Hey everyone! If you've ever played an MMO - even if it was a small period of time - I can guarantee you've had a sense of community and purpose. Intrepid Studios, staking their claim as the creators of a game which is anticipated to change the face of MMOs, has brought that feeling to life unlike any other game has ever done. If that's something that you're particularly excited for, then let me introduce you to Amnesty. Our purpose is to construct and mould a hardcore, yet friendly and community-based guild which thrives on commitment, experience and entertainment. We're looking for serious players, but most of all, good mates.
A little bit about us I've been playing MMO's for the best part of ten years. Leadership and economy have always been my specialty, as a lack of OCE servers has contributed to my slight lacking in the PvP departments. I've coached and managed some of Australia's best SMITE players and teams, as well as lead top tier guilds in Fiesta and Aura Kingdom, however I've played and enjoyed countless MMO's to date. Our current admin team is rounded out by two of my best mates - guys who I've been playing with for years. We are not an established community. Although the three of us have been playing together for a long time, we are looking to EXPAND in this game. Why do we think this is important? Personally, we don't like the idea of joining an established group of players, as it leads to a lack of power in the new member base. Here at Amnesty, we aim to employ a range of admins and officers, as well as regular members. Intrepid's plan for Ashes of Creation integrates perfectly with our ever-changing and interactive idea of how a guild should be run. Each member of our guild will have a role - not a job, but a role, which will contribute to the overall functionality and progress of the guild. One of the most valued and significant aspects of Amnesty is our reward system. The reason we hold such value to this system is simple - players in a guild should be compensated. Not only is a guild a community, but it should be a beneficial one. Play together, fight together, win together. Amnesty's reward system is quite simple! Competitions and games will be organised weekly and run in Discord - the winners of these will be awarded tokens which equate to in-game rewards, promotions, and many more. Furthermore, we have implemented a system where talking in Discord grants you EXP, which translates to levels and helps you progress on a leaderboard which will provide monthly rewards to our most active players.
Interested in Joining? Excellent! We're glad to hear. Although there's no official joining process as of yet, we'd like to discuss your goals so far for Ashes of Creation. A few basic questions and you're in! We're not looking for especially skilled players - we're looking for especially committed players. Our basic requirements are: -
Communication skills. We value communication here at Amnesty - its essential in maintaining a healthy guild. -
Discord. We use Discord to speak as it's easy to use, pretty to look at, and really smashes every other voice program out of the water. Trust me, you'll enjoy our channel. -
Commitment. As stated, a basic commitment to using your game time valuably is important. -
Most importantly, GOOD VIBES. We understand that nobody is happy 24/7, but we aren't looking for people who are constantly negative and critical, particularly towards fellow guild members. So if you're a serious player who's looking to enjoy Ashes of Creation with a group of people who are dedicated to studying and experiencing every aspect of the game, Amnesty is perfect for you! Drop by and say hello in our discord channel!
https://discord.gg/phJYpsZ Thanks guys!
edit:i sent you a message in discord
Im keen to join, I'll hit you up on discord
It's awesome to find an OCE guild interested in the game this early!
As I'm from the OCE area myself it's awesome to find some people in the same situation!
From reading your post it looks like we have similar wants and goals out of a guild, and I'd love to apply to be a part of it!
I'm sure you'll find out soon enough that I meet all your requirements just by talking to me :P
calling all Aussie, NZ and other oceanics to join
Good to see some active Oceanic guilds already, myself and a mate have both signed up for the $$$ Kickstarter so will be playing from early Alpha, would be good to see some other oceanic players in the alpha testing to build on the community before the game even launches.
That being said, in the process of moving homes and getting services sorted. Once we're settled i'll hop on discord for a bit of a chat to say hello and have a bit of a meet and greet before Alpha kicks off.
Join us for exciting adventures! memes
-+ An OCE/SEA Guild, Looking for New Members!! +-
If you're interested: Join our Discord and look around ~ https://discord.gg/phJYpsZ
or message me here on the forums
-+ An OCE/SEA Guild, Looking for New Members!! +-
If you're interested: Join our Discord and look around ~
or message me here on the forums