Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Dark Magic Based Archetype Needed
Class design has been a passionate hobby of mine ever since being afforded the opportunity to work as a class lead on Vanguard: Saga of Heroes. So as with any new game I become interested in playing I immediately start researching the games classes; the Mechanics, Aesthetics, Dynamics, and Systems (MADS) behind it all.
As I started to look over the Archetypes and gaining a fundamental understanding of how Primary and Secondary Archetypes would define the overall class I noticed that the combinations of existing Archetypes leaves a void for many players who prefer to play dark magic based classes.
All the Archetypes thus far are relatively Good Aligned with maybe the exception of the Rogue archetype. However, the Rogue archetype is usually heavily melee based augmented only with a limited arsenal of subterfuge and poisons. Which from my stand point could not deliver darker more evil aligned classes that so many players enjoy playing. i.e. Death Knight or variant of, Necromancer, Nightblade, Hexblade, Dirge, Dark Arrow/Black Ranger, etc.. all of which rely on some kind of Dark Magic to define the class.
I believe with just the addition of one carefully thought out dark magic based archetype this game could provide archetype combinations that would give players the darker more evil aligned classes that so many of us enjoy playing.
This is an example, no it is not carefully thought out, however it is thought out enough to give the reader a general understanding of what could be achieved.
Create an arcetype called the Cultist for example. The Cultist is a dark magic based class as they deal in the occult. With just the introduction of the Cultist Archetype we could see combinations produce classes such as:
Cultist Primary:
Cultist + Bard = Myth Weaver
Cultist + Cleric = Shaman
Cultist + Cultist = Zealot
Cultist + Fighter = Hexblade
Cultist + Mage = Warlock
Cultist + Ranger = Dark Runner
Cultist + Rogue = Reaper
Cultist + Summoner = Necromancer
Cultist + Tank = Blood Knight
Cultist Secondary:
Bard + Cultist = Dirge
Cleric + Cultist = Rune Caller
Cultist + Cultist = Zealot
Fighter + Cultist = Bane Blade
Mage + Cultist = Arcanist
Ranger + Cultist = Black Arrow
Rogue + Cultist = Nightblade
Summoner + Cultist = Demon Caller
Tank + Cultist = Black Guard
These are but a simplistic example of just how the addition of one Dark Magic based archetype could provide many different dark magic based classes that so many of us are accustomed to having as an option to play in an MMORPG.
I personally love playing dark magic based classes, as I am sure many other also have their preferences. I just hope that something along this line of thought comes to fruition before launch.
EDIT: changed class line-up to better depict the different option examples for having Cultist as a main or secondary archetype.
As I started to look over the Archetypes and gaining a fundamental understanding of how Primary and Secondary Archetypes would define the overall class I noticed that the combinations of existing Archetypes leaves a void for many players who prefer to play dark magic based classes.
All the Archetypes thus far are relatively Good Aligned with maybe the exception of the Rogue archetype. However, the Rogue archetype is usually heavily melee based augmented only with a limited arsenal of subterfuge and poisons. Which from my stand point could not deliver darker more evil aligned classes that so many players enjoy playing. i.e. Death Knight or variant of, Necromancer, Nightblade, Hexblade, Dirge, Dark Arrow/Black Ranger, etc.. all of which rely on some kind of Dark Magic to define the class.
I believe with just the addition of one carefully thought out dark magic based archetype this game could provide archetype combinations that would give players the darker more evil aligned classes that so many of us enjoy playing.
This is an example, no it is not carefully thought out, however it is thought out enough to give the reader a general understanding of what could be achieved.
Create an arcetype called the Cultist for example. The Cultist is a dark magic based class as they deal in the occult. With just the introduction of the Cultist Archetype we could see combinations produce classes such as:
Cultist Primary:
Cultist + Bard = Myth Weaver
Cultist + Cleric = Shaman
Cultist + Cultist = Zealot
Cultist + Fighter = Hexblade
Cultist + Mage = Warlock
Cultist + Ranger = Dark Runner
Cultist + Rogue = Reaper
Cultist + Summoner = Necromancer
Cultist + Tank = Blood Knight
Cultist Secondary:
Bard + Cultist = Dirge
Cleric + Cultist = Rune Caller
Cultist + Cultist = Zealot
Fighter + Cultist = Bane Blade
Mage + Cultist = Arcanist
Ranger + Cultist = Black Arrow
Rogue + Cultist = Nightblade
Summoner + Cultist = Demon Caller
Tank + Cultist = Black Guard
These are but a simplistic example of just how the addition of one Dark Magic based archetype could provide many different dark magic based classes that so many of us are accustomed to having as an option to play in an MMORPG.
