Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
If the mechanic allows only one node "ownership" by one Guild then if a Mega-guild owns it, there is no monopoly.
If however the Mega-guild is actually an alliance, then a sub-guild/alt guild can gain ownership and there is multi-ownership of nodes by one master guild.
There will always be workarounds, but perhaps any node ownership (be that a mechanic) might need to be extended to alliance cross check.
Thoughts on this one?
And holding a monopoly on castles?
I don't think it matters because all the other guilds on the server can ally to oust whomever is occupying the castle.
But, we first have to know the mechanism for "ownership" of a castle.
Can an alliance hold the castle? Can multiple guilds hold one castle?
Seems like a good question to ask tomorrow.
I think I have something about that already in the Q&A thread.
How can a community that has been playing with each other for 16 years but are larger than the maximum guild size enjoy Ashes of Creation and be a participating part of the community?
It's easy to point out faults. Let's point out a solution. So far the ONLY answer is that we don't. That finally the game we've looked for for years is finally here yet due to it's restrictions we wouldn't be able to play together as we have for the better part of two decades. What would your solution be if you were in my shoes. Knowing we've poured our hearts into this game, grown attached and until the news broke of 300 person guild limits we had invested in this game, supported it, promoted it, and had our heart set on it. What solution is there other than to break the community. Because in all honesty that has not fared well among the community in the past and it's not something we want to do in the future.
The only option presented is to create an alliance full of guilds and divide ourselves among the guilds using alliance chat.
But in all honesty. What's the difference if 500 people play in 1 guild or if 500 people play in 2 guilds in an alliance? Their still 500 people in the same community, they just have to work harder to manage rosters.
You are welcome to manage as many members as you can sustain....
Understand that when you declare your mega guild on a server you are acting also as a massive deterrent to any non conformity and are breaking the game before you play it to some extent , whether you accept it or not.
And we aren't anywhere close to having enough details on the mechanics to have any kind of meaningful speculation.
You don't even know if there really is a problem that requires a solution.
Lots of people think that Ashes is is the game they've been looking for - except for certain restrictions. PvE folk have said that. RP folk have said that.
So, yeah, it's easy to point out faults when you haven't even played the game yet - and we have, like 7% of the info on the game design.
My solution if I were in your shoes would be to wait to see how it feels.
And realize that it is likely the case that the devs want the in-game guilds to be smaller in order to boost PvP conflict - since PvP conflict is the driving mechanic of the game.
Find opportunities to discuss the devs' game design philosophy with the devs and see if it appears to clash too strongly with how the members of your community like to play. And then play the game when you get the chance and see how well it it matches your needs.
Alliances break.
Again, if 200 members get purged from a mega-guild because they are casual, they lose guild perks, including guild augments, and then they have to look for a new guild or create a new guild and start progressing that guild from scratch.
If those 200 members are a guild that is part of an alliance, when the alliance is broken, when the alliance is broken, that guild retains all of their guild perks.
And they can still be part of the same community.
Meaningful Conflict (PvP conflict) is one of the 4 Pillars of the game design.
You will need to examine how that will affect the cohesiveness of your community.
Smaller guild size means that the sub-groups of a mega-guild are pushed towards more diversity:
Some can focus on the horizontal perk progression of small guilds while others focus on the vertical perk progression for large guilds.
Each of the sub-guilds will have a choice to spread out among the different types of nodes or remain together in one node.
Each of the sub-guilds will be able to choose whether they wish to focus more on Religious progression or Social progression or Naval progression.
And then will have to see in-game how those different decisions impact the unity of any in-game alliance.
Playing together as a community may mean that in-game the characters are in opposition - much like playing Battleship or Bridge or Poker.
And - if everyone just want to be able to communicate with each other even while their characters are at war with each other - that's what twitch and discord and skype and youtube are for.
All kinds of ways for thousands of players to chat together without being part of the same alliance. Alliance chat is not the only option.
That's just playing the game according to expected parameters.
