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Ashes Community Podcast Episode #002

ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
edited 2017 01 in Fan Media
Episode #002

Hey guys,

because the first episode was so well received we decided to throw up another one. Our goal is it to shine a spotlight on as many community members as possible, we will hold a Ashes of Creation Community Podcast every two weeks. On this Podcast, we will talk about several game related topics and share our opinions and views.

On our first Podcast, we had the pleasure of talking to Deathsproxy and Truth Eternal which are two very well know Content Creators within the Ashes Community. So this time we are going for guild related topics!!!
We are currently looking for Guild Leaders to join our Podcast on July 8th at 20:00 UTC +1. If your interested contact TheBigCheekedGiant#3548 on Discord.

**This Podcast is not meant to promote Guilds!! Also, make sure to have a good mic**

The Podcast will be live here:

Past Podcast will also be on Youtube:

If you want to be on a future podcast you can always apply here:
(everyone will have its turn)

And if you want a question to be answered you can ask here:


Your Podcast Team



  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited 2017 01
    Can I be on your podcast? I promise not to say "ass" or "fart" more than twice. 

    Edit: But don't take my flippantness as disapproval, your last Podcast was awesome.
  • Excellent work @BCGiant! I'd like to nominate @Nagash, @Diura and @Lexmax as guild leaders who've put an extraordinary amount of work in making this community what it is. I'd nominate more but I suspect you have limits.

    Best of luck with future podcasts! Keep up the great work! ;)

  • @Kratz you silly loveable person :lol:
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited 2017 01
    Im not sure how to feel about this @Kratz
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited 2017 02
    PMSL I hope that wasn't just a typo @nagash

    Damn it was a typo :(
  • lexmax said:
    PMSL I hope that wasn't just a typo @nagash

  • Lets hope for some great guild leaders :)
  • Kratz said:

    Excellent work @BCGiant! I'd like to nominate @Nagash, @Diura and @Lexmax as guild leaders who've put an extraordinary amount of work in making this community what it is. I'd nominate more but I suspect you have limits.

    Best of luck with future podcasts! Keep up the great work! ;)

    WELL tell them to dm me :)
  • I would die again if I had to do a live chat 
  • nagash said:
    I would die again if I had to do a live chat 
    its fun with me :pensive:
  • Yeah I think after the interview my heart might explode doing another live chat so soon xD
  • Diura said:
    Yeah I think after the interview my heart might explode doing another live chat so soon xD
    Diura! Diura! Diura! Diura!
  • Well we are going to need some guild leaders :P cant talk to myself :P so who wants to step up :P
  • 1 guild leader down 1 to go
  • Liked the last pod cast looking forward to the next one
  • Is this on any of the podcast apps after the fact or just YouTube/Twitch?  Have not listened yet but look forward to it. 
  • Sintu said:
    Is this on any of the podcast apps after the fact or just YouTube/Twitch?  Have not listened yet but look forward to it. 
    Last time we were only on Twitch this time around we might be multi streaming.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited 2017 03
    Fleelix said:
    never XD jk.he is in the pool if he wants 2.
  • I let everybody know on Thursday which two guild leaders will be on the podcast this saturday.
  • I was out of town when you had your first podcast and where I go I can rarely even get cell phone coverage.  Thanks for posting it  on youtube.  It was very well done and I am looking forward to listening to the next one!  
    Thanks for your time and work!

  • I was out of town when you had your first podcast and where I go I can rarely even get cell phone coverage.  Thanks for posting it  on youtube.  It was very well done and I am looking forward to listening to the next one!  
    Thanks for your time and work!

  • BCGiant said:
    I let everybody know on Thursday which two guild leaders will be on the podcast this saturday.
    One day to go folks! Hope guys have stepped up as there are some cracking guild ideas floating around and supporting @BCGiant and similar community projects is important! :)
  • Kratz said:
    BCGiant said:
    I let everybody know on Thursday which two guild leaders will be on the podcast this saturday.
    One day to go folks! Hope guys have stepped up as there are some cracking guild ideas floating around and supporting @BCGiant and similar community projects is important! :)

    whats in 1 day?
  • BCGiant said:
    Kratz said:
    BCGiant said:
    I let everybody know on Thursday which two guild leaders will be on the podcast this saturday.
    One day to go folks! Hope guys have stepped up as there are some cracking guild ideas floating around and supporting @BCGiant and similar community projects is important! :)

    whats in 1 day?
    My bad I meant two days for the guild leader announcement. I'm getting old and windy.
  • what sort of questin do youg guys have towards guild leaders and ashes?
  • BCGiant said:
    what sort of questin do youg guys have towards guild leaders and ashes?
    I DON'T want to hear specifics about guests' guilds. I DO want to hear:

    1) Speculation on functions of guild halls and castles.
    2) Speculation on alliances.
    3) Speculation on how small, mid, and large guilds will contribute to formal node governance.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited 2017 06

    Our Guest this Saturday will be:

    SombodysMother from the SEA/OCE Guild Enlightened
    Xexeb from the NA Guild 1st Worlds Bank.

    We will talking about anything guild related, and shine a spotlight on these two community members. You will be able to watch the podcast life this Saturday at 20:00 UTC +1 right here on Twitch:

    See you all there!!!

  • BCGiant said:

    Our Guest this Saturday will be:

    SombodysMother from the SEA/OCE Guild Enlightened
    Xexeb from the NA Guild 1st Worlds Bank.

    We will talking about anything guild related, and shine a spotlight on these two community members. You will be able to watch the podcast life this Saturday at 20:00 UTC +1 right here on Twitch:

    See you all there!!!

    should be good thank god its not me is all I can say  :*
  • BCGiant said:

    Our Guest this Saturday will be:

    SombodysMother from the SEA/OCE Guild Enlightened
    Xexeb from the NA Guild 1st Worlds Bank.

    We will talking about anything guild related, and shine a spotlight on these two community members. You will be able to watch the podcast life this Saturday at 20:00 UTC +1 right here on Twitch:
    Awesome @BCGiant! Thanks for setting this up <3<3
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