I personally love playing dark magic based classes, as I am sure many other also have their preferences. I just hope that something along this line of thought comes to fruition before launch.
EDIT: changed class line-up to better depict the different option examples for having Cultist as a main or secondary archetype.
Reaver - Dark Age of Camelot
Dread Knight - Vanguard: Saga of Heroes
Nightblade - Rift
I am looking for a game that delivers a Dark Magic augmented Ranger, something along the lines of D&D 3.5e's Dark Ranger.
Here is an example of a concept for the Dark Ranger I have been working on:
For reference:
In the D&D version much like the Ranger takes its heritages from the Druid the Dark Ranger takes its heritages from the Necromancer.
Here are some examples of abilities that may theme and make the Dark Ranger quite different than that of your archetypical Woodland Nature Loving Tree hugger of a Ranger found in most MMO’s.
Aspect/Familiar Companions:
Flying: Bat, Imp, Raven, possibly some Owls or other demonic occult related flying creatures.
Ground: Hell Hound, Worg, Direwolf, or other demonesque evil associated creatures.
To get away from a duplicate of the woodland Ranger I personally would rather see the Dark Rangers companions take on the form as an aspect or familiar, whereas the Dark Ranger is not a true pet class. They don’t have a separate hot bar with stay, follow, attack, or with unique pet attacks. Rather the Dark Ranger stalks, traps, and collects different aspects/familiars. Once collected and their powers harnessed, the Dark Ranger is able to summons them in combat. Each different companion has its own unique beneficial uses. It is up to the Dark Ranger to choose wisely depending on which Mana Climate they are in and Enemy type they are fighting.
Aspect/Familiar Companion Bolsters:
Each companion depending on its species, level, and rarity will bolster the Dark Ranger in different ways. A lower level Dark Ranger will have to learn to stalk, capture, and harness the powers of an entity. A mid level Dark Ranger will only be able to manage one Apsect/Familiar at a time. An upper level Dark Ranger may be able to have two Aspects/Familiars summoned simultaneously.
Some of their Bolsters might include:
As stated each aspect/familiar has a different benefit or combination of benefits. It’s up to the Dark Ranger to select the best one or best combination of for the situation at hand. Also there very well may not be a perfect one or perfect combination in which case its just the best of what’s available.
The Dark Ranger can increase the power of or transpose benefits from on aspect/familiar to another through an ancient occult dark ritual. This ritual is time consuming and requires different components and will always consume one of the aspects/familiars.
Track Evil – sense and identify evil aligned tracks and markings. The demonic, occult, spectral, and the undead can be tracked either by physical print or other markings such as a spectral trail across vast distances and varying terrain.
Abilities Examples:
-Single Target Attacks-
Black Arrow: Upon three consecutive Black Arrow strikes applies a random effect. Base Damage dependent on arrow type (blunt, piercing, edged) – Effects:
Cursed Arrow: Does a significant amount of initial damage and extends the duration of Black Arrow effects on target by an additional 5 seconds. Magic based attack, can be resisted. (combos with Black Arrow)
Shadowed Flurry: Unleashes a volley of precision strikes against their opponent. The action is so rapid the Dark Ranger appears as a shadowed blur and gains increased evasion for the 3 second duration. (channeled – can move) Damage type dependent on arrow type (blunt, piercing, edged) -25 second reuse.
Heart Seeker: Massive Damage attack, cannot be resisted, evaded, or blocked. Cast time 3 seconds, cannot move. Magic based attack. – 60 second reuse.
Demons Strike: Inflicts high damage onto the opponent, knocks target down. Magic based attack, – 15 second reuse.
Demons Whip: Initial Burn Damage. Pulls Offensive Target to Defensive Targets Location – Snaps Agro to Defensive target for 2 seconds and increases Defensive Targets threat.
Kiss of the Succubus: Fires Magic Arrow that sleeps target for 30 seconds or until broken by dmg. If broken early target is disoriented for time equal to remaining sleep timer. -60 second reuse.
