Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

What MMO are you migrating from and why?

The title says it all, no previous MMO is also an answer. Let me start, I'm going to be coming from SWTOR over to this game because my guild is coming over and my old MMO is kind of dying., but the prospect of a brand new MMO that doesn't want to join the grind fest of all the current games in the same genre seems refreshing.

So, what game are you coming from?


  • Currently, the game I will be coming from is Overwatch. I gave up on MMOs a couple of years ago and decided to play something less time consuming, plus it's a beautiful game. Reinhardt main here... Honor and Glory!. I still plan on playing Overwatch, but may have to give it a break for 8 or 10 months so I can stay addicted to this game!
  • Last MMO I actually played was beta for Albion Online. One of those games that game on strong and then died just as fast and hard in excitement for me. I haven't played that in months and months though. The game I'm really enjoying right now is going to make many people groan (because It usually does when I say I'm playing it) but it's Hearts of Iron 4. 

    I'm some sick minded individual who likes to try and win the game as Switzerland. 
  • i would say that the last mmorpg i played was albion online, i enjoy actually having to work for leveling up and how crafting was a fundamental part of the game rather than just poorly tacked on system. However i am no a fan of pvp so i stopped playing due to how every area over tier 5 is full drop pvp zone which had zerg squads going around killing people for the lulz. I was considering this or crowfall but in the end i decided to go with this, i am not a huge MMORPG gamer in anyway,i am more variety. But it seems to go for a lot of systems that i would like to see  :smile:

  • Coming from WoW because im tired of paying 15 bucks a month to log in 3 days a week to run a raid ive already cleared 3 months earlier with nothing else to do on any other day.
  • I change alot between games cause there is nothing new, but mainly: World of Warcraft, League of legends, all blizzard games in general I play alot.
  • I have been a bit of an mmo hopper for a while since Dragon nest went down the dark hole its currently in right now and the publisher of Archage ruined that game for me. Most recently I quit Revelation online and am testing out Kritika. I really enjoyed RO but the publisher isn't handling the game in a way I want to be a part of. I still play Dn super casually and smite. 
    I'm not a fan of what the current combat system seems like it is but I also loved AA and there is no way combat can get slower then that. Looking forward to the open world housing, pvp, farming, and ships.
  • Everquest 2 because I get burnt out on it.

    I also played BDO for a couple months at release.
  • I am migrating from ArcheAge because ever since they released the game, the company did their best to not listen to the community and lose their players on a daily basis. I've tried hard to show them their mistakes, among with many other fans, only thing we got in return was timeouts and temporary bans.

    For the past 1 year I just don't care anymore. I am logging in once a week or so to say hi to friends and laughing my ass off to what they turned that amazing game into.
  • I will be coming from WoW which I have been playing since Alpha.
    I currently still play wow and plan to till Ashes launches.
    The reason my guild and I and dropping WoW is because the fundamentals of the game have taken a 180 and the "fun factor" is gone. The only real hardcore content is mythic raiding and everything else has conformed to the casuals. 
  • I will migrate from GW2... well technically I just started playing GW2 to have something fun to do while waiting for AoC. I played Shaiya and Aion before, and although I stopped playing those games because of P2W and grindfest, I have been in love with the genre ever since... I am also a long time fan of World of Tanks and World of Warships, still playing... 
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    Technically migrating from Shroud of the Avatar... don't think I like the way the direction the management is going.  Too much $$ for too little gameplay.

    The players who're joining me are the friends I've made all the way back from Ultima Online and EQ\SWG\EQ2 amongst many other MMOs. 
  • My mmo hobby started with Runescape. I played it about 8 years and maxed almoust everything and did all end game content there currently was. I left the game because it became p2w and they even sold xp. After that I've been switching from pretty much every single f2p mmo out there after maxing the char (Archeage, Scarlet Blade, Echo of souls, Rift, B&S..) while looking for a game that would give me the same feeling that RS gave me. I was really excited about EQ Next but it didn't happen so here I'm..eagerly waiting for Ashes :)
  • I'll be migrating from Archeage. The continuous cash grabs overthere are becoming even bigger. =.=
  • Difficult, I've recently played BDo, but got bored, and at the moment I'm playing LOTRO.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    I have played and tested a lot of MMOs, including (but not only) Lienage 2, Guild Wars, WoW (in all its forms), Rift, Swtor, Tera, GW2, Defiance, Wildstar, Archeage, Neverwinter, ESO, BDO, Riders of Icarus and the upcoming Albion Online.

