents the Tanks class fantasy. When I use Vengeance, Shield Slam, and Tremoring Strike, it makes me feel like a Boxer rather than a Tank, with all the punches and knee kicks I'm throwing out. Also, Vengeance is not even functional, since the temp health shield component of the ability doesn't work. Even if it did work, I still think its an undesirable ability that does not play well with the rest of the kit, unlike other archetypes first abilities, like (Mend, Barrage, Quick Wit).
    • Another issue when starting out is that Tanks only start with a single ability, whereas Clerics start with 3. I believe that Tank should at LEAST start with Taunt, and possibly Grapple. Those 2 abilities encompass the current Tank archetype much better than Vengeance does, similar to how Resurrect encompasses Clerics class identity. The reason WHY some Archetypes are deserving of extra starting abilities is due to the extra roles they need to perform. A DPS simply just needs to do DPS, whereas Tanks and Clerics need to do much more.
    • Many skills are simply unpickable due to balance. For example, the redirect abilities Protect, and especially Aegis, are not pickable because there's a good chance you will just immediately die from all the redirected damage. Other skills like Shake it Off or Inciting Strikes are also undertuned, and not worth picking.
    • The overall Class Fantasy of Tank is not clearly defined. Part of the reason Bard is getting universal praise is that the Bards abilities are crafted with clear guidelines through Melodies, Dances, and Songs. A lot of Tanks abilities feel very disconnected, and it doesn't feel like players can make a choice and say "I want to be an X type of tank". Some ways to make abilities feel more connected to me would be if they interacted with Courage in some way (for example Ground Pound), or if they had some Tank specific status (for example a 'Shielded' status effect), or if the ability interacted with Blocking or Dodging (such as Reflect).
    • CC specifically feels more desynced than other abilities, and since Tanks heavily rely on their CC, they feel this the most. It sucks when you cast a trip and there a delay when the enemy actually gets affected.
    • Blocking and Dodging as universal skills suck. It feels like part of the identity of Tank was ripped out, went through a process of enshittification, and then passed around to all archetypes. As I said up above, Tanks should be able to say "I want to be an X type of Tank" which includes things like Dodge Tanks and Evasion Tanks, whereas the universal skills feel directly in opposition to that.
    • Also, PLEASE, if there's one takeaway, please readjust dodge AWAY from a dodge ROLL. Do a quick back-step, or a side-step, or a small dash, or something other than a ROLL. I know this is highly subjective feedback here, but dodge rolling feels so out of place in an MMO, and feels so silly.

    I agree with Sonic's feedback. My additional two cents :

    Even when leveled up to 25 in PTR it didn't feel any different from having a lvl 5 or 10 tank.

    Maybe with moving grit down a few levels add different levels of "armor proficiency" where as a tank the armor you where automatically gets a +1 at lvl 5 and each 5 levels thereafter. You could even add customization options to it where instead of the +1 you can pick extra dex. Depending on style.

    The whole point of the tank is to absorb the damage. Whether that's absorbing it or dodging it. I personally play tanks in the absorbing hits and healing it off. I understand that flavor comes once we get classes but the base tank should have some semblance of each path.
  • Gaul_Gaul_ Member, Alpha Two
    edited October 31
    [copied from the first weekend impressions thread]

    Overall tank abilities feel good, although there are big issues with dodge and block. The threat mechanics are very TBC, which is great. It's not hard to keep aggro but it's not fire-and-forget either.

    As a tank, I want the evasion buff from dodge but not the large ground that I cover when I roll over, which both looks comical and makes me jerk the mobs around. This is not good for tanking as it creates a lot of chaos. There should be a secondary option to use dodge to proc evasion without the movement or with much less movement, like a quick sidestep. A sidestep would also look much better than groups of players rolling around on the ground constantly.

    I did have some mana issues as a tank if I was grouped and there was no I would be conserving mana constantly and my damage would suffer greatly. I wanted to try out some of those group defensive skills, but mana was already a major issue, so I didn't take them.

    The auto attack weaving as a tank is not very interesting. Occasionally, I would wait for 4 melee swings before resuming abilities. That's about it. The weapon trees should involve much more choice instead of just deciding what I want my finisher to do (if it even procs). Perhaps giving options for the 2nd and 3rd swing to be buffed?

    Active block is terribly unfun. In a tab MMO, tanks should be pressing block for a short buff and then moving onto the next skill. Right now, you just sit there like a chump holding down block. Pressing and holding block while being unable to use other skills to generate threat or do damage is beyond boring. You don't even get to swing basic attacks. It would be a little more interesting if some tank skills could be used while blocking, that would add some depth at least. Or, better yet, active block just shouldn't be in the game at all. Ashes is not a souls game with no latency and fancy boss animations to parry. Ironically, 'active block' makes tanking far less fun and active.
  • DrukalnnDrukalnn Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited October 31
    The Vengeance change is not enough. I stand by what I said in my first post that it should just be a simple 10% max HP conversion. If you're worried about how much shield you can get from stacking Vengeance, then cap it at like 25% of your max hp or something so you can't become unkillable. Or something