-Area of Effect Attacks-
Imps Tricks: Imp appears at target location, casts tricks on target area (5meter radius), random effects: trip, blind, disorient, disarm, silence. Area effected for 5 seconds. -30 sec reuse
Black Rain: The Dark Ranger fires a volley of arrows to a target location, poisoning and corrupting the area of impact. AoE effect, opponents in the area take initial arrow strike damage and will take continued poison and corruption damage should they choose to stay in the affected area. (Combo effect Black Thorn Field)
Fel Fire Furry: The Dark Ranger fires three consecutive bursts of three arrows each burst in a frontal cone. Targets hit by initial arrows take signiant fire damage. Area effected is left burning for 15 seconds. (Combos with Ebon Tar)
Ebon Tar: A black pitch like ooze that not only slows the movement speed of the opponent, but also the attack/cast speed. Increases condition effectiveness the more the opponent moves. – 5 second duration
Black Thorn Field: Snares opponents and reduces their movement speed, pulses a 2 second duration root every 3 seconds that does significant necrotic damage. -10 second duration.
Bone Cage: Traps the opponent in a cage of bones. Friendly Damage can weaken and eventually break the cage. **Damage doesn’t simply break CC, it depletes the duration of the timer. – 20 second duration.
-Utility & other useful abilities-
Shadow Slip: Blinds the target for 3 seconds – disorients an additional 3 seconds after the blind wears off – hides the Dark Ranger from site for 10 seconds or until Dark Ranger reengages or is damaged. Reduces threat. -60 second reuse.
Twilight Walker: Takes on a shadowed aura increasing movement speed and evasion. Movement speed is increased in dark - lowlight conditions. (in combat lasts 15 seconds, reuse 90 seconds | out of combat indefinite)
Shadowed Veil: The Dark Ranger conceals themselves from sight. (not a true invisibility more so an extreme agro range reduction in PvP visible range) Entering combat breaks the Veil. Cannot be used in combat on its own. Can be used during Shadow Slip.
Defiance: Break free of crowd control effects.
Dusk till Dawn: The Dark Ranger releases a magic orb that lights the surrounding area and emits a ‘minor’ protection ward from evil. Duration indefinite – can be recalled – can be dispelled.
Blackfire: cauterizes wounds and removes some types of negative effects. (field expedient medicine) Can be used on other players.
Stygian Water: Internal divining rod can sense stygian water locations and fill up flasks with its restorative properties (pool regeneration consumables not as good as crafted but will do in a pinch – can have an adverse effect if used to often).
Dark Heart: Sacrifices a portion of their companion’s essence to rejuvenate their own health pool. (companions have an essence pool of which they are able to bolster the Dark Rangers Defenses/Attacks – depleting the essence pool the Dark Ranger loses different benefits for a period of time) -120 second reuse.
Aphotic Ward: Shields the Dark Ranger from a majority of damage taken temporarily. Duration 5 seconds. -120 second reuse.
Demonic Rage: Increases damage of Dark Hunter and bolsters the effects of their companion. (short duration damage modifier buff) Duration 20 seconds. -120 second reuse.
Void Stone: The next ability after the Void Stone is used does not suffer a reuse timer penalty. -120 second reuse.
Also was looking into a class mechanic along these lines
Class Mechanic Void Stone Amulet.
Hunts down evil entities (demon, ghost, spectre, direworf, imps, hellhounds, etc etc)
Captures the aspect of the entities in void stones.
Through ritual can transpose evil entity powers from one stone to another
Through ritual can mix and match entity powers into one or many void stones.
Slots void stones into amulet.
In combat activates the different stones in the amulet through demonic chants which activates the stones powers - can twist the stones - much like a bard twists instuments.
Class specific quests are found or given to track down, fight, kill, and capture the aspects of different evil entities in order to unlock newer and more powerful void stone buffs/enhancements.
Player can then open up a UI element similar to the Vanguard Bard Songbook - and conduct ritual to peice together aspect powers into different void stones. Then slot the different void stones into an amulate.
By chanting different dark incantations activates the powers within the void stones. Each void stone within the amulet has its one unique incantation assigned to it which will activate its powers.
EDIT: Duplicate post deleted
Since I can't find one to play, I have been toying around with a class concept for a dark magic based archer class based off the D&D Dark Ranger. Here is my own Dark Ranger class concept - game independent.
In the D&D version much like the Ranger takes its heritages from the Druid the Dark Ranger takes its heritages from the Necromancer. I chose to adjust the Dark Ranger ability line away from necromancy and a little more towards the demonic and the occult.