    WoW is the one I always go back to. I consider it my "main". I haven't been playing it for a while now, mainly because of the business model they adopted. The token thing has spiralled out of control. It rewards goldfarmers and penalizes casual players who want to focus on playing the game rather than mindlessly grinding the same content over and over again.

    The storyline is the second reason why I left. WoD really ruined it for me. Going back in time to resurrect dead characters.. but hey, it's not really going back in time, it's a completely different dimension... that's just meh. They needed to do some marketing for the movie and they managed to destroy the story.

    Wild RnG affecting every aspect of the game, from skills to drops, also made it unappealing for me. You cannot rely on your personal skills anymore, you just have to hope you are rolling good dice.
  • FFXI, SWG, City of Heroes, Warhammer Online... spotted the trend yet? Maybe it's me?? Was it my fault???

    Currently on SWTOR, not so keen on the latest storyline and the guild's evaporating. Also ex-WoW (don't like the graphical style so much) and ex-LotRO (old FFXI social linkshell moved to SWTOR so I swapped).

    Generally tired of the lack of just about anything that doesn't involve either combat or mindless quest repetition or spamming the same key over and over or forking out real cash at some stage along the way.
  • Sovorack said:
    I'll be migrating from Archeage. The continuous cash grabs overthere are becoming even bigger. =.=
    How bad is the cash grabbiness over there? I've heard a bit about it but never really looked myself. 
  • Sadly to say I gave up on MMOs a while back as they felt the same. But I have been working on my overlord skills my playing RTS games and the like. I mean nothing says power than sending 20 million people to die just because you feel like it 
  • ESO 
    I'm just needing a change.
  • I was playing Shroud of the Avatar, but got bored. Also, my friends are playing less as well. 

    I'm currently studying for a paper, and after should be working to clear off some of my Single-Player Steam Sales backlog. 
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    It's not  a matter of migration but a matter of running through a maze laden with obstacles  to get the coveted prize at the end.  
  • I'm a member of the council that leads an active, long-standing ESO guild, and won't be leaving that.  So I'm not currently intending to "migrate" so much as, oh... "commute" maybe?  ;)
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    Played and Alpha'd several MMOs but my go-back-to game is EQ2; but it never was the same after RMTs, but the MarketPlace is OK, as far as they go, with player-made items.  I have to say when ArcheAge was in Alpha it was one of best games I had ever played - then they ruined it.  Dark Age of Camelot was the only game I considered that they got PvP right with the 3 factions and battlegrounds and was designed with PvP in mind, not an afterthought.
  • EQII and Landmark. Got burned out on EQII awhile ago actually, but when they cancelled Landmark, I gave up on EQII all together.
  • Well i've played FFXIV and ESO on and off for some time now, really hoping that AoC will be all it can be so that i can focus on just the one game for once. And from what they have said so far it sound more than likely that this will be the case.

    Hopes and dreams live forever, or untill they are utterly cruched by evil beings...

  • I'd be coming from WoW and SWTOR.  I still play both, just not as much as I used to.  I'm coming to this game because I hope it's able to give me the experience I really want from an MMO, which is a continually evolving world.  Between players changing the world themselves, and the frequent updates they plan on making to the game, I'm optimistic that this game will be able to really deliver on the living world experience.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    I'm coming from WoW, but I've also played BDO and GW2.

    GW2 was amaizing until I got to max level and cleared the few instances and there wasn't anything to do until 3 years later...

    BDO is one of those korean games that requires too much time to be invested and end game isn't really that rewarding. Few world bosses and endless one shot mob grinding.

    /e: Currently playing Runescape :P
  • I am coming from WoW and Asheron's Call (RIP). I have been pretty much done with WoW for years now, but I stay in that relationship mainly because I've been in it for so long... and it's just hard to let go sometimes.
  • Wow and no
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