Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

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Is it possible to make a character creation too in depth

hey guys. I was thinking that maybe it's possible to make the character creation to in depth. I feel like at one point it will get intimidating to use. Like honestly BDO is even too much of you ask me. I just confused and end up not using 95 percent of the customization offered. That's just my 2 cents. What do you guys think?


  • I think BDO was great - I'd prefer more hairstyles but the body types etc I loved.

    Now Aion was too much for me xD
  • Ff14 released their character creation a few weeks ahead of launch as I recal. 

    Complex or not, when you've got nothing else to do but wait, it's nice to lose yourself in some detailed character design 
  • Templates and randomize solve the problem of 'too much customization'.
  • Only if there is no way to quick select something. With in depth CC I usually use quick select to get close to what I am looking for then I use in depth settings to refine it... if people don't want to go in depth then they just use quick selection
  • At the point that you have 10 sliders for just the shape of the eyeball, it's too in depth imo. 
  • I always would rather too much choice than not enough as if its too much when the game launches, eventually you'll make new characters and can use it more.
  • I greatly enjoyed the creator used in BDO. Though the class and gender locks they employed were a big disappointment. When you look at what AoC is promising, I thing you're going to be absolutely inundated with option. That being said, for those who want a more simplified approach I am sure there will be a randomized appearance generator as well =D
  • I agree BDO character creation was great. I think Intrepid are going for a similar concept but with even better graphics :)
  • lexmax said:
    I agree BDO character creation was great. I think Intrepid are going for a similar concept but with even better graphics :)
    And more hair please!
  • I don't think it's possible for a character creator to be too in-depth. It may be too complicated for some players to use effectively, but there's no reason that level of customization shouldn't be there for the people who *can* take advantage of it.

    I think BDO's use of user-made templates is a great idea, and something that could potentially be useful in Ashes if the customization is on par with them. That way people can still have a good-looking toons that they can tweak to their liking and aren't just randomized or the default character.
  • It may be possible, but in my opinion you can skip options you do not want to bother with so for those who do like to nit pick at their character i hope they give as many options as possible.
  • Aion was so intricate that you could make deformed beings that barely looked humoid...that was a little too much.  The thing about a plethora of choices is that from just a few feet away you can't see them.  Like so many games they darken the characters and you can't see detail or just eliminate some details till you are almost face to face.  I love choices though, and I hope we have an abundance of them.
  • I think they should go for it and give as many options as possible. And later when the potato people complain about their stuff crashing, or people complain about armor clipping or helms and hairstyles just give a "We will get around to it." and never fix it for those that decide to make amorphous blobs or stick figures with 3 foot necks.
  • I encourage as much player freedom and customization as possible, I personally want my characters to look incredibly unique.
  • I hate simple creation suites. I love spending my first hour or so tweaking my toon to the look i want. Crap cc makes me cry.
  • I don't think so. While a lot of us might not all use or even appreciate the depth of some character creation examples like BDO, they don't hurt anything. If anything they help bring the world to life. 
  • Well let's look at other character creators aside from BDO.

    Oblivion's and Skyrim's are in depth and have a ton of custom mods to make it even more in depth. People will spend at least an hour making a character. Then you have the Souls/Bloodborne games, not as in depth but still pretty detailed.

    These games are best sellers and most people just go with the default options too. I don't think it's possible to have one that's too in depth because the people who want a custom character are gonna go for it no matter what. The people who want to jump into the game are gonna go with the defaults. It's win/win for both sides.
  • Nine times out of ten when you ask "Is it possible" the answer will be "Yes, it is".

    Now that I've got the pedantic answer out of the way... :p

    Yes, it is possible.  Like others have mentioned, when you have several sliders for one body part, that's getting a little too detailed.  Most people are not going to notice that your eye slant is 20 degrees slantier than the person next to you or that your hands are 5% larger than the other berserker.

    The key traits that people will notice are skin/scale/fur color, hair style and color, facial hair, tail (if they have one), wings (if they have them), horns (if they have them), height, weight, bust size, muscle size, and general face design.

    I'm not opposed to loads of options, as long as you have numbers on the sliders/options so that I can easily remember where on the slider I liked a particular setting.
  • I am one of these people that have a fatal flaw....over analysis to the point of stasis.
    So give me a character creation screen and I will tinker for ever trying to create a perfect build.
    The more complex the system, the longer I'll be stuck in it :tongue:
  • NOPE! Gimme it all! =D
  • I want a toe hair slider!
  • I think we are close to that point already. Honestly speaking, after character creation do you know how often I actually see that character THAT up close again? The answer is probably neverm so extreme detail becomes secondary (and tertiary) as time goes on and the gameplay becomes the most important thing to me.

    Now I'm not saying I would be happy with a stick figure if everything else about the game was 100% awesome but no need to go into excessive......excess :*
  • I always found myself enjoying the little bits of detail I could see on my character and other stuff. The longer I play the game the happier I am when I notice them because its usually always a new thing for me....especially hairy toes
  • I constantly check out my character, for research purposes...
  • As it is it takes me anywhere between 5 minutes and 5 years to make a character. Skyrim was my kryptonite :(
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited 2017 09
    I constantly check out my character, for research purposes...
    Uhu :tongue:
    That would be the opposite sex with the perfect figure right ?
  • I constantly check out my character, for research purposes...
    Uhu :tongue:
    That would be the opposite sex with the perfect figure right ?
    I guess when you're desperate like Xombie, undead princesses start looking real good. 
  • Yea, it is possible, I am not sure which game it was, but you could make the most ridiculous things, so ridiculous as to break immersion.
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