Zones like these (Design)



  • GeorgeNoX said:
    i personally would like a zone with the main theme of death, so lots of skulls, castles and structures with skull motives and such, something along the lines of Icecrown Citadel in WoW but even darker
    Not darker as in color yes?. Because if you compare Rift to WoW, Rift is very dark but rift is an awful game
  • ritfin said:
    GeorgeNoX said:
    i personally would like a zone with the main theme of death, so lots of skulls, castles and structures with skull motives and such, something along the lines of Icecrown Citadel in WoW but even darker
    Not darker as in color yes?. Because if you compare Rift to WoW, Rift is very dark but rift is an awful game
    Rift has a great many colorful and vibrant areas.  And while I no longer play it, I didn't think it was awful.  I enjoyed it while I was there.
  • I personally love colourful and vibrant areas, such as magically infused forests and stuff. I also agree with @Iscoed1815 about BDO's desert towns, they felt very alive and real in a way. Knowing that Ashes will be made with Unreal 4, I just cannot wait to see the environments they will make, I have faith it will be breathtaking.
  • nagash said:
    See thats fine as a area its has colour and it looks nice but wow is just so cartoony that it ticks me off for some reason 
    That makes sense, it is offensive to your eye........holes? sockets? yeah something like that :*
  • I really think that from what they have shown us of the world so far it's looking really really good!
  • @Tazlar , I just hope they implement these the Tall-Grass Idea ( and others ) in
     Alpha or Beta  o:)
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017

    it was hard trying to find images for this idea.
    The idea is a Forest so thick, with it's Branches & Leaves also being of similar proportion ... that players can walk along the TreeTop

    Imagine traveling in the Forest ( similar like this )

    then you look up , and you see this

    Disregarding the Animals, imagine if Players could manage to find a way to climb up there.

    This is why I'm hoping they that make the World " Massively " Huge
    ( no pun intended  :p )
    So big that this ...

    could be a thing ;  Multiple Paths Above the Trees, within the TreeTops. I'm at least hoping for some Areas similar to this Design, including the Devs
     " Finishing TouchesB)

    All packed into 1 image ... it'll roughly look something like this:

    (had to use KH Series as Reference - i repeat - very hard to find images for this )
  • The artwork from IS does have this dark forest vibe @Eragle, is this what you mean?

    Source: Ashes Artwork
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    There were other images I found on the internet that was hard to consider expressing this idea. not sure If I should upload them. But its worth* showing:

  • This last image i really liked ..but not sure if it'll be " too much "

  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    lexmax said:
    " The artwork from IS does have this dark forest vibe @Eragle, is this what you mean? "

    Source: Ashes Artwork
    Not necessarily.
    My point is that I'm hoping for Massive Exploration. More Specific, regarding the Forest, I'm hoping for a Thick Forest with a Jungle-like feel
  • Eragale said:
    lexmax said:
    " The artwork from IS does have this dark forest vibe @Eragle, is this what you mean? "

    Source: Ashes Artwork
    Not necessarily.
    My point is that I'm hoping for a Massive Exploration. More Specific, regarding the Forest, I'm hoping a Thick Forest with a Jungle-like feel
    Okay, there are a few Ashes designs that match what you are describing here. It's early days, and Intrepid have said that the Ashes world is going to be diverse, so maybe you'll get exactly what you are looking for sooner or later :)
  • lexmax said:
    Eragale said:
    lexmax said:
    " The artwork from IS does have this dark forest vibe @Eragle, is this what you mean? "

    Source: Ashes Artwork
    " Not necessarily.
    My point is that I'm hoping for a Massive Exploration. More Specific, regarding the Forest, I'm hoping a Thick Forest with a Jungle-like feel"
    " Okay, there are a few Ashes designs that match what you are describing here. It's early days, and Intrepid have said that the Ashes world is going to be diverse, so maybe you'll get exactly what you are looking for sooner or later :)"
    From what i can tell ... the further away  Player goes from the Node, the Wilderness will increase ? Thats what i can infer from seeing some of those Images.

    Image #30 , #31, and #36 ( including the one you shown )
    Seemed to be closest so far

    I'll hope  o:)
  • Am I the only one craving a huge dwarven city, Similar to the middle earth design with the outstanding carvings and precision they are so often known for? Or even like the dwarven cities uncovered beyond orzimar in dragon age (preferably less abandoned). I would honestly love to see this feature explored in the underrealm. 
  • Ravelian said:
    Am I the only one craving a huge dwarven city, Similar to the middle earth design with the outstanding carvings and precision they are so often known for? Or even like the dwarven cities uncovered beyond orzimar in dragon age (preferably less abandoned). I would honestly love to see this feature explored in the underrealm. 
    I mean, really.... ye have to ask, @Ravelian ?  ;)
    If I can't find such a city, I want to help raise one into existence!  
    (Metropolis cities will take on the architecture of the prominent races that lead to its construction, so we dwarves need to stick together... )
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited June 2017
    Eragale said:
    lexmax said:
    Eragale said:
    lexmax said:
    " The artwork from IS does have this dark forest vibe @Eragle, is this what you mean? "

    Source: Ashes Artwork
    " Not necessarily.
    My point is that I'm hoping for a Massive Exploration. More Specific, regarding the Forest, I'm hoping a Thick Forest with a Jungle-like feel"
    " Okay, there are a few Ashes designs that match what you are describing here. It's early days, and Intrepid have said that the Ashes world is going to be diverse, so maybe you'll get exactly what you are looking for sooner or later :)"
    From what i can tell ... the further away  Player goes from the Node, the Wilderness will increase ? Thats what i can infer from seeing some of those Images.

    Image #30 , #31, and #36 ( including the one you shown )
    Seemed to be closest so far

    I'll hope  o:)
    I hope so too :) Those images are awesome BTW. Linking them directly here:
    30, 31, 36
  • @Rumbleforge I honestly hadnt thought about that, That sounds like an excellent idea! However it still wouldnt hurt my feelings if there happened to be a place similar to the mines of moria either *winks at devs*

  • This is a bit similar to what you're talking about, I like how pleasant it looks. 
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