Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

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[PODCAST] From The Ashes Episode 15: Forging Alliances

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edited 2017 14 in Fan Media

From The Ashes Episode 15: Forging Alliances – The Ashes of Creation podcast produced by The Dungeon Crawler Network! Join Aggelos and Thais, the Founders of The Dungeon Crawler Network, as they bare witness the rebirth of the MMORPG genre from the ashes of an industry that has left gamers behind!

This week, Aggelos is once again joined by the newest Community Moderator, @Belewyn, Guild Leader of Vengeance, @Sinbad, and Guild Leader of Sons of the Seven, @Telchar! The group continues where they left off on Episode 13: Leaders of Men by finishing up the guild system discussion and moving onto Alliance systems!

If you would like to check out our guest host’s guilds, follow the links below:

Vengeance – Website – Discord

Sons of the Sevens – Website

Show Notes:

  • The Phoenix Roundtable: Alliance System Speculation

Podcast Information:

If you wish to support From The Ashes and The Dungeon Crawler Network, consider clicking the donate link on the bottom of our website or by supporting us over at our Patreon Page, or by using our Ashes of Creation Referral Link below! You can also support us by subscribing to our YouTube channel, leaving us a review on iTunes and Google Play, or by telling a friend about us!

Original Posting:


  • Yay!!!! Thank you guys for having me on the cast. Loved the topic <3
  • what i don't get is why Agg and the dungeon crawler network don't have more viewers.  i've started watching them all the i may not agree with points they make at times, they do have good discussions on relevant topics.

    thanks for the solid content DCN! keep having fun and creating! 

    and yes @Belewyn I loved the cast on raids....was fantastic discussion. one of the best i have heard.  
  • Woot another podcast!
  • I listen to your podcast while I'm working. Keep up the good work!
  • Thanks for coming on @Belewyn! We will get you on again SOON! (You can fight it but it is going to happen!)

    @Wizard_Beard Thanks mate! So glad that you enjoy the show even if you don't always agree with our opinions! Opinions are just that and everyone has them! We actually just recorded a mailbag episode where people emailed us questions or comments on recent shows that will be out soon! If you have comments on an episode that you would like us to read and discuss you can email us here and we will be reading emails as time permits!

    @Guildart Thanks mate! Hope you enjoy!

    @Collateral That is where I consume most of my podcasts as well! Makes the day go faster!
  • Aggelos said:
    Thanks for coming on @Belewyn! We will get you on again SOON! (You can fight it but it is going to happen!)

    @Wizard_Beard Thanks mate! So glad that you enjoy the show even if you don't always agree with our opinions! Opinions are just that and everyone has them! We actually just recorded a mailbag episode where people emailed us questions or comments on recent shows that will be out soon! If you have comments on an episode that you would like us to read and discuss you can email us here and we will be reading emails as time permits!

    @Guildart Thanks mate! Hope you enjoy!

    @Collateral That is where I consume most of my podcasts as well! Makes the day go faster!
    I Do! Listen to them while making ashes signatures :smiley:
  • Awesome!  Another podcast, can't wait to listen
  • I want the podcast nowwww! :pensive: 
  • Watching now, I cannot wait! <3
  • Another great podcast. Thanks for doing it. It keeps me interested in the game.
  • Relwoh said:
    Another great podcast. Thanks for doing it. It keeps me interested in the game.
    Awesome! So glad that you liked it!!!
  • Going to need for you to do 2 podcasts a week, there's just too much time between each one.
  • Going to need for you to do 2 podcasts a week, there's just too much time between each one.
    Haha! Noted!
  • Glad your doing this :P that means i dont have to do so many XD
  • Thnxs again Aggelos for another wonderful and insightful cast.
  • Thanks @BCGiant and @Tekonll :) Already have episode 16 scheduled for Monday guys :D
  • Aggelos said:
    Thanks @BCGiant and @Tekonll :) Already have episode 16 scheduled for Monday guys :D
    That just won't do. That's way too late :3
  • I have some catching up to do.  Looking forward to it!
  • I have some catching up to do.  Looking forward to it!
    I hope you enjoy! The latest episode features our very own community moderator, @Belewyn as well as @Telchar and @Sinbad :D
  • I really enjoy these podcasts. They are not only intellectually and nerdly stimulating, but they are a great deal of fun. Glad to see I'm not the only one who likes to think of the limitless possibilities this game could have to offer while reviewing the mistakes of other MMOs have made in the past. Keep them going @Aggelos! These podcasts go great with my monday morning coffee.
  • Aggelos Once again, excellent!  You do a wonderful job.   
  • Thank you so much @Kesarakk and @CylverRayne!!! I know I put alot of work into getting these shows together so it is so nice to know people actually enjoy them! <3
  • Thank you for this great podcast!!!
  • Really enjoyed it! Keep up the great work!
  • Hoax said:
    Really enjoyed it! Keep up the great work!
    Thank you @Hoax!
  • Totally agree, @Aggelos - these podcasts are great and really a good mechanism for stirring up further discussion ongoing within AoC sites, guild, discord or wherever.

    No doubt, also, PAX will bring on a lot of further 'chatter' and I look forward to DCN's podcast re that especially...! Well done to you.

  • I can't wait for episode 16 really enjoy watching these podcasts
  • Thank you so much @Glosterian :D Yeah we are chomping at the bit for PAX Info!

    @Relwoh Your wish is my command!
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