    Sometimes less is more. Right now the amount of temp hp granted does not make any meaningful difference in the way you play. It still feels like a wasted button. Especially when it now costs 33 courage instead of 25. It is not a good courage dump, especially when I'd much rather just press Fortify and dump all my courage that way in order to make a meaningful impact for my team and myself during combat.
  • SonicXplosionSonicXplosion Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited November 1
    I dont think the Vengeance changes on the PTR address the root of the issues of the ability:
    • It has no scalability. Other archetypes have abilities that can be a core part of their kit, for example Quick Wit, Barrage, and Resurrect. No one would ever use Vengeance later on simply due to it costing Courage. If anything, it should give Courage.
    • It is incredibly undertuned. The math on this ability does NOT check out. The temp health shield it gives you is TANK_LEVEL + .1% Max HP. A level 25 tank has 4.5k HP, .1% of that is 5. So at level 25 your Vengeance will give you a 30hp shield.
    • It is visually and aesthetically lame. Its a knee, a punch, and then a headbutt. Other archetypes are starting out with Arcane Volleys and being able to Resurrect the dead. In my opinion, a design that would be more fitting for the name "Vengeance" would be something like:

      Gain a X% temporary health shield, apply X% threat, and deal X% - Y% physical damage to your target enemy based on damage received from in the past Z seconds.

      Instead of it being a "knee" or a "headbutt", it could instead be changed to where your forearms, fists, and weapon start glowing from yellow to orange to red (similar to how the Vengeance icon currently works on the PTR), based on how much damage youve currently absorbed, and that built up power would be unloaded into a downward strike (like a sledgehammer).

      The reasons why I think this design would be better is because:
      • It fits the "Vengeance" motif better, as you are getting revenge on the person damaging you.
      • It gives you better visual feedback, going from a weak yellow strike to a crazy strong red strike with a larger payoff.
      • You are rewarded for enacting that revenge through the shield, which will help you perform your role better.
      • It accomplishes the core needs of the tank (shields, aggro, damage) in a way that scales off of the tank role (absorbing damage).

    Sorry if this feedback goes into the "giving solutions" territory that you guys said you didnt want, but I desperately want the Tank kit to be something I can enjoy long term.
  • BarabBarab Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited November 1
    I've been spending time on the tank the last month or so. I really enjoy the CC and true tank / taunt potential the kit provides as well as the group need for such abilities.

    1. I would prefer Protect be a default skill with the additional leash ranged baked in otherwise I do not feel the majority of tanks will take it over the kit options we have now. Also a bigger or more noticeable notification on if the leash range is broken. It's very annoying to track it. I've asked several main tanks in testing with history of testing mainly tanks in AoC, none of them had Protect in their standard kit when I asked.

    2. Courage, the new staggered on finishers felt good on ptr today.

    3. Vengeance, I would prefer it be a more of cleave execute that spikes damage and increases str and con for a duration based on courage level with a short movement speed buff or a snare and crits if target is at 10% life or lower. Tank has enough migration skills but lacks more pure dps boosts in my opinion. Sure tank isn't a dps class but a spiked dps boost based on courage fits in my opinion. When I think "vengeance" I think here comes the BOOM time not so much a slight heal and shield self buff time.

    4. Can we get a starter mace option in the Lion Hold beginners room ?

    5. I do dig the Pulverize/Desolate crit sync with tripped targets. More combos in the kit make for better play.

    6. Wall doesn't have collusion (sure this is known by now or turned off by design), I wasnt able to get ground and pound or charge with the add on knock back to push mobs. The Slam only moved them a few meters it felt like. Pushing / kicking mobs and players away is such an underrated CC mechanic but none of these were really working for me or the push felt too small a distance to matter / peel.

    7. Indomitable Spirit rocks my world in a good way and it's smaller form Shake it off are both very useful for their purpose.

    8. Tomahawk feels great in pvp.

    9. The Aegis and absorb field feel good and work as intended.

    10. Intimidating Aura works really well on ae taunting in short range.

    11. Intercept - havent had time to test this one. Would be curious to see it work in reverse as in the target rushs to you or another ability that pulls the entire group to you which could feed into Aegis, absorb field, etc.

    12. Inciting Strikes, just never felt worth taking over the shield assaults and shouts. Perhaps give it a target mitigation depuff as well.

    The tanks purpose and usefulness in group / raid play is undeniable. It feels good to be needed in both pve and pvp for group play.
    The Dünir Hold Mithril Warhammers,Thanes of the Keelhaul, Dünir scourge of the oceans, Warhammer First Fleet Command of The Dünzenkell Nation, friends to the Dünir Dwarves of the Dünhold. Hammers High!
  • grm125grm125 Member, Alpha Two
    edited November 1
    Played last weekend and have been mulling it over this week, starting to put my finger exactly what feels off about tank:

    I really like active block as a concept but its simply not rewarding enough as it stands, better off kiting/dodging. Please keep active block in the game but incentivize its use, perhaps a small amount of overhealth so you could play aggressive after blocking?

    Tank debuffs are somewhat abysmal and lack synergy with other classes IMO. Fighter has ended up with alot of core 'warrior' abilities like battle shout, execute. Fighter has a snare and rupture, tank has zero (well 1 optional cooldown but you lose trip) snares.

    Intimidating aura should really be shaken debuff, not a 4th way of applying staggered
    This would give more sorely needed class synergies to tank its also thematic as hell.

    Vengeance needs more value/an overhaul, pressing it shoudlnt be an EHP loss, what a bizarre ability

    I hate the concept of ageis, feels like your big flashy cooldown spell yet in reality its 'press this button to take more damage based on how much your teammates are standing in aoe'. Iron aura, ageis, absorption field are all functionally very similar and could even be consolidated.