Here are some examples of abilities that may theme and make the Dark Ranger quite different than that of your archetypical Woodland Nature Loving Tree hugger of a Ranger found in most MMO’s.
Aspect/Familiar Companions:
Flying: Bat, Imp, Raven, possibly some Owls or other demonic occult related flying creatures.
Ground: Hell Hound, Worg, Direwolf, or other demonesque evil associated creatures.
To get away from a duplicate of the woodland Ranger I personally would rather see the Dark Rangers companions take on the form as an aspect or familiar, whereas the Dark Ranger is not a true pet class. They don’t have a separate hot bar with stay, follow, attack, or with unique pet attacks. Rather the Dark Ranger stalks, traps, and collects different aspects/familiars. Once collected and their powers harnessed, the Dark Ranger is able to summons them in combat. Each different companion has its own unique beneficial uses. It is up to the Dark Ranger to choose wisely depending on which Climate they are in and Enemy type they are fighting.
Aspect/Familiar Companion Bolsters:
Each companion depending on its species, level, and rarity will bolster the Dark Ranger in different ways. A lower level Dark Ranger will have to learn to stalk, capture, and harness the powers of an entity. A mid level Dark Ranger will only be able to manage one Apsect/Familiar at a time. An upper level Dark Ranger may be able to have two Aspects/Familiars summoned simultaneously.
Some of their Bolsters might include:
· Necrotic Sting – a miner dot that has a chance on tic to stun the opponent for 1 second.
· Corrupting Toxin - a poison and corruption based DoT that has the ability to spread by proximity.
· Demons Oath – adds damage proc to group or raid dependent on level and rarity.
· Desecrated Ground – increases dmg of Area of Affect abilities.
· Demon Speed – increases movement speed of group. Does not effect Raid.
· Etc. the list can go on nearly forever.
As stated each aspect/familiar has a different benefit or combination of benefits. It’s up to the Dark Ranger to select the best one or best combination of for the situation at hand. Also there very well may not be a perfect one or perfect combination in which case its just the best of what’s available.
The Dark Ranger can increase the power of or transpose benefits from on aspect/familiar to another through an ancient occult dark ritual. This ritual is time consuming and requires different components and will always consume one of the aspects/familiars.
Track Evil – sense and identify evil aligned tracks and markings. The demonic, occult, spectral, and the undead can be tracked either by physical print or other markings such as a spectral trail across vast distances and varying terrain.
Abilities Examples:
-Single Target Attacks-
Black Arrow: Upon three consecutive Black Arrow strikes applies a random effect. Base Damage dependent on arrow type (blunt, piercing, edged) – Effects:
· Fel Burned: Set ablaze with demon fire, minor burn damage over 5 seconds. 1 tic / 1 sec.
· Soul Wracked: Ethereal damage proc leaving a lingering effect that causes reduced resistances 10 second duration.
· Poisoned: Minor poison damage over 10 seconds. 1tic / 2 seconds.
· Chilled: Ability cast times increased – movement speed decreased. 5 second duration.
Cursed Arrow: Does a significant amount of initial damage and extends the duration of Black Arrow effects on target by an additional 5 seconds. Magic based attack, can be resisted. (combos with Black Arrow)
Shadowed Flurry: Unleashes a volley of precision strikes against their opponent. The action is so rapid the Dark Ranger appears as a shadowed blur and gains increased evasion for the 3 second duration. (channeled – can move) Damage type dependent on arrow type (blunt, piercing, edged) -25 second reuse.
Heart Seeker: Massive Damage attack, cannot be resisted, evaded, or blocked. Cast time 2 seconds, cannot move. Magic based attack. – 60 second reuse.
Demons Strike: Inflicts high damage onto the opponent, knocks target down. Magic based attack, – 15 second reuse.
Demons Whip: Initial Burn Damage. Pulls Offensive Target to Defensive Targets Location – Snaps Agro to Defensive target for 2 seconds and increases Defensive Targets threat.
Kiss of the Succubus: Fires Magic Arrow that sleeps target for 30 seconds or until broken by dmg. If broken early target is disoriented for time equal to remaining sleep timer. -60 second reuse.
