Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
How the world came to its knees.

Greed can make even the most humble of men delusional and rampant.
Greed will take away your family, your home, your friends, and what will it give you in return?
One night I was pondering to myself, how did the world of Ashes end... why did everyone leave in such a hurry... how could such a beautiful world end like this.

I was fantasizing, and an image of the Rogue/Ranger popped into my head

What lead him to kill men and snatch this unknown object? Is he protecting the people he loves? Is he saving his men, his friends... or is he doing it for his own selfish gain.
Women and Men will go to terrible lengths to get what they want.
A story played through my mind of a man who uncovered something terribly evil.. something dark and vile, perhaps one of those wicked gods that they mentioned in a particular live stream.
He let it loose and perhaps it lived in him for a temporary time, feeding off of him until it was ready to let ash reign upon the world itself...
It's a story/image that came to me and I thought I'd share it.
He let it loose and perhaps it lived in him for a temporary time, feeding off of him until it was ready to let ash reign upon the world itself...
It's a story/image that came to me and I thought I'd share it.
I can't remember who I was chatting with but we imagined that the Ashes world becomes so advanced that the people were starting wars etc too out of control for the gods to handle and thus
a. Civilisation destroyed their world and Gods opened the divine gates to allow people to flee.
b. A rebellious group of people destroy the world and Gods opened divine gateways to allow people flee.
c. Gods have a fight with each other which destroyed the world and some Gods opened the divine gates to allow people to flee.
d. That one rogue God that always exists in mmo goes against the other gods and curses the people with corruption that destroys the world and Gods open divine gateways to let the people flee xD
i can go on aha
I hope there is a Phoenix God - somehow the Ashes world has been corrpupted either by another god or by human greed (caused be a god hence the disagreement between gods) that's become so destructed it's caused the calamaity. The Phoenix God tries to "cleanse" the world with its fire so it can bereborn. Other gods open the gates to let the people flee xD
so much fun speculating xD
Even the gods can't contain or control this pooling magical waste as it ferments and becomes toxic, which is why they sent people away from the planet to a world without magic.
I'll go even further to speculate that most of the gods also fled to avoid the corruption. But a few of them stayed behind to protect those who didn't leave (the Tulnar). Some of these gods also fell victim to the corruption along with some of their faithful Tulnar. But not all Tulnar and not all gods that stayed behind will be corrupt.
After millennia, the corruption faded, but by now the planet is a different, more sinister place. Then for some reason we stumble back through the gateways...
It's all just speculation though!
1st: when we looked at the world the videos showed us, we can see that only the things related to those who once lived in this world were destroyed. Which means that we fled because something targeted us specifically. Like a disease with a high potency against humanoids species.
-Why not corruption? Because if it was that dangerous we would not have come back again since it's still here.
-Why not some kind of disaster (METEOOOOOOR SHOWEEEEEEERRRRR!)? Cause the all world would have been messed up and the aftermath of that event would be visible on the surface. Though we still haven't seen everything, so far it's pretty neat.
So I'm thinking of something on the line of a disease or a scourge ( goddamit lich king @nagash , every time!) or we woke some kind of gigantic monster from the depth of the earth/sea and got our arse kicked out of the world.
2nd: the origin of corruption. I don't have the chicken king picture on me but that shet is terrifying. Whoever/Whatever is the origin of corruption might not be something we wish to encounter or provoke.
If something like this is to be true then what you guys think of the idea of a system that players could use the corruption? Much like the creature coin system?
What if one side pushed too far and had to be removed and a force was created to enable that ?
What if one realised that mutual destruction was destroying the very life-force they wanted to preserve and enhance so gave them a way out instead of guaranteed annihilation ?
Whether that would be wise, would depend on if that species would change.
...But at the sametime, something stirs in the dark corners of the world. Something that had been sleeping is now awoken and seeks to corrupt the brightest of souls.