Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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The wand of many things...Let's guess what it does.

Title says it all, what can many things mean? I hope it launches pigs at my enemies.


  • It does.... many things. Not just one thing. Not just a few things. But many things. 

    I was thinking from a programmer point of view, what fun would it be not to bother with writing a bunch of processes for these tiny device, but just make it activate a random process in the entire game universe. 

    Could be fire off a skill from any PC class. 

    Could activate a boss attack. "What's this red cir.... OH SHIT RED DRAGON BREATH OF FIRE!!!"
  • Or open a hole at your feet that sucks you in.............
  • It does everything but at the same time it does nothing 
  • From what they said on the livestream it will apply a random effect on your target of choice. Like add particle effects or transform it to a chicken, etc.
  • If I wielded such a marvelous wand, I hope it would attach a glorious dwarven beard on all my lucky targets! 
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited 2017 21
    Your mom.

    My mom.

    Everyone's' mom.

    That wand is a jerk.
  • If it's anything like a DnD Wand of Wonder, and has unlimited use, it will be a whole lot of fun.
  • Duninn said:
    Title says it all, what can many things mean? I hope it launches pigs at my enemies.
    I'd go for something bacon oriented.
  • If its affects are temporary then it might be quite funny I don't want to get turned purple permanently 
  • Bacon is pink-ish, so no fear for purple :)
  • Changes sex and sexual orientation of the target!!
  • Mythanon said:
    Changes sex and sexual orientation of the target!!
    Wait. So if I'm a guy and I like girls, does it change me to a guy-loving girl? Or will it change me to a girl-loving girl?

    And if I'm married in-game, will that annul my marriage? That sounds worrisome. 
  • Turn me into a frog :333
    Will be a good laugh that is what it'll be xD
  • You get a very nice pair of sandals!
  • Turn everyone into a crumpet until I complete my quest to find the GOLDEN Crumpet!
  • what if it turned you into an actual golden crumpet, you wouldn't be able to pick yourself up, causing an uncompletable questline
  • if it gives you a puppy tail... but its on your front side.... well lets just say I would laugh... and laugh hard if you got a curly pigs tail in the same spot. 
  • I suppose it could also make something like this happen to you.....  ;)

  • New, The Wand of Many Things©
    It slices! It dices! It's even got a compartment to hold your spices!
    You can use it as a chic stick, a night stick, even a dip stick!
    You can poke people, choke people and stroke it in your down time!
    It's for him, it's for her, it's for whatever that is standing over there!
    Use it for cooking, casting, fighting or even rock ball!
    It comes in all sizes and colors and is fun for all ages!

    The Wand of Many Things© Copyright of Hasbeen Toys, a division of Kasty McFeely, Inc.

    Disclaimer: Hasbeen Toys and it's affiliates are not responsible for any damage, harm, internal injuries, misplaced spells, spoiled food or hurt feelings that may have happened while using The Wand of Many Things©, and will not be held accountable for extra appendages or unnaturally growing patches of hair.

  • The Wand of Many Things (WoMT) basically turns everyone into @Rumbleforge.

  • Wabbajakk!!!

    May all your dragons be turned into rabbits and piles of ash.
  • @Bannith you beat me to it. Wabbajack was the first thing I thought of. Sounds kinda like it too from what Im reading. Would be nice if it put a cheese wheel in the targeted players inventory....
  • ToKev said:
    @Bannith you beat me to it. Wabbajack was the first thing I thought of. Sounds kinda like it too from what Im reading. Would be nice if it put a cheese wheel in the targeted players inventory....
    Wabbajack was one of my favorite things from the Elder scrolls series. I think it is sorta a shout out to it or maybe a DnD chaotic item. DnD has some funky wands I can tell you that much myself lol...
  • lexmax said:
    The Wand of Many Things (WoMT) basically turns everyone into @Rumbleforge.


    You're a genius, @lexmax !

    They'll have to call it the Wand of Rumbly Things!  Bawha!
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited 2017 22
    The wand of many things makes your dreams come true. Like those ads on p0rn websites "increase your size with this secret lotion, click here!"

  • Not sure what to think but cheese wheels, are great, at least on Tuesday or was it whenfday, eh not sure, oh hay a mortal....
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