Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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So I'm sure a lot of you can care less about horses but I have a huge passion for horses and videos games and I never really heard anything said about them and I want to point out a few things about them that I would hope to see in game.

Animations - I don't know about you but I tent to be pretty picky when it comes to horse animations. I have been playing MMORPG's for the longest time and since then I have never seen good effort put into horses animations. The movement in the legs. manes, tails, or body always felt too stiff or lunky or and because of that I feel like I'm riding a animated object instead of a 1200 pound creature. The best horse animations I have seen in recent years are Battlefield 1and the latest Assassins Creed game. But they're not really MMORPG's and I would really hope to see horses in Ashes.

Breeding - So I think I heard that there will be a breeding system for mounts but I'm not 100% sure or how it works. But if there will be a breeding system I think it will be pretty nice to have it where each bread horses will have it's own unique skills and stats. Or even have them as foals at first and raise them to grow up.

Coat/Customization - So I have heard that mounts will have skins that you can put on them and I'm not sure how that system works either. But if it's possible, I think it will be pretty cool where we can breed horses to have their own unique coat colors and markings. Like in a way where there can be no 2 of the same looking coat.

Breeds/Sizes - So I never really seen this in a MMO unless it's completely horse based but I would think it will be awesome if we can breed different horses breeds since each breed has it's own unique body shape and coat colors and markings. Or different sizes of horses from having a small pony to a huge draft horse.

So this is probably asking a lot for a non horse based MMO but there's nothing wrong for hoping and dreaming. 


  • I don't think it's asking too much at all @PepperX :) I think the animations and models need to be done very well. From the looks of the graphics so far, I'm pretty confident this will come true.

    Since ground mounts will be our primary form of transport, I'd like to add to your wish list by requesting horse accessories that are earned or crafted to increase your carrying capacity, riding speed etc. 
  • I think mounts should have traits that can be inherited - similar to pets in Wiz101.
    Uniqueness should mostly come from the parents matched for the breeding. With a bit of wiggle room for random mutation.

    But, we should be able to have a fair amount of control over the results ias we gain more skill in Animal Husbandry.

    Skins change the appearance of the mounts while keeping the abilities of the actual mount. 

    I expect we'll be able to breed a wide variety of monstrosities -even mixed-species- in addition to a variety of different kinds of horse breeds.
  • I agree with you OP, I also have a big fascination with horses, yay horse people :smiley:

    Usually games tend not to focus too much on mount animations because they are there mostly just for show. In games where teleporting is widely available, horses (mounts in general) become practically useless and more of a cosmetic accessory only.
    Seeming as here in Ashes, as has been mentioned already, there will be limited teleporting abilities, mounts will be relied on a lot more to get around. Like @lexmax said, I'm pretty certain that they will do a great job not only with the graphics of the mounts, but also make realistic animations.

    I absolutely cannot wait to find out more about the breeding aspect in Animal Husbandry. I know I want a freehold in shape of a horse ranch if possible! In this aspect, I also do hope that they make the breeding within one species as interesting as between species. I can see the excitement about breeding different animals together, but some, like myself, want to focus more on perfecting one species, horses in my case. So, hopefully we'll get different skills/stats/patterns/sizes/shapes within one species. Like different breeds.
  • My brother and a friend 'customized' one of Elvis' horses one night by spray painting a racing strip down it's side.....
  • It sounds like from all I have heard that the breeding crafting class should be pretty interesting. Hopefully some of these suggestions/thoughts will be included. 
  • It's not an MMORPG, but the game I felt had the best looking horses was Dragon Age: Inquisition.
  • @PepperX Does this mean you would like "Breeding/Sizes" to mean you could make miniature versions of the horses or other animals the same way humans basically created the various versions of domestic dog?

    I know a Wolf to a Chihuahua is a huge change, so it would be pretty cool to have multi-generational breeding paths along the same complexity.

    No disrespect to horses, but I would love a micro-horse to ride around on.  Kind of like a clown bike.  Super small, but still strong enough to support a rider.  If it has to have a little "derp" factor in there, too, that might be okay, too... micro-rainbow-unicorn mount?  Yes, please!
  • Caelron said:
    micro-rainbow-unicorn mount?  Yes, please!
    Careful where you put that horn.
  • Possum said:
    Caelron said:
    micro-rainbow-unicorn mount?  Yes, please!
    Careful where you put that horn.

