Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Trading between nodes
I couldn't find any info about trading between nodes( search bar didn't show any results and i gave up after 5 pages of 41 of searching manual), i know there will be caravans to do that but I am curious if that will be only one option. Or i will be able to pack let say my ore or wood in my home node and go on my mount to other node where they need it more and i get more gold for it like small beginner poor trader?
I couldn't find any info about trading between nodes( search bar didn't show any results and i gave up after 5 pages of 41 of searching manual), i know there will be caravans to do that but I am curious if that will be only one option. Or i will be able to pack let say my ore or wood in my home node and go on my mount to other node where they need it more and i get more gold for it like small beginner poor trader?
Hes saying that amount of stuff you want transport for building nodes and other structures will be too small for single player and You need caravan, but im thinking of transporting like small amount of stuff or some goods that i made and sell them in other node. I believe i will be able cos it will be like travelling when im doing some quest and then i want sell stuff that i gather while i was travelling. Only im not sure if i will be able to sell those stuff to vendor or on marker as merchant.
I will watch more vids from that guy, maybe i will find out more.
From what they have said, there will not be all that much that one character can haul by himself. There will be some kinds of mules for something between that and caravans. Possibly dangerous to move goods alone, but that is the thrill!!!
Well.. I want to be a breeder and sell mounts after, would be fun if i could make new mounts and then let them follow me to another node to sell them
E.g., player X hires caravan to transport rare goods to sell at market in a nearby metropolis. Would I, as a kind-hearted brigand, become corrupted for politely massacring the guards to take the loot (since this is an indirect form of PvP, as I am taking a player's goods)?
Or (and I'm hoping this is the case), is it treated as PvE content until another player actually shows up, meaning I can raid caravans in secret all day long and not gain corruption?
So would the caravan only be able to travel to the adjacent node?
Here's a funny question. Two Nodes close to eachother but with a water divide that makes caravans have to go an extra long way to get to each other. Does it require that caravans make the trips successfully to get that bridge built or does failure to make the long trips prompt the building of that bridge?
lol, I know that logic says success will get the bridge, but we all know that human civilization doesn't usually indulge in Great Works(at least nowadays) until they are critical.
Yeah. I know that you are right. I'm just playing. I do lots of coordinating between contractors and civil authorities. You would be surprised at the pressure it sometimes takes to get highways widened or streets repaired or even faulty water drainage or main pipes upgraded.
Nothing moves until critical failure or extreme public threat forces the issue.
Yeah, the example provided shows a bridge being built when the node hit stage 5:
I'm assuming that may change to a lower level, after some testing, but that's all I know of for info on bridge building so far
I think the citizens will have to decide to build the bridge.
I'm not sure if that will have to be an agreement between neighboring nodes.|
But, if a bridge can be built, the node would have to be aware and able to tell the citizens what the requirements are.
Some people asked if you can raid the caravan yeah you can when you get near 1 it will ask your if you want to defend attack or ignore the caravan.
And dangerous too unless you have good body guards. PvPers will be looking for people such as you.
We have to worry that who ever is responsible for building the bridge doesn't end up building the "bridge to nowhere"!
Wait wait wait. Hold on.
Is your picture Mr Bean as an Avatar?!?!
You're alright.
But if you want to trade with other nodes that are not affected with the scientific syste. Your only option is to use the caravan system or walk with alot of people acros the towns to bring items or by your self.