Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Is it just me? or....
I get a feeling looking at the devs and the type of game this is and the features promised that ashes is essentially the game everquest next was meant to be. ASHES NAME EVEN EVOKES THE PHOENIX. Need i say any more?
The EQ community is begging for a new game that they can call home. There has never been a more opportune time to yank millions of PVE players from old and outdated MMO's. So much opportunity there.
That was revealed during SOE Live 2014.
And there was a quite a bit of talk of not having separate PvE servers.
LockSixTime came away from a meeting with the EQNext devs thrilled by the vision of not splitting the servers so that the non-combatants would act as support for the PvPers.
Pretty much exactly the way Steven describes crafters supporting PvPers in Ashes.
But if a level 20 character decides to attack a level 2 character, the attacked character has the ability to basically not fight back (it would be pointless anyway, most likely). The attacked character will die (with normal death penalties if any), and the level 20 character becomes corrupted and a viable target for Bounty Hunters and anyone else who might be interested in avenging the poor traveler.
This makes the game sad but interesting for those roleplaying players who like to use permadeath for their character as a type of realism and restraint.
Yeah on PvP is where LockSixTime and I parted ways. Miss that guy.
As a business man, you understand that it costs far more money to develop an MMO with so much strictly PVE content that it can keep players satisfied for the length of time needed to profit, right?
PVE MMORPGs have two weaknesses: 1. The End Game is a Grind Festival because "Better Gear" is about all they have to offer to keep players interested. 2. Constantly needing to develop new and flashy PVE is very expensive.
The newest trend has been more emphasis on PVP to cut costs of developing a workable product. Also because more and more smaller Developers are the ones willing to take the risks involved in MMORPG productions. The Big Boys just don't have the Machismo to put up the funds needed for a AAA PVE MMORPG. Partly because they MAY get lots of players from older titles(WoW, ESO, etc...) but they may NOT get and keep them long enough. Partly because it is a TREMENDOUS investment now to build a AAA MMORPG.
AoC is taking a bit of a risk in trying to offer both Great PVE and Great PVP. That is going to be a tough nut. They are being pretty smart by mitigating some of the PVE cost by making the PVP so pervasive.
I understand you're a businessman, and that that's your background and how you see the world. But I also understand that your view isn't the only one, and what you consider being choices that might appear, from your perspective, to be potentially unsuccessful, others of us see as potentially being wildly successful mainly because they break so far away from the current understanding of "normal mmos."
You guys both hit the nail on the head.
It's all about personal experience I guess. There are some statistics and economic tells that form the basis of my opinion. It's not just my interest in one aspect or another. Players from the most successful games ever made have been begging their gaming companies for a sequel to the game(s) they love. Those pleas always fall on deaf ears. Then along comes an amazing team of devs and creates AoC. It has sooo much potential to secure the market share of this genre. It is a one stop shop for what most MMO gamers are looking for in their existing "home" games. I'm very concerned that they are not focusing enough on the PvE aspect that would draw in those potential customers. I honestly feel it's going to have a little for everyone but not enough to keep anyone. So, short term money versus the long game. Steven said he wanted to franchise. The only way that will ever happen if if he launches this game with 10000 hours of uninterrupted PvE gameplay. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.
Corruption only comes out when you kill a player that doesnt flag.
There are open world bosses/ dungeons were you auto flag kinda open world battlegrounds. caravans, city sieges (not set on a timer i think people can declare anytime they feel like it). Think you can attack Freeholds when War is declared and won vs a city and it delevels.
On the PVE end there seems to be alot of content aswell.
Dungeons and not just 1 or 2 i think last life stream they said alot, raids, crafting, gathering, farming, breeding, enchanting, help leveling nodes by quest, politics, trading, sailing. Not 100% sure but i think you can also explore the seafloor caves ect.
Last steam they dropped something nice for crafthers if your the first to discover how to make a item you can let people use it for a % of the gold they make then overtime it gets released to every 1 like a RL pattent.
And i think there thinking about adding new content for both pve and pvp every few weeks month and also do a huge update in form for expantions.
People are just looking for a good game to sink there teeth in just take a look at Black Desert you die now and again but its a crafthers wet dream. they just lifeskill all day making items to sell.
Now i think the crafthing system in ashes will rival or be better then Blackdesert and when people here you can open your own store im geussing because there was talk about owning your own inn so im geussing you can open your own amour/weapon shop on your freehold alot of Pve's will probarly try it and stay.
So i feel there is giong to be enough PVE ( and if its fun enough ) most PVEers will just shrug it off that they might get PKed now and again and lose a bit of XP and stay.
I'd also request adding a duel mechanic. you can ask the other player for a casual duel, where you can fight till someone reaches 1HP, but cannot die. you come out in the previous state(if you were a non-combatant, you remain so).
EQN had a lot of great concepts that were never fully realized. But that's also true with Lineage as well. It had a lot of great design tenets that were never fully realized due to technical limitations 20 years ago. Anyone who has played Lineage can see some of the great core design principles carried forward and expanded upon in the information and interviews we've seen so far.
side note, i do hold a grudge. i've been known to keep a list of names of people that pk me and months or years later on a raid tossing them a smite instead of a heal when they needed it most.
ive played it on and off since i was 9 yrs old