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Character Names/Nicknames

I was talking with my guild and names came up. Now I don't know what they have set up at this point as I have heard nothing about names, but Personally I would like if they did a Fist and Last name as separate things, with Middle and Nicknames as optional things. Each name would need a large character count like 12-16 to account for how weird last names can get, Erik Saunderberg. Having an option for name preempts like "Son of", IE Gregor Son of Kofgrin, would be nice as well. Obviously Titles have already been addressed and sound to be what I would want them to be.


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    I don't think there should be a minimum character limit, but I do like the concept of nicknames, which could be used to make quest dialog a little more "personal" with NPCs. 

    However, the drawback to adding more name fields, such as nicknames, middle names, etc, is that you just create more mechanics that can be exploited and thus, more ways moderators must stay on top of things. 

    I would imagine both first and last names to be separate fields though, as most mmorpgs have done it that way...   especially since there is going to e a Marriage system in the game, so I expect there will be some linkage there into that system as well. 
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    I meant the maximum name size, often games cap around 7-10 characters for your entire name and don't allow spaces. This is what I meant would be bad.
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    LanthSor said:
    I meant the maximum name size, often games cap around 7-10 characters for your entire name and don't allow spaces. This is what I meant would be bad.
    Ahhhh gotcha!  Yeah, that is in itself a sensible precaution.   

    It's always such a delicate balance, to create a system that allows people the flexibility and freedom to create their characters while still deterring those who might try to abuse such flexibility in the system. 
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    I would love there to be a way to receive your name before the launch of the game. I mean I would hate for some one to take my name after the amount of posts I made here
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    It is possible with certain pledges.
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    Kratz said:
    It is possible with certain pledges.
    Well that is something I missed then *looks at KS* 

    so it is. Its the $80 pledge well im covered then 

    Thanks @kratz
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    It's okay mate, I was going to offer to reserve you your name if you didn't have the pledge...Boney Mcboneface! :D
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    Kratz said:
    It's okay mate, I was going to offer to reserve you your name if you didn't have the pledge...Boney Mcboneface! :D
    That's a very nice sentiment 
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    nagash said:
    Kratz said:
    It's okay mate, I was going to offer to reserve you your name if you didn't have the pledge...Boney Mcboneface! :D
    That's a very nice sentiment 
    I gots one of your alts covered too!
    Skelly McBrittlebritches!
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    So I was confused on name reservations, is there a specific time in game such as alpha/beta that you would reserve your name? See if it's Alpha phase one, then I wouldn't be able to reserve it, and it would be unfair even though I did pledge already, but if everyone could reserve their name at beta then that would be the best for EVERYONE. It gives all the poor people who donated a fighting chance. 
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    Well the next thing is with character names, what happens when i marry an other person? Do i get het family name? Or will the character names stay?
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    So I was confused on name reservations, is there a specific time in game such as alpha/beta that you would reserve your name? See if it's Alpha phase one, then I wouldn't be able to reserve it, and it would be unfair even though I did pledge already, but if everyone could reserve their name at beta then that would be the best for EVERYONE. It gives all the poor people who donated a fighting chance. 
    We don't know when name reservation will be or how it will be done but I like the idea of everyone at beta having the opportunity to reserve their name. I remember on the old forums someone mentioned phases of name reservation so those with top tier packages reserved theirs first - then the next tier down and so forth.
    That means those that got the name reservation with their pack has a guaranteed name reservation prior to everyone else then at betas other pledgers had a chance to save their name. I don't mind it being open to those that pledged anything I understand names are important to players. Gives your character personality :3
    I can also understand why players wouldn't agree though because they've paid for the option to name reserve so why should it be open to all.
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    LanthSor said:
    I was talking with my guild and names came up. Now I don't know what they have set up at this point as I have heard nothing about names, but Personally I would like if they did a Fist and Last name as separate things, with Middle and Nicknames as optional things. Each name would need a large character count like 12-16 to account for how weird last names can get, Erik Saunderberg. Having an option for name preempts like "Son of", IE Gregor Son of Kofgrin, would be nice as well. Obviously Titles have already been addressed and sound to be what I would want them to be.
    I think the more complex a name can be the better, I honestly like the idea of having a name like Ufgar Giant Slayer or something like that, this would make for more immersion. But like the ones above I do agree there shouldn't be a minimum letter count.
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    Im just going to stick with Nagash
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    We do know that last names are optional, so I feel safe saying it will be first names that are reserved.
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    T-Elf said:
    We do know that last names are optional, so I feel safe saying it will be first names that are reserved.
    When did they announce this? Do you have any sources?

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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    It's in the pinned section of Discord top one, it is a quote by Steven.  Also someone had a post of all quotes by Steven and you can see it there.
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    I couldn't find it in Discord, but I did see a small reference on this wiki page:

    "Surnames will be optional, but allowed. "

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    nagash said:
    Im just going to stick with Nagash

    Gee Nag,  Ribber Mortis is might be your younger brother.

             or  Numskul

            or  Nucklebone

             or  how about Toothpick?
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    I'm going to call my first character "CylverRayne"

    That's a cool name, and I don't think it's taken...
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    Karthos said:
    I'm going to call my first character "CylverRayne"

    That's a cool name, and I don't think it's taken...
    Dang it. I wanted that one. I guess I'll have to go with SilverRayne instead. Either that or Kappa.
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    Karthos said:
    I'm going to call my first character "CylverRayne"

    That's a cool name, and I don't think it's taken...
    No heals for you! 
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    Karthos said:
    I'm going to call my first character "CylverRayne"

    That's a cool name, and I don't think it's taken...
    No heals for you! 
    :( *single tear as I stand in a meadow at sunset, contemplating my life. 
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    Ok here is where you will find Steven quotes: Quotebin - Quotes of Intrepid Team from Discord.
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    Last names of my avatars will most likely be Fleabane however other people are welcome to use it also. May the Fleabane clan spread wide and do much killing of fleas. 
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    I like the idea of having first name/last names. It makes characters feel more realistic to me.

    I think it'd be cool if only the nickname had to be unique. Then in the options you could toggle to display either character nicknames or character legit names.
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    I love the customization of everything to do with my character and customization with names is something I dont see enough of. SWTOR had the cool system will the family name, something as simple as that would be cool.
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    I just want people to feel the shame of being killed by, Phillip J. Fry.... (Mater of space invaders) . hahaha,hahaha,hahahaha
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    I always kinda liked the legacy system in tor. Being able to set up intra-account relationships and either use your legacy name as a surname, hidden, or as The [name] Legacy added to your character name display. Then you had account-wide experience that allowed you to access and activate account-wide buffs. It was an interesting system. Far from perfect, but interesting.
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    nagash said:
    I would love there to be a way to receive your name before the launch of the game. I mean I would hate for some one to take my name after the amount of posts I made here
    I think I will name my character Nagash 
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