    Wall also, thematically is kinda weird on tank, but undeniably useful. Its abit zero-sum when you have two tanks walling each other off first offensively then defensively. Reminds me of trading cooldowns in overwatch before you can actually start the team fight

    I found myself constantly saving charge cooldown to use as an escape and disengage tool, the literal opposite of the theme of the ability

    Would LOVE some sort of execute, i think its thematic as a threatening space denial tool in a teamfight but also for an outlast attrition playstyle in a 1v1 situation.
    Would also love bigger radius and stronger knockback style abilities, slam, chainpull and groundpound are great for that teamfight niche of displacing enemies and denying ground. (the ptr slam changes seem good!)

    What if when charging an enemy deathball the tank gained 5% damage/reduction for each enemy in a 10meter radius. Or -75% damage done aura in a small radius to make them move. That would get people to respect your space when charging in. Right now a tank charges in, theyre going to get focused, snared and die. A fighter charges in, pops berserk and starts whirlwinding, people move.

    I think the overall class fantasy of the AoC 'Tank' is very conflicted, half-baked and very much at odds with the fighter on who is the melee space creator. Is tank meant to be the rock to fighters scissors?
    Please continue to expand tanks utility and area denial/cc/space creation for pvp, they have an excellent niche here. The class fantasy of being a teamfight initiator/breacher as well as an intimidating space denier and teammater peeler is one that is worth expanding upon
  • KalnazzarKalnazzar Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Having played the tank role extensively throughout my time in testing, I've reached various levels and gathered insights into what works well and where improvements are needed. Players have often suggested that tanks should do more damage or have better healing. While I believe this approach misses the mark, the real focus should be on improving key tank mechanics like threat generation, crowd control, and damage mitigation. In this feedback, I will provide detailed suggestions on how we can evolve the tank class without skewing its primary role.

    One-Handed Mace Mechanics
    I believe one-handed maces should have a passive finisher ability that applies a sunder-like effect, reducing the target’s armor. Maces, being blunt weapons, should naturally weaken armor through repeated strikes, adding a thematic and practical use for these weapons.
    Currently, one-handed maces apply effects like daze and snare, which are useful, but the addition of an armor-shattering mechanic would better suit their role in combat. This would make maces feel more impactful and give players a reason to choose them over other one-handed weapons.

    Proposed Change:
    Add a passive ability for one-handed maces that applies an armor-shattering effect, reducing the target’s armor after repeated strikes.

    Shield Mechanics and Skills
    A shield is just as important to a tank as their weapon, and it should be given the respect it deserves. The shield should not only be a defensive tool but also serve as an offensive weapon. I propose a Shield Skill Tree that prioritizes skill-based gameplay, combining defensive and offensive mechanics, much like Perfect Block.

    Perfect Block should trigger the passive skill buff based on the type of shield you use. For example, depending on the shield skill tree talent you've chosen, your shield's Perfect Block will grant different benefits. However, it comes at a significant cost: stamina. This system will introduce a risk-reward dynamic that encourages thoughtful gameplay. Over-reliance on Perfect Block will drain your stamina quickly, leaving you vulnerable, which adds a strategic element to tanking.

    In addition to this, Threat Management & AoE Aggro is an area where tanks are currently lacking. I propose mechanics that allow spreadable aggro—almost like a festering corruption mechanic—that spreads hatred from the target to nearby enemies, allowing tanks to better manage multiple mobs. For example, after executing a Perfect Block, regular abilities could temporarily transform into threat-spreading tools. Tanks could slam their weapon against their shield, releasing a shockwave that spreads aggro to nearby enemies, effectively doubling the aggro radius. This would enhance AoE threat management while adding complexity to crowd control.

    Proposed Shield Skill Tree:

    Perfect Block: Timing-based skill that costs significant stamina but provides unique buffs for each shield type.

    Tower Shields: Massive full-body shields that focus on maximum protection.
    Iron Tower Buff: A perfectly timed block grants increased block mitigation and immunity to knockdowns or stuns, reflecting the shield’s immovable strength.

    Sentinel Shields: Medium-sized shields blending defense and offense.
    Quickened Strike Buff: A perfectly timed block staggers enemies, temporarily increasing attack speed for quick follow-up strikes.

    Buckler Shields: Small, agile shields ideal for aggressive, fast-paced combat.
    Critical Surge Buff: A perfectly timed block deflects the attack, temporarily increasing movement speed and critical strike chance, ideal for repositioning.

    Tectonic Slam and Other Shield Abilities
    Tanks should be able to use their shield as an aggressive tool as well. Abilities like Tectonic Slam, where you pin enemies to the ground or a wall with a heavy shield blow, or Moving Fortress, a Tower Shield-only ability allowing you to charge forward with your shield raised, knocking enemies down, would add exciting, dynamic gameplay.

    Proposed Changes:
    Introduce a dedicated shield skill tree with abilities like Shield Bash, Shield Slam, and Perfect Block, with some abilities only usable based on your shield type.
    Improve the blocking system by adding visual and audio cues, making it more immersive and rewarding.

    Two-Handed Weapon Talent: Unyielding Grip
    I suggest implementing a new talent called Unyielding Grip, which would allow tanks to wield two-handed weapons in one hand. This talent would represent mastery over two-handed weapons.

    Proposed Change:
    Introduce Unyielding Grip within the Two-Handed Weapon Skill Tree, for tanks who choose to wield two-handed weapons in one hand. This would offer crowd control abilities or armor-reducing effects, giving tanks more flexibility in combat.

    Weapon and Armor Impact: Weight, Speed, and Stamina Management
    Weapons—especially two-handed ones—should feel heavy and impactful, Currently, the animation pause after each strike feels too fast, especially for larger weapons. Extending the pause slightly would help players feel the power behind these weapons. with a slight adjustment to movement speed when using both a two-handed weapon and a shield. This slower movement would reflect the weight of wielding such heavy gear but wouldn’t drastically impair the tank’s mobility.

