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Whats everyone playing while waiting for AoC?



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    Tried ff14, way too flashy for me. So going to stick with wow / sc2 / overwatch / path of exile for now :) Should keep me busy. Also learning to stream better while waiting this game to come out. Busy busy!
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    @Zomnivore How is that game btw? I heard it achieved nice crowdfunding as well, and has a unique system planned.
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    home remodel 2017... its not a very fun game
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    Black Desert, Star Citizen and Destiny 2 on PC when it releases in Oct.
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    I am finishing my 1st playthrough of Mas Effect::andromeda. Replaying Fallout 4 , Playing Skyrim as well. ESO is my main MMO until this comes out. . I have Kingdom Come deliverance payed for and it comes out in February.  Vampyr is on my radar as well but im waiting for user reviews before buying it. I have lots to keep me occupied . 
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    PC games I am currently playing while waiting for AoC;
    - Warframe (fast paced 3rd person MMO)
    - A.C. Syndicate (non-MMO)
    - Perfect World (MMO)

    Xbox One;
    - Battlefield 1 (multiplayer online)
    - Prey (1P FPS)

    Don't really have time to play much else between swapping through those. 
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    I was playing some small games like Witch It ( I highly recommend it with friends it's so much FUN!) . Currently though, to keep my interest in AoC up, I'm developing a long term animation project revolving around the AoC world in some way. I've story boarded most of part 1 and will start visual design soon! :D
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    Anyone want to team up for PUBG? I promise I wont shoot you in the back of the head every round. 
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