  • Possum said:
    It's not an MMORPG, but the game I felt had the best looking horses was Dragon Age: Inquisition.
    Except with the Dwarf Inq. :) I hope to the high seas that Intrepid make Dwarf mounts look cool. I don't want it to look like @Rumbleforge has taken and axe and trimmed my horses legs to make em shorter.
  • Usually for us dwarves.... we get ponies... a horse scaled down to our height.  I've never played a game where, as a dwarf, I rode a full sized horse.
    And quite frankly, as a dwarf.. I must say horses just aren't ideal for us.  There are so many other more suitable animals @Kratz and I should be riding!

    Bah! I'm so done with horses! 

  • I'll take mount No3 and 6 pls!! :)
  • look at my horse
    my horse is amazing
    give it a lick
    mmm - it tastes just like raisins
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited 2017 28
    Since the topic is about Horses dear @Rumbleforge and @Kratz

    I can give you a boost up if you need :tongue:
  • I'd like to see horses (and mounts), in pvp, limp when hurt, crawl on forelegs when really wounded, react to others of same type, and react differently to other mounts.. 
  • I thought Dwarves were mounts.  :)
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited 2017 29
    @Rumbleforge and @Kratz

    ok, you did it. You FORCE me to break out my old WAR forum pics I made when we were speculating on what the Dwarves would get (gyrocopter :s)

    I'm partial to the plush pony myself :D
  • If I can be serious though......I did propose a construct mount (rune steed) for the Dwarves

  • Love those, @PlagueMonk!

    Just imagine the fear you'd strike in the hearts of your enemies if you rode that plush-cow thing up into the battlefield and every step it made sounded like a squeak toy!  

  • Possum said:
    It's not an MMORPG, but the game I felt had the best looking horses was Dragon Age: Inquisition.

    Ohhh yes I have that game as well. I do agree on that.
  • Possum said:
    I thought Dwarves were mounts.  :)

  • My Dwarf ,which will probably be my fourth Character would love a Battle ram as a mount. Or a Boar Mount as well.
    For my elf which is character Number 3 i really want to be able to have an Elk or Deer mount
    For my Human i want a Horse, Preferably Black with white accents.
    And finally for my Main who will be Vek I am hoping for a worg to ride on.
  • On the May 19th Q&A I asked a similar question about breeding.  They said yes that there are genetics and traits that can be passed on.  That there are other rare creatures to tame and you can use to create hybrids, but the mounts must fall in the same category (no horse-turtle mount, but they joked about a dawn-breaker Ox). 

    Also that there are a number of factors that can play into the outcome of the offspring including seasons and even astrological signs.

    When you hear people refer to the "skins" on the mount, its more of a costume.  You can give any horse the kickstarter Runic Steed appearance by appling the "Skin" to it.  It is just a cosmetic that covers up their natural coat/skin.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited 2017 30
    The English in me came over with so much of an itchy rash at your first sentence I almost couldn't finish reading the rest of your post.

    American English:
    Can care less? They care so much right now that there's lots of space for then to care less and still care a lot.

    English English:
    Couldn't care less? Absolutely no space to care any less.

    Ok, I love mounts and wish that this breeding skill wouldn't only be for the few but for everyone, but I've got to say, I love my language more and want to start a holy language war against the U.S. right now.....

    We don't mind you abusing our language, but can it at least make sense?

    Who's with me? *hopefulgrin* :D

  • haha
    It's couldn't care less in American English, too.
    Although, it's common for people to say "could care less" instead of couldn't care less.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited 2017 30
    Not here in England it isn't :smiley:
  • Megs said:
    Ok, I love mounts and wish that this breeding skill wouldn't only be for the few but for everyone, but I've got to say, I love my language more and want to start a holy language war against the U.S. right now.....

    We don't mind you abusing our language, but can it at least make sense?

    Who's with me? *hopefulgrin* :D

    Be careful @Megs, you could get yourself arrested for saying stuff like that today! ;)

    Every language has its variations and every person has their little idiosyncrasies, be it due to their mother tongue or second language. There are those whose education suffered amongst us all, everywhere in the world, but communication is key and as long as we understand each other then that's a good place to start. :)

  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited 2017 30
    Yeah ok. I'll give up on the jihad for the time being :smiley:

    I meant no offense to anyone, especially @PepperX , to be honest I find it funny, two + countries divided by a common tongue. :)
  • This thread has been hijacked by an Englishman!!!   :):)  

    I bet he couldn't care less that i said this.
  • I enjoy games in which the mount can level up and obtain new or enhanced abilities.
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