    Certain abilities, particularly physical stamina-based ones, should use stamina instead of mana to reflect the physical effort of executing them. Abilities like Inciting Strikes (a two-hit cleave with increased threat) or Intercept (a defensive rush to aid allies) would make sense as stamina-draining abilities. This combination of stamina and mana-based abilities would better balance the tank’s resource management, reinforcing the theme of managing physical exertion with strategic play.

    Blocking Mechanics: Impact, Sound, and Visual Feedback
    Blocking currently feels underwhelming and lacks the physicality it should have in combat. I suggest adding a slight screen shake when a block occurs, along with enhanced sound design to make the impact feel more visceral. This, combined with more pronounced animations when a block is successfully executed, will create a greater sense of immersion.
    For Perfect Block, I propose visual cues like sparks, a subtle camera shake, and a louder clash of weapons to make it more rewarding. While a Perfect Block shouldn’t result in a knockdown for the enemy, it could introduce stagger mechanics or further debuff the attacker, ensuring that players are rewarded for their precision without making the ability feel overpowered.

    Vision: Claymore/Tower Shield Tank
    My dream is to create a tank build that wields a claymore alongside a tower shield, transforming into a walking fortress of iron on the battlefield. This powerful combination allows for wide, sweeping AoE swings that dominate the arena, controlling crowds and maintaining a solid defense against enemy assaults.

    While this build may lack direct raw power or high damage output, it compensates for this with remarkable resilience and an extensive range of cleave attacks. The claymore's broad strikes can effectively hit multiple enemies at once, allowing me to control the battlefield and keep foes at bay. This tank excels in creating space and disrupting enemy formations, making it challenging for opponents to close in and mount a focused assault.

    By prioritizing crowd control and damage mitigation, this tank build embodies the true spirit of a protector. Each swing of the claymore serves not only to deal damage but also to manage the flow of combat, ensuring that I remain a steadfast bulwark for my allies while standing firm against the tide of battle
  • BarabBarab Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited November 4
    Refreshing reflect spec- Mana restores on the number tic above the players head and on mana bar but doesn't show in log. Not sure if intended or not but there is a heal that shows up on the log and heals on the health bar along with the mana regen.

    Wall- Please reenable this. If it's an issue of abuse require full courage to activate as well as have a courage cost.
    The Dünir Hold Mithril Warhammers,Thanes of the Keelhaul, Dünir scourge of the oceans, Warhammer First Fleet Command of The Dünzenkell Nation, friends to the Dünir Dwarves of the Dünhold. Hammers High!
  • AquinasAquinas Member, Alpha Two
    Shields and player movement ruins the feeling of being a tank.

    It doesn't make sense to try and block damage with the shield. You take less damage by killing the mob faster spamming attack and abilities than you do by trying to mitigate damage via block. If you continue to go down this direction, then the amount of damage blocked should be 80,90, 100% based on shield type. Also stamina should be affected by blocking not health.

    Movement, dodging as a tank just feels ridiculous. You are flopping around, pulling the mob all over the place which frustrates players in action mode and annoyings players in tab target. The dodge should be a simple back hop that mitigates the damage based on an I-frame.
  • RethanRethan Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Tank has multiple issues:
    • From the beginning, Tanks start out with possibly the blandest ability in the game (both functionally and visually), Vengeance. Its just a knee kick, that hardly represents the Tanks class fantasy. When I use Vengeance, Shield Slam, and Tremoring Strike, it makes me feel like a Boxer rather than a Tank, with all the punches and knee kicks I'm throwing out. Also, Vengeance is not even functional, since the temp health shield component of the ability doesn't work. Even if it did work, I still think its an undesirable ability that does not play well with the rest of the kit, unlike other archetypes first abilities, like (Mend, Barrage, Quick Wit).
    • Another issue when starting out is that Tanks only start with a single ability, whereas Clerics start with 3. I believe that Tank should at LEAST start with Taunt, and possibly Grapple. Those 2 abilities encompass the current Tank archetype much better than Vengeance does, similar to how Resurrect encompasses Clerics class identity. The reason WHY some Archetypes are deserving of extra starting abilities is due to the extra roles they need to perform. A DPS simply just needs to do DPS, whereas Tanks and Clerics need to do much more.
    • Many skills are simply unpickable due to balance. For example, the redirect abilities Protect, and especially Aegis, are not pickable because there's a good chance you will just immediately die from all the redirected damage. Other skills like Shake it Off or Inciting Strikes are also undertuned, and not worth picking.
    • The overall Class Fantasy of Tank is not clearly defined. Part of the reason Bard is getting universal praise is that the Bards abilities are crafted with clear guidelines through Melodies, Dances, and Songs. A lot of Tanks abilities feel very disconnected, and it doesn't feel like players can make a choice and say "I want to be an X type of tank". Some ways to make abilities feel more connected to me would be if they interacted with Courage in some way (for example Ground Pound), or if they had some Tank specific status (for example a 'Shielded' status effect), or if the ability interacted with Blocking or Dodging (such as Reflect).
    • CC specifically feels more desynced than other abilities, and since Tanks heavily rely on their CC, they feel this the most. It sucks when you cast a trip and there a delay when the enemy actually gets affected.
    • Blocking and Dodging as universal skills suck. It feels like part of the identity of Tank was ripped out, went through a process of enshittification, and then passed around to all archetypes. As I said up above, Tanks should be able to say "I want to be an X type of Tank" which includes things like Block Tanks and Evasion Tanks, whereas the universal skills feel directly in opposition to that.
    • Also, PLEASE, if there's one takeaway, please readjust dodge AWAY from a dodge ROLL. Do a quick back-step, or a side-step, or a small dash, or something other than a ROLL. I know this is highly subjective feedback here, but dodge rolling feels so out of place in an MMO, and feels so silly.

