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Slightly off topic humor channel



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    Did you hear about the  dyslexic  Warrior Skeleton?
     He sold his soul to Santa!
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    nagash said:
    Welphgryn said:
    Good gawd @nagash , your signature pic is deadly!
    Hail to the king ^^
    Where's the king?
    Found him!

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    lexmax said:
    nagash said:
    @CylverRayne  lets play catch 

    I can't tell if you are helping me or not  :|:|
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    nagash said:
    Welphgryn said:
    Good gawd @nagash , your signature pic is deadly!
    Hail to the king ^^
    Where's the king?
    Found him!

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    nagash said:
    lexmax said:
    nagash said:
    @CylverRayne  lets play catch 

    I can't tell if you are helping me or not  :|:|
    I'm on your side of course, your scaryness.
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    God I love that film so much
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    nagash said:
    God I love that film so much
    Which one, Army of Darkness?
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    nagash said:
    God I love that film so much
    It is a classic.
    Have you watched the Ash vs Evil Dead tv series?   I'm looking fowrard to season 3. 
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    @Rumbleforge there is a tv series? see you in a few days 
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    Terrible, terrible film....
    Did I mention it was terrible?
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    nagash said:
    @Rumbleforge there is a tv series? see you in a few days 
    Two seasons so far, for you to watch! Merry Christmas-er, uh... Happy Halloween? 
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    I'll try to join the fun with a one-liner.

    Dyslexic man walks into a bra.
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    There was this grave digger out digging a new grave when this coffin start hopping towards him... hop... hop.. hop, he picked up his shovel and threw it at the coffin but it just kept hopping towards him, so he went inside the funeral home and bared the door, but he could still hear it hopping... hop... hop... hop... crash! It busted down the door, so he grabbed the fire axe and threw it at the coffin but the blade just bounced off, and scattered across the floor, so he ran upstairs into a bedroom at the top of the stairs and waited for it so he could nock it down. The coffin followed him up the the stairs all the way to the top... hop hop hop. Once it got to the top he charged at it! Smashing into it to no avail he stumbled back into the room and into a nightstand... off the nightstand fell a bag of cough drops, he quickly grabbed them up and and started to throw them at the coffin as soon as one hit it, the coffin stopped and fell down nonly longer moveing

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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    @Possum yeah I am much better at spur-of-the-moment things
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    Why do pirates make you walk the plank?

    They don't have a dog.
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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    Why did the old elf fall down the well?

    He didn't see that well!

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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    You and your dwarven dad humor Rumble :tongue:
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    lexmax said:
    You and your dwarven dad humor Rumble :tongue:
    You know aI love a good pun! Bawha!
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    lexmax said:
    You and your dwarven dad humor Rumble :tongue:
    You know aI love a good pun! Bawha!
    You're a punny guy.
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     A dyslexic Bard sings inverse.
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    This is quite possibly why no one takes you seriously @lexmax .

    I take lexmax seriously. No wait... what's serious mean again? Ooooooh! Yeah I don't take anything seriously...
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    Why did @nagash open his new restaurant in the mortuary? 

    He wanted it to be a place people would die to get into! 

    How much do his burgers cost?

    An arm and a leg!

    Why is it still the best place in town to eat?

    His food is so good, he absolutely killed the competition and buried his rivals!
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    posts out of order?
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    Are anyone else's
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    A guy takes a seat in a penthouse bar. He orders and downs a few drinks then leans over to another drunk guy perched at the bar.

    "You know, there's a strong breeze up here. I'll bet you a hundred that I can stand on that railing and the wind will stop me from falling."

    The drunk snorts, "Sure, if you want to waste your money buddy, go right ahead."

    The guy gets up, perches on the railing then slowly spreads his arms and leans into the wind. He teters and wobbles dangerously, but the wind seems to push him right back onto the railing. Smugly he jumps down and walks back to the bar.

    "Holy shit!" The drunk guy says, reaching into his trouser pocket for his wallet. Remembering he was broke, he pauses and counters, "Well, I got no cash, but double or nothin I can stay up there twice as long as you!"

    "Deal," the guy says, slapping two hundred bucks on the bar.

    The drunk climbs up on the railing, then slips and falls to his death.

    The bartender turns to the guy and says, "Superman, you know you're a fucking asshole when you're drunk!"

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    I just found a picture from way way way back in the mid 2000s, in the early days of EQ2.

    To set up the scene, my guild "The Scions of Norrath" were a relatively small guild, but we had great relations with many other larger guilds.   One of these guilds we were friendly with was a large one (on our server) called The Blackhawks, and their guild leader Kaalenarc.

    One day a guild mate and I wandered around their guild hall, while no one was home.  We took various screenshots of ourselves "making ourselves at home." ;)

    The following screenshot is of me in what was presumably
    Kaalenarc's master bedroom... and I posted this picture in their guild thread in the EQ2 forum.

    As I recall, his response in the thread was roaring laughter. 

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    So I hear there is a bit of competition on the forum leaderboards?
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    lexmax said:
    So I hear there is a bit of competition on the forum leaderboards?
    I'll be out in the parking lot scalping tickets for this. 
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    I'd pay to see that fight!
    Oh wait a sec....   :mrgreen:
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    That's a lot of effort to make fun of a couple dwarves... I feel like you drew the short straw here @lexmax .
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