-Area of Effect Attacks-
Imps Tricks: Imp appears at target location, casts tricks on target area (5meter radius), random effects: trip, blind, disorient, disarm, silence. Area effected for 5 seconds. -30 sec reuse
Black Rain: The Dark Ranger fires a volley of arrows to a target location, poisoning and corrupting the area of impact. AoE effect, opponents in the area take initial arrow strike damage and will take continued poison and corruption damage should they choose to stay in the affected area. (Combo effect Black Thorn Field)
Fel Fire Furry: The Dark Ranger fires three consecutive bursts of three arrows each burst in a frontal cone. Targets hit by initial arrows take signiant fire damage. Area effected is left burning for 15 seconds. (Combos with Ebon Tar)
Ebon Tar: A black pitch like ooze that not only slows the movement speed of the opponent, but also the attack/cast speed. Increases condition effectiveness the more the opponent moves. – 5 second duration
Black Thorn Field: Snares opponents and reduces their movement speed, pulses a 2 second duration root every 3 seconds that does significant necrotic damage. -10 second duration.
Bone Cage: Traps the opponent in a cage of bones. Friendly Damage can weaken and eventually break the cage. **Damage doesn’t simply break CC, it depletes the duration of the timer. – 20 second duration.
-Utility & other useful abilities-
Shadow Slip: Blinds the target for 3 seconds – disorients an additional 3 seconds after the blind wears off – hides the Dark Ranger from site for 10 seconds or until Dark Ranger reengages or is damaged. Reduces threat. -60 second reuse.
Twilight Walker: Takes on a shadowed aura increasing movement speed and evasion. Movement speed is increased in dark - lowlight conditions. (in combat lasts 15 seconds, reuse 90 seconds | out of combat indefinite)
Shadowed Veil: The Dark Ranger conceals themselves from sight. (not a true invisibility more so an extreme agro range reduction, in PvP visible range) Entering combat breaks the Veil. Cannot be used in combat on its own. Can be used during Shadow Slip.
Defiance: Break free of crowd control effects.
Dusk till Dawn: The Dark Ranger releases a magic orb that lights the surrounding area and emits a ‘minor’ protection ward from evil. Duration indefinite – can be recalled – can be dispelled.
Blackfire: cauterizes wounds and removes some types of negative effects. (field expedient medicine) Can be used on other players.
Stygian Water: Internal divining rod can sense stygian water locations and fill up flasks with its restorative properties (pool regeneration consumables not as good as crafted but will do in a pinch – can have an adverse effect if used to often).
Dark Heart: Sacrifices a portion of their companion’s essence to rejuvenate their own health pool. (companions have an essence pool of which they are able to bolster the Dark Rangers Defenses/Attacks – depleting the essence pool the Dark Ranger loses different benefits for a period of time) -120 second reuse.
Aphotic Ward: Shields the Dark Ranger from a majority of damage taken temporarily. Duration 5 seconds. -120 second reuse.
Demonic Rage: Increases damage of Dark Hunter and bolsters the effects of their companion. (short duration damage modifier buff) Duration 20 seconds. -120 second reuse.
Void Stone: The next ability after the Void Stone is used does not suffer a reuse timer penalty. -120 second reuse.
Another class mechanic idea I was messing around with...
Class Mechanic Void Stone Amulet.
Hunts down evil entities (demon, ghost, spectre, direworf, imps, hellhounds, etc etc)
Captures the aspect of the entities in void stones.
Through ritual can transpose evil entity powers from one stone to another
Through ritual can mix and match entity powers into one or many void stones.
Slots void stones into amulet.
In combat activates the different stones in the amulet through demonic chants which activates the stones powers - can twist the stones - much like a bard twists instuments.
Class specific quests are found or given to track down, fight, kill, and capture the aspects of different evil entities in order to unlock newer and more powerful void stone buffs/enhancements.
Player can then open up a UI element similar to the Vanguard Bard Songbook - and conduct ritual to peice together aspect powers into different void stones. Then slot the different void stones into an amulate.
By chanting different dark incantations activates the powers within the void stones. Each void stone within the amulet has its one unique incantation assigned to it which will activate its powers.
I hope the Intrepid Team reads this and takes it into their discussion! 10/10 For this forum post!
But I'm in complete favor of this. Even though I probably won't go magic this time around, I like the option to be there.
("how you're suppose to give-in to your Dark-Temptations" ... Sharif literally states this)
However, I think it make things worse. The Tulnar ( the additional Character Race )
Will probably do for now imo.