    For the most part, I agree with this comment, though I have a few additional comments from how I either perceived those specific areas as well, or have something in addition to them.

    • 1.) Vengeance is absolutely undertuned as others have pointed out. I only know it does temporary hitpoints because it says so in the tooltip.
    • 2.) The beginning Time To Kill (TTK) for tanks doesn't feel horrible when you're out on your own, but the moment you are in a contested area, you're seeing other classes 2-3 shot the same creature you are effectively obligated to auto attack to death. It doesn't feel good, and frankly, I would never want to engage in low level PVP as a tank, going so far as to actively avoid it. It doesn't feel good or competitive. It gets better at higher levels, but it's not near as smooth as what others feel like currently.
    • 3.) As others noted, it doesn't feel like a tank until about 5th level. It feels like a chonky fighter with 60% of the DPS potential. Even at 5th level, grit isn't enough to really sustain threat on sufficient mob flow to make it worthwhile. That fighter can still tank just as well if not better than you, and that mage is going to simply step back after they rip aggro from you as well. Part of resolving this may be bringing taunt down to an inherent ability where a tank actually has tank things before they reach the "upper" levels.
    • 4.) I think many will say that tanks have a lot of skills that are not in a fleshed out state currently. This kind of speaks to the question of 'what kind of tank are you?' commentary where many don't feed into any defining characteristic of a tank or pseudo dps. I imagine that these specific skills will have lower rates of utilization even in alpha, i.e. inciting strikes, because there is little reason that they would ever be used, either because the threat mechanism is not distinct or because its value proposition is just too poor to consider utilizing outside of a narrow testing scope.
    • 5.) Active blocking feels 'meh' in most circumstances, though I've really only had to use it in two distinct instances. The first is when I have large quantities of mobs and I've established solid threat on them, I'm going to use it to make life easier on my healers because we don't really have an avoidance tank type build just yet. We have to simply face tank the damage with the various mitigations we have. The second is when I can anticipate larger strikes and bring it up. The latency issues that have come up make this a lot harder depending on the time, but I realize that this is probably what it is intended for. Unfortunately, server disruptions aside, you can still tell when you come across a large group moving through an area. When this gets contested, you can feel that latency and something that is supposed to be integral to tanks now becomes degraded through no fault of your own. That said, we're 100% still in testing and the network things are not in place yet, so I appreciate the nebulas position that this particular ability is in as a byproduct of that.
    • 6.) This is mostly a party communication issue (but hey, pugs are how we grow!), but when you have a multitude of mobs that you are bringing in, it is hard to account for multiple stragglers at once depending on how you are set up. I did find this to be particularly challenging when I had to account for 2-3 creatures going in separate directions at one time.
    • 7.) This wasn't brought up anywhere else that I saw in this thread, but tanks and clerics in particular face extra levels of stress in both PvP and PvE as cornerstones of the triad concept and are going to die a lot more than anyone else. I realize that in a social game, there are social aspects that can help reduce the burden on the extra deaths, but you have to last long enough to get to that social aspect once the doors open and this is no longer the march of AOC's ever faithful player base. I don't want to minimize the trials and tribulations, especially since it teaches better gameplay in general, but I want to call attention to this small aspect since even perfect play will probably still result in more tank deaths compared to others just due to the very nature of the class.
    • 8.) As others have mentioned, there are several abilities that allow us to take damage on behalf of others. In theory, you pair those with mitigation skills. That said, it now forces me to use two abilities to do the thing that one ability should have enabled me to do to begin with. They don't feel good and with large scale threat still needing to be taken into account, it's easier for me to ensure I have all the threat than it is for me to take something that eats other people's damage. I imagine on a raid or truly large scale pvp, like a castle siege, this may be more handy on direct engage, but that also leads back to the comment I made above this one.
    • 9.) Lastly, I do want to say that I have enjoyed my time playing a tank, even with some of the things I think are a bit off. For group play, you 100% feel the difference when you have one vs when you don't, and I've had DPS and support classes express the night and day difference. In that regard, specifically on being extra beefy and the ability to hold mob focus, the AOC developer team has done a great job.
  • LeukaelLeukael Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited November 5
    Tank has multiple issues:
    • Another issue when starting out is that Tanks only start with a single ability, whereas Clerics start with 3. I believe that Tank should at LEAST start with Taunt, and possibly Grapple. Those 2 abilities encompass the current Tank archetype much better than Vengeance does, similar to how Resurrect encompasses Clerics class identity. The reason WHY some Archetypes are deserving of extra starting abilities is due to the extra roles they need to perform. A DPS simply just needs to do DPS, whereas Tanks and Clerics need to do much more.

    To rephrase this point, clerics are given a heal because that is what they are designed to do. Would not feel like a cleric level 1 if you could not heal. They are given a resurrection because it is a key unique ability that streamlines gameplay for everyone. Lastly, they are given a damage ability because this game revolves around killing things.

    To that point I would ask tanks to share the following: what ability makes you most feel like a tank when you use it? What ability do you need most for a group to function? And what damaging ability would help you operate in the world? Those should be your answer to what should be baked into your kit passively like clerics. Just might two coppers.

