Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

What would you do in this in-game situation?



  • Also I love how many people would just watch it as if it's a really messed up sport XD
    They'll think twice about "just watching it" when a couple rogues sneak up behind them.    B)
    Either be proactive, move along or pay the price of a ticket.  
  • Wait for attacker to flag and attack him.
  • Take out my bow, slay them both, take their loot.
    Count shineys as I move on.

  • Wait until one engages the other and deals a decent amount of damage, kill the highest health, then the lowest. Afterwards loot them and make a profit. This ensures least threat to myself and highest profit. If they ask any questions, I am merely following through with Darwins Law.
  • Gothix said:
    Take out my bow, slay them both, take their loot.
    Count shineys as I move on.

    And if there are more bandits waiting for you?
    You wouldn't be the one counting if that were the case XD
  • Ha.
    I would probably watch - hopefully while streaming.

    I imagine it would all depend on the server I'm on, how prevalent PvP combat is, how they are flagged and how effective corruption feels.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2017

    I'd sit back and ejoy the show, hidden, ofc :wink:
  • If they both flag for combat I'd just drop them both and carry on guilt free.
  • @XombieCrisis I need to keep my eye out for you if you do it guilt free XD
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2017
    Well, I'm by full heart and soul a rogue, but a rogue isn't a person who can turn a cold shoulder. idk, perhaps I'm not the best judge, people make mistakes sometimes, right? plus, If he's attacking the weaker player, he has PvP on, so no penalty and free loot.
    and if it's a trap, I'll just become invisible again. lol you thought you could trap me?
  • Irobot said:
    Well, I'm by full heart and soul a rogue, but a rogue isn't a person who can turn a cold shoulder. idk, perhaps I'm not the best judge, people make mistakes sometimes, right? plus, If he's attacking the weaker player, he has PvP on, so no penalty and free loot.
    and if it's a trap, I'll just become invisible again. lol you thought you could trap me?
    Fair enough, there will probably be a way to track rogues who are invisible in some way or they would have a lot less risk then the other classes. Like different classes will likely have greater risks but a get away free card feels like a bit much.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2017
    Irobot said:
    Well, I'm by full heart and soul a rogue, but a rogue isn't a person who can turn a cold shoulder. idk, perhaps I'm not the best judge, people make mistakes sometimes, right? plus, If he's attacking the weaker player, he has PvP on, so no penalty and free loot.
    and if it's a trap, I'll just become invisible again. lol you thought you could trap me?
    Fair enough, there will probably be a way to track rogues who are invisible in some way or they would have a lot less risk then the other classes. Like different classes will likely have greater risks but a get away free card feels like a bit much.
    Well, then what do I lose? a most some exp and a little bit of loot. I have the habit of dumping anything even remotely expensive into the storage and then to the auction house, so, at most some gold and some exp. easily regained. just get on with life, like nothing happened.
    however, I might have stopped what could have been cyberbullying, so worth it imo.
  • @Irobot Fairs XD
  • Probably try and kill them both but completely underestimating their power and die in the process
    whatever I'd have fun trying
  • I would take note of the potential attacker's name and move on, then check and see if he shows up for the bounty hunter system, maybe have a go at him then.
  • I would heal both of them until they get tired of fighting and leave... oh wait... clerics also deal damage in this game... dammit, my plan failed big time.
  • Observe carefully, then stab the attacker after his weapon is stuck in his foe or his magic focus is on him. Then rob both and enslave any survivors if I can reasonably get them to my tribe.

    A lot of people would say this is immoral, but in an a world yet to be civilized it's about survival, and as a rogue I would be silly not to use my gifts! 
  • I'm a Ravenclaw, not a Gryffindor, so I would hang back and assess the situation rather than rush in where my nose doesn't necessarily belong.......oh wait, this is the AoC forum :*

    Realistically, if one is intent on killing the other then I may step in because revenge doesn't solve the problem. Beyond that however since I don't know either person, I really don't have the right to be the judge.
  • Kinork said:
    Probably try and kill them both but completely underestimating their power and die in the process
    whatever I'd have fun trying
    Fun is definitely the most important part, why play a game if you are not enjoying yourself?
  • Gothix said:
    Take out my bow, slay them both, take their loot.
    Count shineys as I move on.

    And if there are more bandits waiting for you?
    You wouldn't be the one counting if that were the case XD
    If there is more of them and yet they aren't already attacking me but tying to pull me more in, it means they are pu**y unskilled gankers who only pray on many vs 1, it therefore means I'd slay those 2 and any more of those noobs that came on me, and in the end i would count even more shineys.

  • So I would sit in hiding and let them fight it out.  Then after one dies I would immediately swoop in and finish off the other one.  That way balance has been preserved.  o:)
  • Assuming that they aren't anyone I know. It would depend on the character I was RPing and what state it is in. It would also depend on if I had something of value on my character that if getting involved meant risk of losing it
  • Assuming that they aren't anyone I know. It would depend on the character I was RPing and what state it is in. It would also depend on if I had something of value on my character that if getting involved meant risk of losing it
    Unless corrupt (by killing a non-flagged player) you won't drop items. Durability xp ect are issues though.
  • Assuming that they aren't anyone I know. It would depend on the character I was RPing and what state it is in. It would also depend on if I had something of value on my character that if getting involved meant risk of losing it
    Unless corrupt (by killing a non-flagged player) you won't drop items. Durability xp ect are issues though.

    I believe that somewhere they said that gathered material could be dropped in pvp
  • Sit back and watch while at the same time deciding whether I want to try to kill them both! <_<
  • Good business chances are everywhere, if you know what to look for. This sounds like an opportunity to me... and a mercenary never says no to an opportunity. 
  • Rhoqaro said:
    Good business chances are everywhere, if you know what to look for. This sounds like an opportunity to me... and a mercenary never says no to an opportunity. 
    See this guy knows whats up. Business opportunity. 
  • Probably just ask what's going on and figure out from there. Its all situational.
  • Assuming that they aren't anyone I know. It would depend on the character I was RPing and what state it is in. It would also depend on if I had something of value on my character that if getting involved meant risk of losing it
    Unless corrupt (by killing a non-flagged player) you won't drop items. Durability xp ect are issues though.
    I believe that somewhere they said that gathered material could be dropped in pvp
    • non-combatant who dies suffers normal penalties, which include experience debt, durability loss, as well as dropping a percentage of carried raw materials.
    • combatant who dies suffers these same penalties, but at half the rate of a non-combatant.
    • corrupt player suffers penalties at three times the rate of a non-combatant, and has a chance to drop any carried/equipped items based on their current corruption score. This includes weapons, gear, and inventory items.
    • After death, players respawn at random spawn locations.
    Source: my awesome post ;)
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2017
    See this guy knows whats up. Business opportunity. 
    Finally, a fellow Sellsword in this land of good-doers, sneaky scum and silent observers.

    Brother in arms such as us are rare as gold dust, I tell you.
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