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how to handle gold sellers and bots at launch



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    ya true, lets just hope they implement nothing real players need to bother with.
    They already made alot of good stuff to prevent gold sellers and bots through the core mechanics: theres no auctioneer, goods need to be defended in pvp fights to get value in another city(caravans/stock market), no phasing, nodes and its asociated monsters and farming spots are everchanging and gear has a limited durability (so who would spend real money for a sword thats gone within a week?)
    Add realtime bot reports and i think we're in a pretty good position already.

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    Bots aren't difficult to recognize and easy enough to report.   
    Reporting is only a short term bandage. If underlying problem isn't fixed on a deeper level, reporting only cleans the trash a bit, but trash keeps accumulating permanently.

    What is needed is to take care of the points that generate trash.


    - design world and mobs in such way so bots have hard (impossible) time to do their thing with automated scripts
    - increase gold gain in group events, reduce gold gain in solo content
    - make enemies in world stronger, so it takes human brain and human action to defeat them, while automated bots would likely die in encounters because they lack that
    - implement mechanics to prevent spamming

    Stuff like that. Reporting ofc. helps, but the main point of reporting would be to detect those bots that escaped mechanics somehow so devs take a look at them what they are doing and then implement extra mechanics to fix the holes those bots used.

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