    Tanks should have a passive that gives them reduced durability loss when resurrected and xp debt in acknowledgement of their role in the gameplay loop resulting in more frequent deaths.
  • SonicXplosionSonicXplosion Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Leukael wrote: »
    Tank has multiple issues:
    • Another issue when starting out is that Tanks only start with a single ability, whereas Clerics start with 3. I believe that Tank should at LEAST start with Taunt, and possibly Grapple. Those 2 abilities encompass the current Tank archetype much better than Vengeance does, similar to how Resurrect encompasses Clerics class identity. The reason WHY some Archetypes are deserving of extra starting abilities is due to the extra roles they need to perform. A DPS simply just needs to do DPS, whereas Tanks and Clerics need to do much more.

    To rephrase this point, clerics are given a heal because that is what they are designed to do. Would not feel like a cleric level 1 if you could not heal. They are given a resurrection because it is a key unique ability that streamlines gameplay for everyone. Lastly, they are given a damage ability because this game revolves around killing things.

    To that point I would ask tanks to share the following: what ability makes you most feel like a tank when you use it? What ability do you need most for a group to function? And what damaging ability would help you operate in the world? Those should be your answer to what should be baked into your kit passively like clerics. Just might two coppers.

    Tanks should have a passive that gives them reduced durability loss when resurrected and xp debt in acknowledgement of their role in the gameplay loop resulting in more frequent deaths.

    In my opinion, the abilities that Tanks need the most in order to function in a group are:
    Tremoring Strike (Trip on Demand)

    Taunt allows you to control aggro much better, Tremoring Strike is the most consistent ability that allows you to protect your group by nullifying large abilities by mobs.

    I dont think it would be crazy for Tanks to have those abilities by default.
  • FippyFippy Member, Alpha Two
    edited November 7
    I played a tank to level 9 this last weekend. These are the things I felt were needing improvement, or felt OK.

    1) I had absolutely no interrupts. Did I miss it in the skill tree options I had to level 9? Do they exist later? IDK... My only skills I used were agro skills. I did not feel like I had utility beyond absorbing damage, and choosing how fast or slow my group went.

    2) Taunt should be a base skill. Needing to choose to spec into taunt means I'm giving up another skill that I can actually use when I'm not in a group. I never did pick taunt as a skill, and I probably still won't next weekend. I grouped fine without it. Would it have been nice on a few occasions? Sure, maybe, but largely any instances I might have used taunt, I could use grapple instead.

    3) It could be my garbage computer, but I literally could not tell when I had grit up. I noticed when I first applied it, but then the blue glow was just... gone? I couldn't really tell from the skill button either if it was toggled on. I'd like a UI update there if possible.

    4) We die. A LOT. I wanted to help out with an event, and the boss spawned... I immediately got wrecked because no one healed me. I had another event with the exact same thing happen. All of my abilities are meant to cause agro. I can't actually participate in a meaningful way if I'm just going to die and lose all my glint to the people not healing me. I understand this is more of an issue with other people than the class but like... it left a bad taste in my mouth.

    5) I really liked grapple. It was a fun skill, I loved it for both splitting packs and controlling mobs, and pulling down STUPID RAVENS AS THEY FLAPPED AROUND LIKE DINGLEBERRIES WHILE I TRY TO KILL THEM!

    6) action combat largely felt good solo, but in group play I felt like I couldn't be as responsive as I needed to be. Especially if I'm later going to have skills I need to place on the group or select a nearby ally. I NEED mousewheel and mouse button keybind functionality, PLEASE!

    7) The class name... please guys.. I DID feel like a tank when I was tanking. I didn't feel like a "tank" when I wasn't in a group. The name feels like it hamstrings any kind of creativity with the class identity and associated skills. ONLY tank, and nothing else? Eh... I mean Protector, Guardian, Vanguard, Defender, there's got to be *something* more fitting that could make our skills a little more flavorful than "A generic melee skill, with extra threat!"

    8) It seems very tuned to either involve single target threat or multi target threat, but then when solo I'm using multi target skills on solo mobs because grouping content has thus far always involved many targets. Why would I pick the single target skill that only gives 25% more damage than the skill that does 25% less damage but it's also a frontal cone to hit a bunch more targets? I guess it doesn't feel like there's a clean transition between group vs solo play for this class, especially once I no longer need most of my tanking kit if I'm not actually tanking, and I have a single self heal. I would love some kind of convert damage done into health skill.

    Overall, I had a very fun weekend, but the class is just *not quite there* for me personally.
  • EPH_ZabyEPH_Zaby Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Ok, I'm not as good of a writer as most everyone in here but I am Level 21 on Resna and have my fair share of PvP as well as high end PvE.

    1) Tank gets fkin screwed on repair costs. I think a way to help this would be a reduced repair if you get res'd from a Cleric.

    2) Aegis sounds great and does its job but man its just so small that it's almost a waste to take it. It should not be as big as Absorption Field but it should be bigger then what it currently is.

    3) WALL. This could and probably is the best skill in the Tanks kit. I don't know of any other skill in the game that actually doesn't work at all. Please fix this. I beg.

    4) Aggro feels amazing to be honest. I was playing in 8-16 man parties as the solo tank and I could hold aggro against the entire group. It took playing the game well and using skills at the correct time but it was engaging and rewarding.

    5) Vengeance feels absolutely terrible to use. Relentless Vengeance is also a useless point. I think maybe if the HP/shielding was higher that would help but currently its bad.

