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What is your opinion on the add-on prices? (Poll)



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    I hope this is not something that shows what their cosmetic items are going to cost. I didnt even play BDO because a cosmetic skin for $29.99 USD. As a Canadian thats about 38 bucks for a skin. Thats what I spend to buy a new game. I will walk away from Ashes if they set the cost to high for cosmetics. 
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    Nanfoodle said:
    I hope this is not something that shows what their cosmetic items are going to cost. I didnt even play BDO because a cosmetic skin for $29.99 USD. As a Canadian thats about 38 bucks for a skin. Thats what I spend to buy a new game. I will walk away from Ashes if they set the cost to high for cosmetics. 
    But, why, they said clearly that many and more cosmetics will be ingame obtainable, unless you are one of those that must have every single cosmetics there is, that you can be assured that there will be many ways to make your character look amazing. Ingame obtainable costumes, transmog, and so on ... 
    Not to mention that none of those influence your gameplay and character's power or progress anyhow - comparing it to BDO costumes that have slight advantage stats and other functions on them is silly, not to mention that armor is made to look terribly in BDO by default which will not be the case in Ashes.
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    Lucie said:
    Nanfoodle said:
    I hope this is not something that shows what their cosmetic items are going to cost. I didnt even play BDO because a cosmetic skin for $29.99 USD. As a Canadian thats about 38 bucks for a skin. Thats what I spend to buy a new game. I will walk away from Ashes if they set the cost to high for cosmetics. 
    But, why, they said clearly that many and more cosmetics will be ingame obtainable, unless you are one of those that must have every single cosmetics there is, that you can be assured that there will be many ways to make your character look amazing. Ingame obtainable costumes, transmog, and so on ... 
    Not to mention that none of those influence your gameplay and character's power or progress anyhow - comparing it to BDO costumes that have slight advantage stats and other functions on them is silly, not to mention that armor is made to look terribly in BDO by default which will not be the case in Ashes.
    Making cosmetics be a heavy handed price with a sub. That just turns me away. I think GW2 did a good job with their cosmetics, 19.99 USD at the top end with sales of 4.99-9.99. Just to put this into perspective and be educated. WoW sold their first cosmetic mount at $25 bucks. Made Blizzard well over 20 mill on the first weekend. Gamers need to vote with their wallets. IMO this type of move is a big problem with this industry. 
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    Lucie said:
    I completely agree with the pricing,
    Why? Well look at the price of the packs those add-ons are originally part of. Now consider that anyone, even a 25$ KS backer can purchase those add-ons. How would it be fair to have the price any lower to those who bought the complete package on summer funding?
    Stop being greedy people and be happy that you even have the chance to buy the summer funding cosmetics separately like this.
    If you dont like the prices, then dont buy it, its a cosmetic item, your gaming world is not gonna end just because you dont have it.
    It would have been smarter for them to price the stuff based on your pledge level. If you pledged for say the Braver of Worlds you should have a discount on all of the cosmetics at or below your pledge. Likewise if you pledged at the lowest tier you would only have the discounts on the cosmetics of your tier. You would then pay full price above your tier for cosmetics. This way I would not have to pay an additional $400 for just cosmetics up to my tier as a Braver of Worlds as it is set up now. You should get a big discount for items at and below your tier if you are currently a kickstarter backer, it would in fact drive sales. 
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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2017
    Mazikar said:
    Lucie said:
    I completely agree with the pricing,
    Why? Well look at the price of the packs those add-ons are originally part of. Now consider that anyone, even a 25$ KS backer can purchase those add-ons. How would it be fair to have the price any lower to those who bought the complete package on summer funding?
    Stop being greedy people and be happy that you even have the chance to buy the summer funding cosmetics separately like this.
    If you dont like the prices, then dont buy it, its a cosmetic item, your gaming world is not gonna end just because you dont have it.
    It would have been smarter for them to price the stuff based on your pledge level. If you pledged for say the Braver of Worlds you should have a discount on all of the cosmetics at or below your pledge. Likewise if you pledged at the lowest tier you would only have the discounts on the cosmetics of your tier. You would then pay full price above your tier for cosmetics. This way I would not have to pay an additional $400 for just cosmetics up to my tier as a Braver of Worlds as it is set up now. You should get a big discount for items at and below your tier if you are currently a kickstarter backer, it would in fact drive sales. 

    I agree completely with this.  They should've offered greater discounts based on your original KS tier level.  Ridiculous that they even double-dipped on this funding and so close together.  Plus, the price they put on their skins is insane.  I play MOBAs occasionally and their skins don't cost that much and I still won't buy them. Thought Steven knew how to market, but all he knows how to do is cash grab.  Should've seen this coming when that whole MLM story about him dropped.

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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2017
    Mazikar said:
    Lucie said:
    I completely agree with the pricing,
    Why? Well look at the price of the packs those add-ons are originally part of. Now consider that anyone, even a 25$ KS backer can purchase those add-ons. How would it be fair to have the price any lower to those who bought the complete package on summer funding?
    Stop being greedy people and be happy that you even have the chance to buy the summer funding cosmetics separately like this.
    If you dont like the prices, then dont buy it, its a cosmetic item, your gaming world is not gonna end just because you dont have it.
    It would have been smarter for them to price the stuff based on your pledge level. If you pledged for say the Braver of Worlds you should have a discount on all of the cosmetics at or below your pledge. Likewise if you pledged at the lowest tier you would only have the discounts on the cosmetics of your tier. You would then pay full price above your tier for cosmetics. This way I would not have to pay an additional $400 for just cosmetics up to my tier as a Braver of Worlds as it is set up now. You should get a big discount for items at and below your tier if you are currently a kickstarter backer, it would in fact drive sales. 
    Yeah totally agree. Massive discount up to your pledge level, but normal prices for higher tiers (or no way to buy those at all). That's most fair to the kickstarters who initially pledge, for having this extended crowdfunding.

    I also wouldn't mind (though I know this won't be possible) to let the summer backers buy the kickstarter cosmetics (up to their pledge level) for the same additional price.
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    It's going to be available for a few weeks.
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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2017
    Prices are way too high, without the backers the game would never have gotten off the ground and we are rewarded with crazy prices for addons. Half the prices for backers would of been reasonable.  Disappointed a lot of people and to say I regret backing the game is an understatement.
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    |Too dang High|
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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2017
    As long as these addons are only for the summer upgrade period I'm fine with it. It makes sense that they'd be so expensive. As long as the cash shop is a fraction of it when it goes live.

    If there was a way to change my vote I'd change it to being fine with the prices. Again... only for this one sale. 5 and 10 bucks when it goes live is the only thing I'd support outside of the sub.
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    What about using referral rewards in the perk sale? 
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    Prices are 10/10 would buy, call me crazy!
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    Prices are 10/10 would buy, call me crazy!
    Agree, I wish they'd offer them to summer too.
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    Warkov said:
    Prices are 10/10 would buy, call me crazy!
    Agree, I wish they'd offer them to summer too.
    I think it would be worthwhile for both parties!
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    ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2017
    I made my KS Braver backing on good faith.
    After the Summer 'Exclusive' campaign and the flaccid 70% wave of summer support, to the realization that summer Exclusives are more exclusive the the KS prices* I personally will not be dipped.

    I saw the prices ( additional small fee) + 25% for being Australian and decided to go the dentist instead.

    As trailer parks boys Ricky would say "atodaso"

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