Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

What is your Nickname/IGN origin?

Mine is Needletail, because it was my mother's favorite bird.
What is your Nickname/In game name, and where did you got it from?


  • i've had a few over the years the original one i had was shusai, this was created by me randomly smashing keys on my keyboard. shunex was originally a alt name that i ended up liking more than shusai, so i now use it for everything :smile:
  • I go by Mr_Pragmatic because the approach I take to everything online, be it interaction with other people or deciding what I want to do on a game, is always more of a logical approach.
  • I have 2. Luciferstwin, and Kaybar. Luciferstwin originates back on xbox playing Halo. People said playing against me was like playing against Lucifers twin so the name kinda stuck after that. Kaybar is a version of Ka-Bar, which most of my family were millitary, and I have always loved the way the original Ka-bars looked.
  • Mine is Blue Smoke. I'm a guitarist and it's a song by Merle Travis.
  • I was making a character for the last beta of vanilla wow.. I had tossed my sweatshirt on my bed before sitting down and I was having trouble with a name soo.. I was looking at the jacket and bam i got Hoody, i may have spelled that incorrectly.. but i didn't care i like the y rather than Hoodie. lol random as fff   ( I was a huge noob in vanilla lol ) 
  • Internet is always telling me to authorize stuff, so I did :"D 
  • Nickname: Pai
    IGN: Zenpai (or just Pai if 3 letters is okay)

    Origin: In my Japanese heritage often times you'll be given a Japanese name if it's not already your given name. My japanese name is Han Paizu, Han being my family surname. Been called Pai by my mother's side of the family since i was young because I've always been super sweet ^~^ a delightful treat 
  • Oh... my Nurph is in use for quite some time now. It is just a variant of an old Nick I used, that pleased me more and reflected my change of mind. The original Nickname was "Murphy"... coming from Murphy's Law, because I felt quite unlucky in the past :D
  • Pax Imperium from my love of Roman history.  I took it to mean Codex/Laws of Peace.  In game name, Lucas Travast usually, which is an older, scarred, lore guy due to loving that side of gaming.  Also is the name of my awesome cat! :D

  • I've had loads of IGN's over the years. Currently it's either FreddySwordd which I got from my big brother because his IGN was something with a sword (can't remember the exact name but I looked up to him and I thought it was cool). Sadly FreddySword was taken so I ended up with the double D.

    If I ever create a female character in a game I name them Belaniá which I just came up with randomly.
  • Like alot of you I've had lots over the years but the one that stuck with me through all of it is Sidius.. It was my first IGN back in the release of FFXI and I put so many hours into him over the years that's it's almost always my main IGN in all games that I've played since.
  • I remember not being able to use BrainGames as a name in LoL. I then came across a NigaHiga video called BraneGames and I thought it was a pretty cool alteration of the word, so I decided to stick with that.
  • Diura - Celtic spelling for Jura which I named after a the Isle of Jura because rhey make a nice whisky ^^
  • For as long as I can remember, I've had the nickname 'Scone,' as it's based on my last name. Then I started playing Xbox, and I though 'SconeOfDoom' sounded cool and I knew it was original enough to never be taken, so I use it for everything since I know that I'll always have access to it, plus it's still got a 'me' flavor.
  • I was creating a toon while watching Aliens. The 2 officers were discussing why they don't bother asking questions and the senior guy points to the kids playing and prompts "Rydecker!" To sort out the problem. Naming said toon done. Has stuck since.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    Came up my name with in middle school[this is like 9-10 years ago] while was doing a medival fantasy forum RPG. Don't exactly remember how I came up with it, just that used the name[use if for pretty much all my 1 character IGNs] since given that its hard for it to be taken given its a self-made name.
  • Goodness... mine originated back in Middle School when Dragonball Z was just starting on Cartoon Network.  I joined a DBZ Forum RPG and Dendail was a collaboration of two of the Nameks from the series; Dende & Nail.
  • Bringslight was first. Just popped into my head trying to name my original character from the old NW Nights game on dialup AOL.

    Since it has evolved to Bringslite as I found Bringslight already taken on many places I tried to use it.

  • I saw a forum called Arkan and I thought it looked nice, so I made it into a nickname. Later I found out it wasn't that original, since many people use the same nick :neutral:
  • I like naming my characters after heroes from different games. Auron is my favorite. He is a legendary guardian from Final Fantasy X. Before this nick i also used Jecht, which was another character from FFX.

    One day I want to go for Illidan and RP hard... one day.
  • Alright, this name is -everything- you think it is... You have been advised. 
    - First this is a planet, mainly cold gas so I am not filled with hot air... 
    - Tilted on my side because lets face it, I'm different. 
    - Hahahahaha, you said... Ur -Butt-! Which worked well for Halo 2 when it said on the listing "You were killed by Uranu5"
    - I really like this planet more than Saturn, Saturn is BORING.

    ... Maybe some day I'll be like Pluto...
  • Well mine is a word play in danish, my middle name is Juhl and santa is Julemanden in danish. Usually I cant get that so i go for Julemanden since its taken, so its either Juhlemanden or Julemanden.

    But early bird get the seed, and I got it this time :)
  • I like wrens and decided to make a little play off the name :)
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    Dragon Magazine # 251
    Si- : cat/feline     -vanna : forest
  • Most of you are familiar with this gamequote:
    Paarthurnax: What is better - to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?

    Well Grisu did it first, he overcomes his very nature and enviorment as a firebreathing destructionbringer to be a firefighter and help the world. Can't beat that Paarthurnax.

    I actually just like the name and it's a play on my own so, win - win either way.
  • I'm an Australian that lives in Nova Scotia so the locals started calling me Dingo. Canadians, you can't trust them!
    The VIII is an add-on in reference to the saying "A dingo ate my baby", which, for all the people born post 1980, is a true story.
    Here's a link if you're interested:
  • Mine comes from Everquest days, sometime between Velious and Luclin. I got into the game and at that time the Lateralus album by Tool had just been released.. so naturally as an unoriginal jerk I named my new bard Laeteralis. I've always been a fan of idioms that both don't make sense and make complete sense (like a deafening silence etc) and somehow landed on the term Nevermuse for a last name as my bard would be a great character but never end up as the inspiration for something great. So since about 2001, Nevermuse has stuck with me in general. Though I've become a bit more original with naming.
  • My Name is based on a Anime character calling Kirigaya Kazuto. Due to the german pronounciation I switched the z to an s so people pronounce it right ^^
    When it isnt avaiable I simply switch the K to an C :D
  • I most often go by Ringle or Ringleberry. Goes back more than 30 years I think to a Dungeons and Dragons game where I created a Halfing I named Ringleberry (yes, as in dingle berry).

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