    6) Mana. I have been out of mana all 21 levels. How we play is with constant pulling and grinding. As the single Tank I have no time to eat and I have bards giving mana and blessed weapon with mana on me. The only saving grace I have is Refreshing Reflect. I don't know what gameplay is intended though. Are we supposed to stop pulling to eat 20 rations? Or do I just let the mobs run wild and not hold aggro? I've been making it work but I feel like a more casual Tank is going to have a real hard time here.

    7) Reflect. I love Reflect and the two add-ons. Is there any hope of letting Reflect work on single target spells? Something like Lightning Strike from Mage? I don't think the trip should happen on something like that though.

    8) Knockbacks. They suck and are very buggy. It totally could be a server thing but from what I have seen they are terrible.

    9) WALL. FIX IT PLEASE. (Yes I know I have Wall twice)

    10) Shields and blocking feels lackluster. I think if I could see how much damage I blocked as well as the damage taken that would help a lot. Just seeing Blocked is not enough.

    11) I love that Taunt works in PvP. It really makes me not feel totally useless.

    All in all I think Tank is actually in a great spot and I am having a ton of fun on it. Just fix Wall please.
  • MalvaMalva Member, Alpha Two
    Tank is a fundamental class in every MMO, typically idealized as a defensive support and crowd control class, so my suggestions will go in this direction.

    In general, the tank in AoC seems to lack elements that make its mechanics more aggressive, allowing it to advance on the opposing team and apply group control.

    Currently, in a massive pvp, tanking is limited to keeping your bow and when you have the opportunity, using "Grapple" and then "Tremoring Strike" on a target

    Some suggestions for class improvements

    1) Vengeance

    This skill does not give relevant damage, consumes a lot of Courage and gives a very low shield (Approximately 24 for a lvl 20 tank with 4k hp)

    I believe that the shield generated should be greatly increased, this would make the skill useful and increase the tank's overall survivability

    2) Intimidating Aura

    A great skill, but I believe it could have the chance to apply the "humiliated" effect.

    Currently, Tak only has one way to apply this effect (with the Taunt skill)

    3) Tripped

    Tank could have more abilities that integrate with the "staggered" status and convert this debuff into tripped
  • DeadlyDaveDeadlyDave Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Maybe down the line i would like to see Grapple pull up too 5 targets, lower the cd B)
    I tell you what i know about Dwarf's.
    Very little
  • ELWOWELWOW Member, Alpha Two
    I feel like tank is in decent spot right now, but the main issue is that in smaller group content that has been forced right now by nerfing raid XP tank is missing some self sustain. I can't heal myself by any decent amount, shake it off is not working too good and often just gives back the minimum 10% of the health which on levels 15-25 is like 300-500hp which is really low. I think tank should have some healing from "Reflect" or some life leech from Intimidating Aura. Otherwise tank can't solo farm if your friends are off and also struggle in 4-5 man groups. You are literally forced to have a cleric 24/7 with you later on.
  • ELWOWELWOW Member, Alpha Two
    I dont think the Vengeance changes on the PTR address the root of the issues of the ability:
    • It has no scalability. Other archetypes have abilities that can be a core part of their kit, for example Quick Wit, Barrage, and Resurrect. No one would ever use Vengeance later on simply due to it costing Courage. If anything, it should give Courage.
    • It is incredibly undertuned. The math on this ability does NOT check out. The temp health shield it gives you is TANK_LEVEL + .1% Max HP. A level 25 tank has 4.5k HP, .1% of that is 5. So at level 25 your Vengeance will give you a 30hp shield.
    • It is visually and aesthetically lame. Its a knee, a punch, and then a headbutt. Other archetypes are starting out with Arcane Volleys and being able to Resurrect the dead. In my opinion, a design that would be more fitting for the name "Vengeance" would be something like:

      Gain a X% temporary health shield, apply X% threat, and deal X% - Y% physical damage to your target enemy based on damage received from in the past Z seconds.

      Instead of it being a "knee" or a "headbutt", it could instead be changed to where your forearms, fists, and weapon start glowing from yellow to orange to red (similar to how the Vengeance icon currently works on the PTR), based on how much damage youve currently absorbed, and that built up power would be unloaded into a downward strike (like a sledgehammer).

      The reasons why I think this design would be better is because:
      • It fits the "Vengeance" motif better, as you are getting revenge on the person damaging you.
      • It gives you better visual feedback, going from a weak yellow strike to a crazy strong red strike with a larger payoff.
      • You are rewarded for enacting that revenge through the shield, which will help you perform your role better.
      • It accomplishes the core needs of the tank (shields, aggro, damage) in a way that scales off of the tank role (absorbing damage).

    Sorry if this feedback goes into the "giving solutions" territory that you guys said you didnt want, but I desperately want the Tank kit to be something I can enjoy long term.

    It doesn't need to be cool visuals but I hope they will make it that this temporary health will be like a 50% of the damage dealt at the very least or buff the max % hp of that Vengeance. For now we lack sustain and if I want to kill any group of mobs without a healer I need to eat rations every pull.
  • Gaul_Gaul_ Member, Alpha Two
    edited November 12
    I just ran Citadel of Steel Bloom at level 18. We had big issues with mobs sliding around and the mob's target of target info is very slow to update. There is a general lack of snappiness when it comes to taunting mobs attempting to run by the tank. My ability queueing was also much, much less responsive in a group environment at the Citadel.