As to what someone gets out of a larger guild and community. You can not speak for others. I stay in my gaming community because I like the atmosphere and freinds.
As to guild size, for communities it is easier to manage one guild than several smaller guilds.
As to guild cap: what is the difference if you have 500 members in one guild vs 5 guilds of 100 in an alliance? Also to the point claiming nodes, multiple guilds could claim more than one node. and would give you more influence than just one guild / node. Let the guilds choose how they'd rather play.
Steven has said that guilds will be character based, to be alt freindly and to allow for intrigue and espionage
I think should balance not prevail over time, there will be "acts of gods" mechanics that occur under the premise of upsetting the balance with world bosses or other to keep things in check.. either openly by IS or behind the scenes.
Seriously though, if the guild size is not capped, or capped there will be will always be someone that finds a work around to get a result!
Work around from the view of a mega-guild - that makes sense. Yeah.
But that said one thing they need to separate is 1000 roster slots vs 1000 online characters. Those are 2 entirely different things. Their system would need to identify how many people are online recently (to prevent logoff to lower risk copout) in the guild.
I doubt any guild ever that's over 100 people has seen 100% of their population online at the same time. If so they deserve a cookie. Because that is something I've never seen. Usually 20%-25% online at primetime is a good day.
However if total population is not as high this may backfire. Game is built around guild PvP, and if everybody would just join a few large guilds there would be much less conflict around the world, reducing amount of PvP, and thus working against game mechanics.
I am all for bigger guild caps, but only as long as it doesn't end up in everyone joining one big guild and thus this results in no PvP, no guild wars, no node wars etc.
If you want to let a guy who logs in for 10 min once a week to hold a slot in your guild, that's a sacrifice you need to decide wether you really want.
You can judge and assume all you want, until you've been a Gaiscioch you will never know the lengths I go for my members. Each and every one of them is important to me. You can assume just because we're big means that I don't care, or that people are just numbers, but that's simply not the case. Every person who walks through that door is considered family to me. Whether its advice they need, help finding a job, a couch to crash on during their travels, or to share a pint at a local pub. They are all people, and I do my very best to get to know all of them. I could not choose 300 players to allow to come with me to Ashes. I would rather not play at all then have to chose.
If game allows for it you can (even in game) create a custom chat channel where people from both guilds can talk together (in addition to discord, etc).
Then in one guild you put members that are more often online, and in other guild you put more social members that log in more rarely.
U all play together (with custom chat channel you can also type no problem together) you do dungeons together and everything, and you have enough room for all your members.
Your problems are thus solved like that, regardless of what guild caps we will have.
Another way to balance the game without hard guild caps is to limit the number of combatants from each guild in a castle siege. This is where a hard cap would make far more sense, rather than limiting overall guild membership and thus locking out guilds with a large social community, or guilds that represent artisans across the entire map.
Smart system design > simplistic numerical caps is why Ashes > other MMOs.
I think, in Ashes, the guild caps are to help ensure that the world is dynamic and subject to more change than is possible when the leadership of a mega-guild is commanded by a handful of people.
Alliances break.
Again, if 200 members get purged from a mega-guild because they are casual, they lose guild perks, including guild augments, and then they have to look for a new guild or create a new guild and start progressing that guild from scratch.
If those 200 members are a guild that is part of an alliance, when the alliance is broken, when the alliance is broken, that guild retains all of their guild perks.
And they can still be part of the same community.
Meaningful Conflict (PvP conflict) is one of the 4 Pillars of the game design.
Gothix said: Quoted For Truth
Which is different than solutions.
I just was answering your question.
Augments aren't an alternative to guild caps.
Guild caps are not really about keeping the game in balance - it's more about keeping the game dynamic and nudging people towards player vs player conflict.
More guilds means more chance for conflicting objectives between the various guilds.
Anyone ever been on a server dominated by a mega guild? One whose just so bloated they win my just showing up?
Give me a bunch of smaller guilds duking it out any day.