Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

What MMO are you migrating from and why?



  • i originaly started on EQin 99. then wow. after lich king i played gw1(my main squeez) after that ijumped around to every copy mmo you can think of ended upplaying vindictus alot. untill GW2. played gw2 untill my bank caused me to getperma banned. GDI!!! so i whent back to vindictus. THEN BDO cameout. played it during betas, prelaunch, and for three months following.then i quit cold turkey because the core mechanics are just not my style.  i wanted it to be what next was supposed to be after that vaporware. now i am here all in. lifetime sub. if this doesnt become my main game, if this doesnt succeed. i give up all hope for all mmos in the future
  • I'm coming from wow its been getting harder and harder to play. Not that its hard but, all the grinds see like a waste of time. I just about stop playing it altogether. If I did't have so much time invested into it i probable would.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    Currently, I'm doing a kinda MMO roulette with a couple buddies of mine.  One of us just chooses what we're going to play out of the games we have in common on our computers.  Right now we have Tera, GW2, SWTOR, and Skyforge.  We'll be moving on to Ashes because we're all just pretty burned out on the genre, everything seems too much like a carbon copy of the last game we played.  We're going to be playing Dauntless after it's in beta.  But until then...  
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    Although I spent most of my Time with ... "MMOs" on SWTOR. Its hard to confidently say that I'm  ... transitioning from that one to AoC due to so many issues i hate about it

    ( Mainly how each ... "Planet" don;t feel like anything close to a decent-sized Planet-like Exploration Area ... and so much more ~.~ )

    Instead ... I'd say that I'd stop playing MMOs after my first experience of Playing a Tablet MMO called, " SevenSwords " from Asobimo
    Yeah, yeah ... its not a true MMO ... but it sure had the " Heart-of-an-MMO " - something i CAN confidently say:

     ****It had Skill Tree & Elemental Gems that could be slotted in Armor Slots, which Balanced PvP. 
    And " Useless Items " did not exists - all items were important -Hardly a few  i think.****

    ( but it couldn't have " everything-it-needed " because it was aTablet-MMO. Can't consider Avabel ... too buggy )
    Despite this, I know what an MMO needs due to my Personal Experience and Many YouTube Vids > ~< . However, It got Shut Down due to constant Hacking. But the Hackers made it more challenging and i still beat them (: 3) ... But it got out-of-control ~.~
  • I'll be migrating over from Aion. Lots of reasons,  mainly being it doesn't have a devoted dev team because it was originally a JRPG. I've noticed a large trend with cames coming over here from Japan. Itll be a nice refresher to sink my time into a game and know for sure that the game will still be licensed in NA the next month...
  • Still playing minecraft so haven't yet migrated. But since the game is still way off, i guess ill keep planting my endless potato farms, so the world will never be hungry again. 
    Then i'll start my potato domination on Ashes!
  • I stopped playing WoW a couple months ago. I am considering picking FFXIV back up to play for a while but I might not. I also have GW2 on the side that my gf wants us to play (although we hardly have time off at the same time).
  • I have come here from Everquest 2. The player numbers have dropped to low to get a group. I need something new and this game is it. The nodes idea is exciting. Everquest next looked exciting till it closed its doors
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