Cultist + Bard = Myth Weaver
Cultist + Cleric = Shaman
Cultist + Cultist = Zealot
Cultist + Fighter = Hexblade
Cultist + Mage = Warlock
Cultist + Ranger = Dark Runner
Cultist + Rogue = Reaper
Cultist + Summoner = Necromancer
Cultist + Tank = Blood Knight
Cultist Secondary:
Bard + Cultist = Dirge
Cleric + Cultist = Rune Caller
Cultist + Cultist = Zealot
Fighter + Cultist = Bane Blade
Mage + Cultist = Arcanist
Ranger + Cultist = Black Arrow
Rogue + Cultist = Nightblade
Summoner + Cultist = Demon Caller
Tank + Cultist = Black Guard
After going through it and coming up with all the examples I am even more convinced this game needs a Dark Magic based archetype.
-cultist/ritualist/heretic(no comment)
-monk(no comment)
-berserker ( don't think what just "fighter+/fighter/tank/rogue suit him well: he is a warrior with unusual mechanic based on "rage" condition with multiple stages/he is sturdy and very agressive)
-druid(hmmm druid is not just a summoner/ he is also shapeshifter/elemental dps'r/close combatant/enchanter/even some sort of "controller")
+ maybe mesmer/illusionist (since he is rely more on controll/mobility spells rather then "clones")
For instance Tank + Cleric = Paladin. Depending how the development of each separate archetypes ability line and specifically how the clerics abilities change/augment the tanks abilities when fused/combined it is entirely feasible for the Paladin to have an iconic paladin play style.
That said I don't see the majority of the archetype combinations generating and providing iconic classes nor iconic class play style or feel.
As you state Druid, the Iconic Druid controls the elements and the wilds creatures. I also don't see a combination that would entirely do the iconic Druid justice. That said there are some posibilities there for the Druid i.e. Summoner+Ranger or Mage+Ranger could provide some similarities but not completely capture the entirety of what many have come to expect out of a class with the name Druid.
This is not necessarily a bad thing. After all this is a new game and with it, in my opinion, should come a lot of new and different classes. That said I also feel as though there should be some iconic identification with some classes that players have come to expect in an High Fantasy MMO.
So I am ok with the AoC Paladin not playing exactly like an EQ Paladin. I am ok with going with Summoner+Ranger for a more pet focused Druid like class, and going with Mage+Ranger for a more elemental focused Druid like class.
What I was trying to get across in my post is that there is very little possibility for Dark Magic oriented classes. The Rogue is the Darkest Archetype in the line up and a traditional Rogue does not really make some of the dark magic classes, I suppose you could force it, but it doesn't make much sense.
Summoner+Rogue or Rogue+Summoner does not = Necromancer
Tank+Rogue or Rogue+Tank does not = Shadow Knight/Dread Knight/Death Knight in there truest form.
Cleric+Rogue or Rogue+Cleric does not = Shaman
Mage+Rogue or Rogue+Mage does not = Warlock
There is just an absence of Dark/Black magic in this game and combining a rogue with any other archetype does not fix the issue. You could combine Fighter with something else and probably achieve a similar playstyle to a Berserker. You could probably combine Ranger with another archetype and achieve a similar feel to a Druid in some respect. However, there is just an absence of Dark/Black magic in this game and thus any combination of any archetype is never going to produce anything even remotely close to any iconic dark magic classes. That is the point of this thread, we absolutely need a Dark/Black Magic based archetype so that we can mix and match it with other archetypes to find a suitable class that fits our play style and aesthetic preference for a dark magic based class.
i.e. I have a friend who simply won't play a game that does not have something close to either a Warlock or Necromancer. If either of those two classes are not in game he refuses to play. For him it is not fun to play anything else.
Every person has their own preference and I am sure most will find a suitable archetype combination that fits them. Some will discover a new love for an entirely new class in this game. That said, for those who prefer Dark/Black magic based/themed classes for what ever their reason, may not entirely find what their looking in this game as there is just an absence of it.
Just from a design aspect, I'd imagine that telling a new player: "WE HAVE 164 CLASSES!" Can be intimidating but more importantly, making an informed choice sounds like a nightmare. Easier to start out with: We have these overarching general classes that you can later on customize somewhat, barring you from tools you don't want, enhancing ones you'd prefer to use.
TL;DR: DnD Archetypes for classes.