Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Of course, a robust fishing system by itself would be pretty cool. Finding all sorts of knick knacks and cool items, and if ties in with some form of achievement system, that would be ever cooler. ("Found a Boot", "A Dozen Boots", "What the Fish, Another Boot")
I think there would be a chance for treasure maps to tie in with another goal of Intrepid - exploration. I remember hearing that Sharif wants players to appreciate sceneries, etc.
How this could work is that treasure maps could be just a picture of a location in the world. It would not be a picture of where the treasure is buried, but a POV picture standing on where the gold is buried. It could feature certain landmarks, or just vex the treasure hunter by being one of a distinct landscape but without any really recognisable landmark.
From an implementation point of view, I see it being highly feasible, because all you need to code the treasure map is the location of the treasure, and POV angles to generate the picture.
This could turn treasure hunting into a thing of its own, and something that will reward players who really pay attention to the scenery in the game.
You could fish ponds/lakes or even the ocean for ingredients to cook or feed livestock.
Oh and I'm not sure if this has been covered but, will there be nodes with all or majority water only?
Like Island nodes? I too am hoping to find out. That'd be great! Especially for the players who're very into the naval aspect of the game.
The orc points his index finger up towards the sky. "Now on to the topic! We all know there is nothing better than a cruise on a merchant ship when you can cast a rod, and slowly ignore those blastedly irritating Empyrean elves! Do you know that they never stop talking about how superior their culture is and that they can continue this conversation the entire cruise!?! My word, sometimes I wish I could have predicted this future and attempt to change fate."
"On the other topic, I must say, treasuring hunting is a tiresome and dirty activity to partake in. Who would go through all those tombs to just have Nasgash continue to hand you paintings of himself and tell you the wonders of never having to shower yourself in undeath? Disgusting! You'd never see me delve into such an area, never! The orc slowly notices his bag open displaying his array of war paints and a single lonesome piece of loincloth. He rushes quickly to close it, a slight flush of crimson expressed on his cheeks. "You've seen nothing..."
@AutumnWillow I asked a similar question in May 4th live-stream thread I am still hoping to get answered. It would be cool if a guild could find a nice fishing hole and get enough xp to activate a node next to water creating a fishing village.
Whereas Dungeons = a more "generalization of everything" / standard Group content
Treasure Hunting = more of a " Specialization " ; nit-picking certain aspects of the
" generalized-Dungeon(s) " but putting more emphasis on the tasks to make it stand-out/ differentiate from a Dungeon.
Baring in mind that Treasure Hunting will be more diverse & bizarre ( and fun
Fishing will be okay
- i just don't see why a Mage can just a cast Water-Spell to manually get the fish it needs Xp
- Or maybe Mage can make a temporary Water-portal
- I am joking Xp
I just don't want to fall asleep while fishing