    Active block continues to be an unfun mechanic ;) For example, Reflect is a great ability, so Intrepid should just add a similar block buff ability for tanks. It is sorely needed.
  • muncherofmidgetsmuncherofmidgets Member, Alpha Two
    I think a lot of people like what SonicXplosion wrote, as do I. Overall I have enjoyed the Tank in its alpha stages, however obviously there are many ways it can be improved to provide a better experience.

    -Temp health on Vengeance NEEDS to be increased, the current math doesn't make it worth ever pressing, even with the extra point in Relentless Vengeance.
    -In general I'd like to see more options in the skill trees to make more variance of build, however maybe all the variance is meant to come when you choose your class later in game. Right now it feels a little bland in that I basically get all the skills on the tree minus a couple.
    -I personally found very little problem with the blocking, other than sometimes not being able to see the enemy because of the spell effects on the battle field, in which case I relied on the cast bar of the target (which isn't reliable if I've pulled many mobs and have to keep track of large bashes, swipes, etc. because I only see the cast bar of my current target, not all mobs I've pulled). This is less of a problem with large targets like bears and large spiders wehre I can visually see that they are winding up for a big hit.
    -As for dodge rolling... It seems a lot of people dislike it, and I don't entirely disagree, but I don't mind it. I would be extremely happy if it was tweaked, and what I was thinking is that it could be tweaked to change with the weight of your gear similar to many other ARPG's. As a Tank wearing heavy armor and a shield it makes very little sense for me to be jumping back and rolling around on the ground. At best someone wearing full plate and a large shield could hop around MAYBE. The whole class fantasy (again this has been brought up a lot...) is to be able to TANK damage. Leave jumping and rolling around on the ground for the Rangers, Rogues, and maybe Warriors wearing leather armor. This would be the easy fix IMO.
    -The weapon trees, and Stamina Trees feel incomplete, so I'll just say that's exactly how they feel. I hope we get some weapon skills, or something that makes leveling up your weapons feel a bit more fulfilling. More variance in Stamina trees would be great too, I feel they need to be more specific to the Archetype chosen, though it just feel incomplete, so i assume that's what is going on there.
    -I would like to have some sort of visual representation of threat as well, It doesn't have to be an ugly chart, but it would be nice to know if I am about to lose threat on something, or if I am pumping threat unnecessarily into something.

    The upside is that despite these shortcomings the tank still feels good! I had a blast this weekend tanking for different groups, and it felt rewarding taking down large groups of mobs. Deciding when to block and when to focus on building threat was something I wasn't used to in an MMO, and I enjoyed it! I generally like the option to dodge roll away, though as a tank that's a ridiculous idea, it should be a side step or hop, no one can dodge roll in full plate with a tower shield. Its Alpha 2 and we are on a road to something beautiful! Please keep up the great work, and I'm excited to see what you guys come up with!
  • zxbiohazardzxzxbiohazardzx Member, Alpha Two
    My biggest "issue" at this moment is that everything is based of mana and not enough skills rely on courage. Id suggest moving Desolate/Pulvariese and Ground Pound to courage spenders rather than mana

  • YohYoh Member, Alpha Two
    From my 2nd hand experience partying with a tank, they sure don't seem to do a very good job of tanking. Sure they do a decent job of holding aggro, but they absorb damage like wet tissue paper. The most they really do is throw out a lot of CC, and you don't need a tank for that.
    And it sounds like they lack viable options too.

    Personally, if I were to draw inspiration from anywhere, it would be the Protection Monk from Guild Wars. Where they could throw out enchantments that could mitigate damage by either flat amounts, or by a percentage. They were indispensable. I think the tank should do more then just be hard to kill themselves, I think they should also have the option to make others harder to kill as well. Their job is less to be unkillable, and more to protect the party. I think the role is wider then traditional tanking roles would suggest.
  • DrukalnnDrukalnn Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Yoh wrote: »
    From my 2nd hand experience partying with a tank, they sure don't seem to do a very good job of tanking. Sure they do a decent job of holding aggro, but they absorb damage like wet tissue paper. The most they really do is throw out a lot of CC, and you don't need a tank for that.
    And it sounds like they lack viable options too.

    Personally, if I were to draw inspiration from anywhere, it would be the Protection Monk from Guild Wars. Where they could throw out enchantments that could mitigate damage by either flat amounts, or by a percentage. They were indispensable. I think the tank should do more then just be hard to kill themselves, I think they should also have the option to make others harder to kill as well. Their job is less to be unkillable, and more to protect the party. I think the role is wider then traditional tanking roles would suggest.

    I'd love to see what gear your tank was wearing. If they're not wearing much gear at a lower level, I can see how you'd think that, but as I got more gear and hp, the squishy problem kinda fixed itself.
  • RfaliasRfalias Member, Alpha Two
    edited November 18
    After several weekends, and level 13. Tanked several encounters, steel bloom, Sephillion, etc.

    Vengeance - Is not a fun skill and does not feel like it does anything, despite trying to add it to a rotation. It either needs to add more mitigation, or apply a stacking sunder on enemies. I like the idea of needing to maintain debuffs/buffs but the temp health bit is hardly noticeable.

    There are not enough courage spenders.

    The kit seems kind of bland and repetitive. I'd like to see more debuff/buff types over max hp/temp hp. We should also have something to deal with magic users, a silence of some sort would be great.

    Too many skills are just 'does damage, + 100-400% threat'. None of those are fun or engaging. I find Inciting strikes better for group aggro over desolate or slam just because of the cooldown. Having 200%, 300% or more damage is pointless since out damage output is so small. I'd rather see more interesting effects like reduce armor, reduce magic mitigation, silence, something...

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